Master's Theses
Theses from 1942
An Economic Survey of Public Welfare Programs In Kansas, 1938-1941, Betty Kempton
Sino American Relations, Philip Lin
An Analysis and Interpretation of The Short Stories and Tales of Joseph Conrad, Leona Berry
A History of The Fort Hays Kansas State College, Otis M. Dickey
A Study of Fluctuations In Coyote Numbers and Possible Causes, Sherwin B. Griswold
The Relation of The Secondary School Majors and Minors To The Majors and Minors At The Collegiate Level, Lewis Earl Naylor
The Community of Haviland, Kansas: Its Early History and Development, Arthur Dewey Rush
The Curve of Forgetting For Substance Material, Leslie J. Briggs
An Evaluation of General Science Textbooks, Cleo P. Morrissette
A Research In Sixth Grade Children's Solution of Verbal Arithmetic Problems, Herbert Schroder
Free Reading Interests of The Pupils In The Seventh and Eighth Grades, Anna Dillon
Taxation of Real Property In Hays, Kansas, From 1926 To 1940, Roy Howard Billings
An Investigation of Scholastic Achievement In Relation To Extra- Curricular Activities, Harry C. Norman
The Effect of Climate and Different Grazing and Dusting Intensities Upon The Yield of The Short Grass Prairies In West Central Kansas, Marvin L. Lacey
Theses from 1941
The Functions of The County Superintendent of Public Instruction In The State of Kansas, Jesse Earl Vague
Some Contributions To The Understanding of The Stability of Attitudes, Betty Bennett
There Were Thirteen: A Pioneer Novel of Western Kansas, Gwen Lane Funston
The Magnesium Content of The Rocks of The Upper Cretaceous System of Ellis and Osborne Counties, Kansas, Robert Funston
A Study of The Women Characters In The Long Plays of Eugene Gladstone O'Neill, Katherine Schoendaller
The Development of Friends Education In Kansas, Charles Arthur Beals
Ellsworth, Kansas : The History of A Frontier Town, 1854-1885, John Choitz
Tom Plumb, A Novel, Gwendolyn Dimmitt
The Trend of Farm Population and Land Ownership In Smith County, Kansas, From 1900 and 1940, Charles Casper Easterly
The Kansas Bill of Rights As Interpreted By The State Supreme Court 1861-1940, Thomas Clair King
Methods and Modes of Text-Book Selection, John W. Seuser
The Community of The Dominican Sisters of Great Bend, Kansas, 1902- 1941, M. Theodosia Tockert Sr.
The History of The Barnes Law and Its Effect On High School Education In Kansas, Clay Walton Brown
History of Gosper County, Nebraska, William Main
Growth of Color Discrimination Among School Children In Grades One To Six, Verna Wendelin Katona
The Role of Personal Experiences In The Formulation of Social Attitudes of Liberalism and Conservatism, Harry J. Older
A Factor Analysis of Verbal Ability, Floyd Edward Reynolds
The Community of Mullinville, Kansas (1870-1900), Marilla A. Alford
A Critical Study of The Plays of Maxwell Anderson, Maurine Bergland
Theses from 1940
The Growth of Elementary and Secondary Education In Russell County, Kansas, Elmer L. Dougherty
A Study of The Government of The City of Oberlin, Kansas, Jack S. Cronk
The Effect of Clipping and Weed Competition Upon The Spread of Pasture Grass Seedlings, Cecil L. Hase
Sectionalism and Local Color In The Short Stories of The Plains States, 1870-1938, Nelle Dooley
Real Property Assessment Variations In Dickinson County, Kansas, and Their Effect On School Finance, Robert B. Gilkison
An Analysis of Seed Production of Native Kansas Grasses During The Drought of 1939, Lester R. Branson
The Life History and Habits of Buffalo Grass, John J. Webb
The Unit Plan Versus The Textbook Plan of Teaching Arithmetic To Seventh and Eighth Grade Pupils, Arthur P. Harvey
A Study of The Effect of Home Work On Seventh and Eighth Grade Achievement In Arithmetic, M. Remigia Neder Sr.
An Investigation of Spelling Difficulties In The Elementary Grades, Carlyle P. Wetlaufer
The Attitude of The American People Toward War As Expressed In "The Saturday Evening Post" and "Atlantic Monthly" Magazines During The Years 1938 and 1939, Marion Franklin Coulson
A Survey of Guidance Practices In The Secondary Schools In The State of Kansas, Randall W. Gallion
A Study In Physical Education Trends From 1914 to 1939 In Four Selected Schools of Higher Learning, James Thomas Sampson
A Comparison of The Personal Property Tax Burden of Five Separate Groups of Business In Norton County, Hobart E. Rader
A State Equalization Fund For Secondary Education, Herbert Reinking
A Study of The Delegate Assembly and Its Function In State Teachers Associations, Floyd A. Edwards
Some Factors Affecting The Change of Attitude of College Freshmen, Iris Mabel Stevenson
A Comparative Study of Textbooks In General Agriculture Used In Senior High Schools, Lowell O. Yasmer
Theses from 1939
The Influence of Separate Answer Sheets On The Reliability and Norms of Standardized Achievement Tests, James Edward Kuntz
A Study of The Variations In The Growth of Blue Grama Grass From Seed Produced In Various Sections of The Great Plains Region, Andrew Riegel
A Remedial Program In The Four Fundamental Operations In Decimal Fractions, Hallie Ruth Weber
Learning Through Purposeful Activities In The Lower Grades, Lallie Rose Weber
Supreme Court Decisions In Kansas Affecting The Organizing of Schools, Floyd S. Hadley
A Study of The Effect of An Equal Energy Spectrum Upon Metallic Selenium In Vacuo, George Butler Scott
A History of The Changes In Population of Certain Mammals In Western Kansas, Floyd L. Carter
The Propagation of Ten Meter Radio Waves By Vertical and By Horizontal Dipole Antennas, James William Haddock
The Measurement of Vocabulary of High School Students : A Study of The Reliability of Existing Tests, George Wendell Kellogg
Variation of Moments With Distributions of Masses and Areas, Mayo Glenwood Shults
The Study of One Hundred Farm Security Administration Grant Families In Ellis County, Kansas, Clair A. Bondurant
The Scope and The Growth of The Janitor-Engineer Schools, Arthur R. Lentfer
A Study of The Direct Welfare Relief Cases of Graham County, Kansas, 1933-1939, Burtis Taylor
Book-Length Fiction By Kansas Writers, 1915-1938, Maynard Fox
A Clinical Study of The Consistency Between Verbal and Behavioral Expressions of Socio-Economic Attitudes, Elizabeth Lee Downs
Isaac McCoy : His Plan of and Work For Indian Colonization, Emory J. Lyons
The Economic Development of Gray County, Kansas, Marvin A. Hubert
Bat Masterson: The Dodge City Years, George G. Thompson
The Segregation of Real Roots of Lower Orders, Ross W. Bland
Linearity In Factor Analysis, Opal Emmons
A Study In The Adaptability of Text Book Content In Meeting Present Rural School Pupil Achievement In Music, Otto Weigel
Transient Aphasia and Some Methods of Controlling The Transient Aphasia Cycle, James Harvey Wright
The Alien Contribution To The History of Barton County, Kansas, Mearle S. Hoover
Effect of Expressive Methods of Child Psychotherapy Upon Intellectual Efficiency, Viola Caprez Ames
Asymptotic Series, Bernard Martin
A Comparison of Scholarship Ratings of High School Graduates Who Participate and Those Who Do Not Participate In Extra-Curricular Activities, Ehrenfried E. Breugel
A Study of The Structure of Hair As A Means of Mammal Identification, Earl R. Oyer
Supreme Court Decisions In Kansas Affecting The Status of Employed Teachers, Leo J. Rogers
The Lime Content of Rocks of The Upper Cretaceous System of Osborne County, Kansas, Herman D. Search
Theses from 1938
A Course Study For Two Years of Woodwork In Class "B" and "C" High Schools of Kansas, Wayne C. Jacka
The Administration of The Finances of Extra-Curricular Activities In High Schools of North Central Kansas, Martin H. Isaacson
A Comparative Study of Textbooks In Citizenship For High School, Trellie Albert James
The Organization of Content For Agricultural Teaching In Western Kansas High Schools, Leo Virgil Wedel
Education and The State Superintendent of Public Instruction In Kansas, Mary Marcella Landwehr
Pottery Making Possibilities of The Clays of Ellis County, Kansas, John M. Strange
Juvenile Delinquency of Ellis County, Kansas, 1900-1937, Harry R. Pollock
Criminal Cases In Ellis County, Kansas, 1867-1937, Wallace F. Baker
History of The Kansas Mennonites With A Study of Their European Background, Victor C. Seibert
A Study of The Administration and Organization of The High School Band In Western Kansas, Paul H. Andree
Studies In Breaking The Rest Period of Grass Plants By Treatments With Potassium Thiocyante and In Stimulating Growth With Artificial Light, Harold R. Shepherd
History of The Development of Education In The Community of Hays, Kansas, Kathryn Elizabeth McLain
A Critical Study of The Works of Sir James M. Barrie In Relation To His Life, Esther H. Brooke
Factors Affecting Vocational Guidance, Margaret Pankaskie
The Evolution of Ethical Codes In The Teaching Profession In The United States, Daniel Frederick Klemm
Teachers' Use of Cathartic Methods, Harry Mason
The Criminal Cases of Russell County, Kansas, Clyde Leon Dutt
The Influence of College Courses On Individual Differences, Clarke Carson McIlree
Educational Trends: A Study In Educational Trends Affecting School Development In Kansas From The Beginning of Statehood To The Present Time, Lawrence Sayler