Master's Theses
Theses from 1957
Variations in Yield and Carbohydrate Content of Two Seeded Native Grasses, Jimmie D. Dodd
The Effects of Clipping On Yield, Basal Cover, and Growth of Three Pasture Types in West-Central Kansas, Ross E. Johnson
A Research Survey in The Current Trends in Grouping For The Learning of Reading in The Elementary School, Lola Carter
Survey of The Qualifications of Kansas High School Coaches With Recommendations For Certification, John J. Roth Jr.
Theses from 1956
A Study of The Jericho Novels of Paul I. Wellman, Del C. Martin
Teacher Effectiveness and The Use of The Minnesota Teacher Attitude Inventory With Special Class Teachers of The Mentally Retarded in Kansas, James E. Marshall
A Study of Fort Hays Kansas State College Enrollments, Lionel D. Howell
Winter Cover of Ring-Necked Pheasant, Phasianus Colochicus, in Ellis County, Kansas, Frank R. Henderson
An Investigation of The Relationship Between Climatic Conditions and Population Changes in Western Kansas, 1885-1900, Gerald K. Aistrup
The Effects of Grazing On Relative Animal Populations in Wintertime, Guido E. Smith
A Study of Shoot, Root, and Rhizome Development of Western Wheatgrass (Agropyron Smithii), Ernest Snook
Prohibition in Kansas With An Emphasis Placed Upon Enforcement in Ellsworth County, Alva L. Farrington
The Ehingers and Welsers in Venezuela, 1520-1560, Leona Wasinger
Jason Jarrett, Jessie Lesher
The Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty, Duane F. Guy
The Frequency of Occurrence of Five Factors Which Tend To Interfere With The Home Training of Pre-Kindergarten Mentally Handicapped Trainable Children, Herbert Munderloh
A Purchasing Survey of Hays, Kansas and Surrounding Trade Territory, Robert L. Hoar
Sinclair Lewis and His Critics, Mary Lou Blakely
A Polarographic Investigation of Elemental Sulfur in Kansas Crude Oils, Frank C. Haas
Malaria, Theodore Jury
Selectivity of Perception and Selectivity of Recall As Determined By Motivational Variables, Jerry L. Harper
An Analysis of Objectives Adopted By Teachers of Beginning Speech Courses in Western Kansas High Schools and Selected College Instructors of Speech, Quentin Joseph Bogart
Transformations of Lines and Conics in The Z-Plane, Charles R. Deeter
Orthogonal Functions, Arnold L. Janousek
Theses from 1955
Concept Learning and Relearning As Related to The Frequency of Supporting Stimuli, Keith Dirks
An Evaluation of Free Instructional Materials In The Field of Woodworking, Curtis Tarrant
The Effects of Grazing and Trampling Upon Certain Soil Properties, George W. Knoll
Top and Root Development of Crested Wheatgrass (Agropyron Cristatum) and Intermediate Wheatgrass (A. Intermedium) During The First Season, Marion P. Wheeler
Teaching Three-Dimensional Form, Albert Jack Teeters
The Pheasant and Hungarian Partridge As Exotic Game Birds, Fred Nimz
Theses from 1954
Vegetation On A Mixed Prairie of West-Central Kansas, LeRay Stinemetze
Educational Theories and Curriculum Aspects of American and Cyprus Secondary Schools, Andreas M. Kazamias
A Teacher Evaluation of In-Service Education Practices in Western Kansas Elementary Schools, Roland D. Nelson
A Study of Administrative Practices in School Lunch Programs in Kansas, Clyde D. Hargadine
The County Superintendent in A County-Unit System Adaptable To Kansas, Leonard F. Howell
A Study of Opinions Relative To The Kinsley Junior-Senior High School, 1954, Robert Wayne Herron
A History of Wichita County, Kansas, Howard D. Gwin
Literary Paradoxes in The Philosophical Fragments of Soren Aabye Kierkegaard, Bertina Johnson
Elements of Difficulty in Arithmetic Experienced By High School Mathematics Students, Merril F. Durr
Scaled Personal Interests of Teachers and Counselors in The Secondary Schools of Kansas, Erwin J. Stegman
Comparative Yields of Seven Native Grasses Growing in An Ungrazed Mixed Prairie, James W. Franks
Transference Numbers of Solutions of Copper and Cadmium Sulfamate, La Vern Goetz
Group Differences of Psychotics in Responses To The Wechsler-Bellevue Intelligence Test, Joseph Edward Spradlin
Pioneering in Ohio, 1837-1848: Diary of Joseph Wood, Dorothy Dresher Richards
The Relation of Rorschach Personality Traits To Teaching Success, Harold L. Ellis
Pupil Transportation Services Provided By The Forty-Eight State Departments of Education, Joe L. Blattner
Theses from 1953
Psychological Factors Relating To Delinquency Revealed In Case Histories of Boys At The Boys Industrial School, Topeka, Kansas, Gordon A. Gardiner
A Review of Textbook Literature on Schizophrenia, Don Beckman Hawks
A Survey of School Supply Management Procedure In Certain Kansas Schools, Kenneth K. Kaufman
The Re-Valuation of William Jennings Bryan In Woodrow Wilson's Administration, Robert R. Mathers
The Story of The Central Normal College, Alice E. Unruh
The Economic Development of Ness County, Kansas, John Wesley
A Study of Factors Influential In The Mobility of Superintendents of Fifty-Eight Common School Districts, State of Kansas, 1953, Linford M. Bullock
The Conditions For Multiple Roots In Cubic and Quartic Equations, Laurence Dryden
An Interpretation of The Principal Characters In The Novels of Willa Cather, Eleanor Ormsbee
A Study of Different Methods of Interpolation As Applied To The Sine Function, Erwin L. Penner
Diplomatic Relations Between The United States and Argentina: Recognition of The Republic of Buenos Aires, John U. Tomlinson
Some Physical Properties of The Ternary System: Cyclohexylamine - Cyclohexanol - Cyclohexane, Arlin E. Mills
Some Physical Properties of The Ternary System: Cyclohexane - Cyclohexanol - Cyclohexanone, Max Earl Pickerill
The Progress of The Life Adjustment Education Program In Kansas, Galen Munsinger
A Study of Desirable Procedures For Administering The Work Experience Phase of The Practical Arts Program In Selected Kansas High Schools, Lowell E. Hawks
A Preliminary Study of The Morphological Changes In Cells Due To Cancer, Paul Dlabal
Forage Yield and Carbohydrate Content of Underground Parts of Grasses As Affected By Clipping, Floyd E. Kinsinger
An Investigation For Viable Seeds In The Surface Soils of Various Sites In A Mixed Prairie Near The Cedar Bluff Reservoir, Everett Schwartzkopf
Variations In Yield, Cover and Composition of Vegetation On A Mixed Prairie In West-Central Kansas, Harland Dietz
Theses from 1952
Dr. John R. Brinkley: A Kansas Phenomenon, Don B. Slechta
A Record of A Centrally Staged Production of A Phoenix Too Frequent By Christopher Fry, Robert J. Fusillo
A Practical Guidance Program For Small Kansas High Schools, Billy D. Jellison
Analysis of College Practices In Students Organization Accounting With Recommendations For A Standardized Procedure, Walter E. Keating
The Costumes of Chaucer's Pilgrims, Hettie Celestia Easterly
Adequacy of Legal Provisions Governing School Bus Transportation In Kansas, John W. Page
A Production Thesis of Charles The Second, Or The Merry Monarch, Gayle N. Combest
An Experimental Developmental Reading Program For A City Elementary School, Lloyd Shank
Character and Personality Development Through Literature, Miriam Perry
A Survey of Preparation and Needs of Public School Administrators In Western Kansas, Orpheus Warren Settles
An Investigation For Varietal Differences of Scaphytopius (Cloanthanus) Acutus (Say) (Homoptera, Cicadellidae), Charles Rassaert
Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra of Some Iodinated Phenols, Donald Rudyard Brumfield
A Study of Dental Fluorosis In The Vicinity of La Crosse, Kansas, Harold Keith Ritter
Economic Development of Gove County, Kansas, Theo Roberts
Root and Top Development of Five Native Kansas Legumes From Seed To End of The First Season, Robert P. Gibbens
Community Sales In Kansas, Nellis A. Briscoe
Theses from 1951
A Study of The Summer Remedial Reading Program of The Ellinwood, Kansas, Elementary School, Manly Huber
The Learning and Retention of Concepts By Psychotics, Eldon I. Becker
The Influence of Hints On The Formation and Retention of Concepts, Phyllis Ellis
A Study of High School Graduates, Walter Ewy
An Annotated Bibliography of Suggested Free Reading For The Seventh Grade, John Sipe
An Investigation of The Raman Effect and The Percentage of Light Transmitted With Certain Wavelength Limits For Ten New Chemical Compounds, E. Elliott Gibbens
An Investigation of The Relationship Between Concept Formation and Rorschach Personality Measures, Homer B. C. Reed Jr.
The Effect of Bilingualism On Intelligence At The High School Level, William C. Kitchen
The Evolution of The Common School System of Ellis County, Kansas, Hyacinth S. Roth
Sinclair Lewis: Social Satirist, Milldred L. Bryant-Parsons
A Comparison of Automobile Registration Receipts and Automobile Assessment Valuation In Ellis County, Kansas For 1950, Dorrell G. George
The Treatment of The Negro In Modern American Drama From 1900-1950, Marva Lange
An Investigation of Some Iodine Derivatives of Ortho and Para Halogenated Phenols, Robert M. Abernathey
Public Textbook Selection In Forty-Eight States, Victor A. Durrance
May Williams Ward: Kansas Poet, Irene Hancock-Suran
The Relationship of Eighth Grade Pupil Achievement To Teacher Preparation and Experience, Victor O. Ward
An Investigation of The Iodine Derivatives of Certain Meta-Substituted Phenols, Paul M. Duell
Instrumental Music In Western Kansas Public Schools, Harold G. Palmer