Master's Theses
Theses from 1964
Leaf Anatomy of Some Grasses of Northwest Kansas, Girija Prasad Roy
A History of Thomas County, Kansas, Wayne C. Wingo
John Keats' "Beauty is Truth" as Interpreted Since 1957 by the Critics of the "Ode on a Grecian Urn", Stanley D. Brown
A Physical Education Curriculum Guide for the Lincoln Elementary School Hays, Kansas, Berniece May Fulton
The Effects of Isometric and Isotonic Exercise Upon the Development of Strength, Endurance, and Cross Transfer of the Elbow Flexor Muscles, Ronald Edward Gardner
Teacher Attitudes and Preferences for Teaching Children with Various Exceptionalities, Marguerite Lynch
Power Relationships Among Personnel and Patients in Neuropsychiatric Hospitals, Joan Helen MacDonald Ball
The Significance of Realism in Sculpture, Omer A. Knoll
A Nesting Study of the Common Grackle in an Ellis County, Kansas Timber Claim, Gerald Dean Lindsey
A Rationale for the Statutory Foundation of Privileged Communication for Counseling Based on an Historical Study of the Genesis and Development of the Concept in the Legal, Medical, and Ministerial Professions, Cleda Rambo McCullough
Anodic Behavior of Tin, Thomas Sze-Sing Soh
The Effect of Major Varsity Athletic Participation on Academic Achievement at Fort Hays Kansas State College, Gerald D. Strecker
The Use of Colored Chalk as a Painting Medium, Harriet Loevenguth Becker
An Investigation of College Preparatory Backgrounds, Lila Maurine Jones
An Evaluation of the Chicago Archdiocesan Reading Program Presently Functioning at St. Nicholas School Evanston, Illinois 1962-1964, M. Johnel Ruder Sr.
Ascanio Mayone's Primo Libro Di Ricercari A Tre Voci (Naples, 1606), Billy Lee Bolton
Construction and Application of a Versatile Solid State Potentiostat, James Arnold Lott
A Study of Shared Time-Public and Parochial Schools, M. Kathleen Regan Sr.
Unification of Ellsworth County School Districts, Opal Weinhold
Team Teaching and the Ungraded Primary Organization, Raymond A. Jagels
Effects of Directed Verbal Conditioning on Self-Ideal Discrepancies, Sherman Daryl Birney
Retinitis Pigmentosa, Joe D. Hewett
Comparison of Methods for Teaching Operations with Signed Numbers, Morris Clifton (Cliff) Tillett
An Osteological Study of Nyctosaurus and Trinacromerum with a Description of a New Species of Nyctosaurus, Orville W. Bonner
What Undergraduate Business Education Courses Help the Superintendent and High School Principal Do a Better Job of Administering the School, Loren W. Goodheart
A Survey of Migratory Shorebirds and Water Conditions of the Finney Basin near Garden City, Finney County, Kansas, John Alvin Davis
Anxiety and Cooperation in A Non-Zero-Sum Game, Ronald W. Gates
A Study of Intellectually Gifted-Child Identification Procedures and Instructional Programs Employed in the Catholic Elementary Schools of the Diocese of Wichita, Kansas, M. Francis Rita Bernard Sr.
An Action Research Report on Instructional Materials Centers, Jimmy John Dizmang
Chromatic Commentaries in Oil Paint, Frank E. Evans
Variations Upon the Theme of Mother and Child, Sally S. Meadows
A Pressure Group in Microcosm, Robert J. Hammer
Transformation of Selected Lines and Conics in the Z-Plane, Lester Hornung
The Sociological and Psychological Impact of Television on the Socialization Process of Children, Renate Hausin
Transformations of Selected Regions of the Z-Plane, Eldean Bahm
Distributional Patterns of Vegetation on a Small Hillside, Using the Ordination Technique of Analysis, Paul E. Bergman
Studies of Human Forms Carved on Non-Kiln Dried Wood, Anne Putuhena-Johnson
The Laplace Transform : Theory and Applications, Moon-Kwan Chang
A Historical Study of Teacher Education at Fort Hays Kansas State College (1902-1964), Eleanor L. Heil
Expressing the Human Figure in the Lost Wax Technique, John L. Mayer
Evaluating Criticisms of Unemployment Statistics, Ronald R. Callahan
Racial Discrimination in Employment and Housing in Urban Kansas, Larry L. Kahle
A Study of the Influence of Junior High School Shop on Freshman and Sophomore Boys at Hays High School, Loyd Asher
A Comparison of the Epidermal Pattern of Some Grasses of Northwest Kansas, Marvin L. Jeffers
The Burden of the Public Debt, Michael Ward Butler
A Developmental Reading Program for High School, Alma D. Johnson
Parallelism in James, Tracey R. Miller
Carlyle's Past and Present and German Thought, Audry Ann Karls
Some Considerations in the Use of Point Quadrats in the Analysis of Mixed Prairie Vegetation, Harold G. Nagel
A Status Study of the Western Kansas Secondary School Administrator, James J. Weber
A Cross-Sectional Study of Changes in Dogmatism and an Exploration of Related Variables, Ron Veatch
An Investigation of the Anxiety and Hostility Indices on the Holtzman Inkblot Test, Stanley G. Hogsett
An Experimental Investigation of the Processes and Techniques Employed in Painting, Julie Mei Jan Chu
Theses from 1963
A Study Designed to Investigate the Effects of Motivational Orientations and Environmental Conditions Upon Bargaining Behavior, Gale R. Giebler
Relationship Between Physical Fitness, Social Adjustment and Self-Concepts of Ninth and Tenth Grade Girls, F. Yvonne Slingerland
Procedures and Techniques for Conducting a Fort Hays Kansas State College Curriculum Evaluation in the Public Schools, Betty J. Aubel
The Dull Knife Raid of 1878 : A Study of the Frontier, Ramon S. Powers
Jonathan Swift's Recommendations in "A Modest Proposal" and Economic Conditions in Ireland from 1729 to 1745, Gerald Kelvin Aiken
The Expression of Form in Cast Sculpture, William J. Leach
A Survey of Research Dealing With Personal Adjustment in Protestant Homes for the Aged and an Exploratory Study of the Problem, Esther Schmidt
A Study in Individualized Reading With Nine- and Ten-Year-Old Pupils, Ruth Steinke
Symbolic Interpretations of Moby Dick, John B. Terbovich
Experiments in Techniques for Metal Enameling, Ethel M. Hooper
A Study of the Procedures and Policies Used by Kansas Banks in Establishing Lines of Credit, Kerry Scott Cain
The Recall of Meaningful Material as a Function of List Length and the Number of Categories, Robert Loy Clark
Factors Necessary in Developing a Functional Shop and Home Mechanics Course For Junior High Girls, Dale Fisher
A Study to Predict the Success of Students in Plane Geometry in Worland High School, in Worland Wyoming, Joseph S. Kienlen
A Critical Analysis of School Building Insurance, Arthur J. Krannawitter
An Investigation of the Role of Directional Dynamics in the Production of Rorschach Movement Responses, Timothy G. Schumacher
Behavioral Change in Children Seen at the Fort Hays Kansas State College Psychological Service Center, Charles R. Befort
A Survey of Materials Available for the Development of a Handbook for School Custodians, Kenneth Habig
A History of Fort Zarah, 1864-1869, Lawrence C. Hammer
Ceramic Design : The Trapped Air Technique, Jon T. Hartman
Comparison of Programed-Text Instruction With the Methods of Tutoring and Classroom Lecturing at Three Levels of Learning Ability, Richard Vernon Alumbaugh
Non-Zero-Sum Type Game Performance as a Predictor of Social Conceptualization, Thomas C. Dreiling
Development of Form and Ornamentation of Handbuilt Ceramics, Howard Galen Flora
A Status Study of Prospective School Administrators Graduated from Fort Hays Kansas State College, 1955-1960, Milford D. Messer
Cheating: A Comparison of its Incidence in Self-Scoring and on a Paper and Pencil Test at Fort Hays Kansas State College, Norman Simmons
A Morphological and Anatomical Comparison of Winter Rosette Leaves and Summer Leaves of Some Prairie Forbs, Charles Rex Trauer
A Study of Carl Sandburg's Poetry : His Early Impressionism and Later Folklorism, Tetsuji Akasofu
Some Effects of Localized, Acute X-Irradiation Upon the Translocatory System of Helianthus Annus L., Rex E. Kerstetter
An Experimental Investigation of the Processes and Techniques Employed in the Woodcut, Etching, and Aquatint, Dorothy A. Cornwell
Catholic Doctrine in Contemporary American Catholic Poetry, M. Hilda Stubna Sr.
A Floristic and Ecological Study of Selected Mesic and Hydric Lowlands in Western Kansas, Kenneth Kriss Goodrow
A Study to Predict 1963-1970 Enrollments at Fort Hays Kansas State College, Rose Howard King
Influence of Soil Moisture Stress on Total Available Sugars of Three Prairie Grasses at Various States of Development, Gary B. Donart
Determining the Relative Responsibilities for Educational Objectives in Four Selected Schools of Western Kansas, Glenn D. Brown
The Clergyman's Conception of Mental Health, Ernest Elim Lawson
An Approach to the Validation of the Draw-a-Person Test, Denis J. Shumate
A Guide to School Building Insurance in Kansas, Robert Marvin Boyd
Vegetation and Soil Comparisons Among Three Areas: Mowed, Relict, and Moderately Grazed, David D. Ankle
Shorthand Homework Assignments in Selected Kansas Secondary Schools, Hubert Donald Deane
Effects of Periodic Inundation on Shoreline Vegetation of Abandoned Cultivated Fields at Cedar Bluff Reservoir, Trego County, Kansas, Danny Bernard Martin
A Kinetic Study of the Deiodination of N, N-Dimethyl-p-Iodoaniline, Iwhan Cho
A Bibliography and Catalogue of the Reptiles and Birds of the Kansas Cretaceous With Descriptions of New Species, John Christian Harksen
Variations in Vegetation and Soil on Three Breaks-Sites Overlying Three Different Limestone Formations, Charles Ray Smith
Cross Transfer Effects Utilizing a Unilateral Maximal Isometric Strength Measurement Schedule, Dale E. Williams