Master's Theses
Theses from 1963
Comparison of Soils and Vegetation on Five Undisturbed Limy Upland Range Sites in Ellis County, Kansas, Larry Dean Lunsford
Translocation of Radioactive 2,4-D in Western Ragweed (Ambrosia Psilostachya), Thomas D. Johnsten
The Marshall Mission, 1946, Dennis Joe Stewart
Influence of Season of Grazing and Intensity of Grazing on Vegetative Composition and Yields, Samuel M. Miller
Variations of Ceramic Forms from the Potters Wheel, Jim Bornemann
Drawing as a Means of Expression, Sue F. Gwynn
Exploration and Development of Ideas Through Refinements of Ceramic and Drawing Processes and Techniques, Eleanor Zohner
An Analysis of the Personnel Selection Practices in Columbia, Augusto Arias
The Role of Nature in the Borderers : A Study of the Interpretations of Wordsworth's Early Drama, Thomas Stewart Lillard
Rhetoric in Early Hays City, 1876-1900, James F. Caton
Mourning Dove Production in an Ellis County, Kansas Timber Claim, Max Schroeder
The Autonomy of Line, Delores E. Euler
Ceramic Design and Ornamentation, Dick Fisher
Theses from 1962
Effect of Nitrogen Fertilizer on the Growth of Wheat in Competition with Fireweed (Kochia Scoparia), Madhukar K. Kherde
A Study of Vegetation and Soil in Relation to Intensity of Grazing in North Central Kansas, Gary Lee Noller
A Modern Approach to Certain Algebraic Topics, Russell Arden Duer
The Controversy Over the Location of the County Seat in Logan County, Kansas, Donald D. Short
An Analysis of the McDonald Soccer Skill Test as Applied to Junior High School Girls, Bonnie Streck
The Ungraded Primary as an Administrative Device, Irene L. Thompson
A Research Survey on the Introduction of Individualized Reading in the Elementary School, Carl Eugene Wiltfong
Church and Sect in Jehovah Witnesses of Russell, Kansas, Arthur William Anderson
An Experiment in Teaching Shakespeare, Margaret Theresa Brennan
The Mechanism of Protodeiodination of O-Iodoaniline, Nam Sok Choi
Frontier Army Life Revealed by Charles King, 1844-1933, Hazel Manning Flock
Cross Transfer Effects of Isometric Strength Measurement Schedules, Arthur Lee Ray
Shorebird Migration at Cheyenne Bottoms, Kansas, 1961-1962, Willard Clair Ferguson
United States Relations with Chiang Kai-Shek, 1937-1949, Francis Eugene Jones
The Hydrolytic Separation of Rhodium from Iridium, Gene W. Schmidt
Milton's Christ, as Seen by the Critics of Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained Since 1900, Robert Granger Wright
A Proposed Business Practice Course for Small High Schools, Joesph Clifford Chism
Social Hierarchy in Wintering Harris' Sparrows, Donald Kenneth Darnell
A Study to Develop Expectancy Tables and Correlations for Prediction of Grades in English, Algebra, and General Mathematics from Selected Subtests of the Differential Aptitude Test, Marjorie B. Simons
The Problem of France and its Effect on the Potsdam Agreements, Larry Keith Anderson
Parallelism in Romans, Paul M. Biays
Attitudes Toward Seeking Help from Instructors, Dale Lewis Jones
A Study to Predict Success in Mathematics for Students in the Secondary Schools of Dodge City, Kansas, Lucille D. Wilson
A History of Hadley Memorial Hospital and Rehabilitation Center, Marc T. Campbell Jr.
A Study of Social Attitude Similarity Between Parents and Children, Robert Clifford Beck
Creative Expression in Ceramic Design, Eleanor Miller
Creative Sculpture Experience, Archie Warren Shepard
Mrs. Underwood : Linguist, Litterateuse, Carol Craine
Content Analysis of the Holtzman Inkblot Test with Regard to the Projection of Hostility, Roberta B. Harkness
A History of The Hays, Kansas, Daily News, Robert J. Spangler
Conditioning a Class of Verbal Behavior in Schizophrenics and Normals Using Both Verbal and Gestural Reinforcement, Joan M. Baer Slechta
Computational Procedures for the Calculation of the Inverse Matrix, Vernon J. Kisner
Food Plants Utilized by Migratory Waterfowl at Cheyenne Bottoms Waterfowl Refuge, Stanley E. Schlegel
Behavior of Prairie Plants During Winter Months, Ram Prashad Singh
Forecasting Wheat and Grass Yields from Climatic Factors, Kenneth F. Reinert
A Study of the Opinions of High School and College Students of Western Kansas Regarding Science Teachers and Science Courses, Henry A. Levin
Competitive Effects of Japanese Brome (Bromus Japonicus Thunb.) on Native Perennial Grasses, Gale L. Wolters
The Herpetofauna of Ellis County, Kansas, Charles Deane Gish
The Epidermal Characteristics of the First Seedling Leaves of Certain Grass Seedlings, Donald Leon Watson
A Survey of Theme and Creative Writing in Secondary Schools, Marjorie Hartman
Theses from 1961
A Survey and Analysis of the Material Concerning the Small Community, Kenneth Felts
A Production Thesis of Stephen Vincent Benet's John Brown's Body, Thomas B. Samples
Content Analysis of the Holtzman Inkblot Test with Regard to the Projection of Anxiety, Duane Brown
Analysis of Sports Skills of Male Freshmen at Fort Hays Kansas State College, Merle Harris
A Study of a Method to Determine Some of the Effects of Plant Competition, Robert J. Baalman
A Study of the Algae of Cheyenne Bottoms Wildlife Refuge, Edward A. Brazda
Methods of Assessing Child Growth, Jerry Jerome McCollough
An Evaluation of a Speed-a-Way Knowledge Test, Wendell Palmer
Bodily Concern: Assessment and Personality Variables, Herndon A. Snider
Role Playing as an Approach to Parent Teacher Conferences, Dorothy Owen
The Development of First Year Grass Seedlings on an Upland Site Under Mowed and Unmowed Conditions in Pawnee County, Kansas, Sheldon Saxton
Some Ecological Studies of the Vegetation at the Cheyenne Bottoms Waterfowl Refuge, Duane Sonnenburg
An Algebra of Continued Fractions, Kay W. Dundas
The Effect of Order Upon a Selected Measure of Human Strength, Harold H. Morris
Abstract Expressionism: An Adventure in Ambiguous Painting, Ellen Saunders
Creative Personality in Oil Painting, Peter Perdaris
Carbohydrate Root Reserves of Three Native Prairie Grasses, Herbert H. Hischke
Mental Retardation : Severity, Recognition, and Parental Attitudes, Lucille Morris
The Kansas Pacific and Railroad Land Policy in Wallace County, Kansas, Robert Edward Brand
Responses of Big Bluestem to Habitat Factors in Relict Prairie, K.R Patel
Personality Correlates of Volunteering Behavior, Jay T. Tooley
Vegetation Cover, Composition, and Yield as Influenced by Soil, Litter and Grazing Intensity, V.V. Modha
Epidermal Patterns of the Leaf Blade in Selected Andropogoneae, Yong No Lee
A Study of Certain Trigonometric and Hyperbolic Transformations, Ronald A. Nelson
Variations in Vegetation and Microclimate on North- and South-Facing Slopes in the Mixed Prairie near Hays, Kansas, James T. Nichols
Yearbook Handbook: A Manual for the Staff of The Reveille, Yearbook of Fort Hays Kansas State College, Katherine L. Rogers
Chaucer's Franklin, Dale Anderson
Edwards County, Kansas 1872-1900, Gerald H. Coffin
Metamorphic Expressions in Metal, Robert H. Chism
Hemoglobin Determination of 1525 Adults in Ellis and the Surrounding Counties of Kansas, James L. Henderson
Decomposition of the Methiodide of O-Phenyl-N--Dimethylaminoethyl-P-Phenylphosphonamidate Under Hofmann Elimination Conditions, Morris C. Talbert
The Mother's Perception of the Effect of a Mentally Retarded Child on the Marital Relationship, Joseph E. Hubbard
Parallels to Calvinism in the Works of William Faulkner, Minnie G. Hubbard
A Study Involving the Synthesis of Unsymmetrical Dibenzylcarbinols, Edward Horning
A Survey of Some Aspects of Corporate Enterprise, Jing-Min Lin
An Ecological Study of the Vertebrates of a Streambank Community in Ellis County, Kansas, Jerrell L. Smith
Constructivism in Lost Wax, Gary E. Coulter
Visual Comments in Watercolor Media, Harold B. Helwig
Theses from 1960
Growth of Native Grasses in the Mixed Prairie Near Hays, Kansas, in Relation to Past Intensity of Utilization, Marlyn V. Jones
Production Thesis of the Trojan Woman, Robert Lee Phillips
Effect of Recent Curriculum Studies on the Content of Ninth Grade Algebra Textbooks, Donald Joe Mildrexler
A Survey of String Music in Kansas, Charlotte Powell Shaffer
Difference Equations: Theory and Applications, Ira T. Whipple
Fremont's Expeditions Through Kansas, 1842-1854, Lilburn H. Horton Jr.
A Study of the Economic Factors Affecting Labor Mobility in the United States from 1950 Through 1959, Hazel M. Price
A Study of the Super Market Industry, Tonis Othonos Kyriakides
Soil-Vegetation Relationships on a Chalk Flat Range Site in Gove County, Kansas, Lyle D. Linnell