Economics, Finance, & Accounting
Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
All through their history the American people have lived and developed in the presence of abundant land. If a farm failed to produce profitably the occupants would merely move to the frontier and take up new land. In the few years prior to nineteen hundred the frontier, as a large determining factor in the life of our people, ceased to exist. Many farm problems arose. The spread of the machine process has raised many problems which we have to puzzle over. Power farm machinery has made it possible for one man to do the work which formerly required the services of many men. One man can farm more land than formerly. A short history has been prepared as an introduction to this study of the trend of farm population and. land ownership in Smith County.
Kansas--History, Smith County (Kan.), Smith Center (Kan.), Gaylord (Kan.), Cedar (Kan.), Harlan (Kan.), Lebanon (Kan.), Kensington (Kan.), Atho (Kan.)l, Farming, Farmland, Land prices, Ghost towns
Dr. William D. Moreland
Date of Award
Summer 1941
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Easterly, Charles Casper, "The Trend of Farm Population and Land Ownership In Smith County, Kansas, From 1900 and 1940" (1941). Master's Theses. 340.
DOI: 10.58809/HPFJ4592
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