Master's Theses



Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


In brief, the Barnes Law is a county wide plan of taxation to aid in the cost of operation and maintenance of the high schools within the county. A Barnes county is one in which the high schools of the county are a unit operating under the provisions of the Barnes Act. In making this investigation the Historical and Statistical methods of research were divided into three parts, first the agencies and organizations used to secure facts leading to the enactment of the Barnes Law. This was done by examining the Biennial Reports of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, newspaper files, and the House and Senate Journals of Kansas; the second phase was a study of the General Statutes, School Laws and the Session Laws to find the changes and amendments to the original Barnes Law.; the third phase included tabulating the statistical data from the Biennial Reports of the State Superintendent and the Kansas Educational Directory to determine the growth of the Barnes Plan for the support of the high schools.


Dr. Robert T. McGrath

Date of Award

Summer 1941

Document Type



© The Author(s)


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