Health and Human Performance
Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
A study of physical education trends for the last twenty-five years is a subject that offers varied possibilities. There are many aspects of the problem, any one of which furnishes a wealth of material. Many reports and articles have been written to show the sociological and physiological benefits of a well-rounded physical education program. Histories on the rise and growth of physical education throughout the nation are studied in many schools of higher learning. The particular problem of this thesis is, “A Study in Physical Education Trends from 1914 to 1939 in Four Selected Schools of Higher Learning."
Higher education, P.E., Universities & colleges, Physical Education, Research, Curriculum
Dr. Robert T. McGrath
Date of Award
Summer 1940
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Sampson, James Thomas, "A Study In Physical Education Trends From 1914 to 1939 In Four Selected Schools of Higher Learning" (1940). Master's Theses. 328.
DOI: 10.58809/IPOM3951
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