Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
The Supreme Court as the highest tribunal in the State of Kansas has from time to time during the Statehood of Kansas rendered decisions that are of importance in settling controversies between teachers and school district boards. In any state there is a need for higher court to see that justice is meted out to those who, through some misunderstanding, become involved in conflicting ideas or opinions. Since time immortal there has been conflicting ideas and opinions in all societies and institutions. One result of which is our Supreme Court set-up. The purpose of this thesis is to review the Supreme Court decisions affecting the status of employed teachers in Kansas.
School law, Kansas supreme court, Teacher contracts, Teacher dismissal and removal, Teacher compensation, Case law, Public education, Education law
Dr. Robert T. McGrath
Date of Award
Spring 1939
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Rogers, Leo J., "Supreme Court Decisions In Kansas Affecting The Status of Employed Teachers" (1939). Master's Theses. 304.
DOI: 10.58809/NLEN4670
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