Master's Theses
Theses from 1950
The Growth of Activities In Kansas High Schools, Beverly H. Brookshire
The Sod House In Western Kansas, Isabelle Q. Neyer
A Supervisory Program For Elementary Schools, Michael L. Biggs
Evolution of The State Board of Education, Ivan Davis
A Compilation of Published Research In Elementary Arithmetic Since 1931, Alfred C. Birdsell
An Investigation of The Electrolytic Behavior of The Nitroparaffins, Harold A. Brejcha
A History of Nicodemus, Graham County, Kansas., Orval L. McDaniel
Comparative Effectiveness of Elementary School Achievement In English Speaking Countries, Arthur R. Self
A History of The Cattle Pools In Barber County, Kansas, Charles C. Forsyth
Application of Radio Techniques In The Classroom In The Secondary Schools, Ronald T. Ramsey
An Evaluation and Interpretation of The Principal Characters In The Novels of W. Somerset Maugham, Leo L. Van Scoyc
A Study of Indian Raids In Northwest Kansas, 1864-1878, Winton L. Crown
A Study of Performance In English Skills, Reading Comprehension and Written Composition, Paul Cartson Kennedy
Fourier Series and Some Applications, Lawrence D. Marcotte
An Investigation of The Iodination of P-Alkylphenols, Harold H. Gill
A Comparison of The Klopfer-Kelly and Beck Methods of Rating Intelligence Level From The Rorschach Test, William K. Bates
The Psycho-Physical Evaluation of Selected Textbooks In High School English, William G. Hegarty
Investigation of The Iodination of Some of The Ortho Substituted Phenols, Horace S. Higgens
Fluorescence of Oil Well Cuttings Under The Action of Ultraviolet Light As Pertaining To Depth of Wells Investigated, Linus S. Drees
The Growth of The Educational Program In Kansas For Handicapped Children, Bill E. McArthur
The Evolution of Educational Opportunities In Ness County, Kansas, Charles G. Wolfe
A Comparative Study of Four High School Textbooks In Physics Based On A Derived Vocabulary, Harlan Gilbert Bowman
An Annotated Handbook of Free Teaching Materials For Industrial Arts Instructors, Donald L. Ferguson
A Study of The Attitudes of 1000 High School Seniors Toward Teaching and The Teaching Profession, Paul R. Cobb
The Smoky Hill Trail In Western Kansas, 1859-1869, John W. Neyer
A Study of The School Load of Elementary School Principals In Kansas, Loren W. Wellman
Rodent Populations and Activities On A Moderately Grazed Mixed Prairie Near Hays, Kansas, John L. Paulk
Current Trends In Basketball Coaching, Cade Suran
Physical Properties of The Ternary System: Ethylene Glycol - Disthylene Glycol - Water, Robert Marvin Tombaugh
Theses from 1949
Stem Anatomy of Twelve Forbs of The Family Compositae Growing Near Hays, Kansas, Cheng Lin
The Evolution of Schools of Phillips County, Kansas, Clarence A. Schamber
The Status of Journalism in Kansas High Schools and Colleges, Leland E. Heinze
The Formation and Retention of Concepts as a Function of Their Abstractness, Ruth Baker Hines
A Projected School-Community Relationship Program in Western Kansas, Joe J. Jellison
An Investigation of The Radioactivity of Oilwell Drilling Fluid, With Depth, of Wells in The Berland Field of Rooks County, Milford W. Johnston
A Study in Achievement of College Freshmen Using The American Council of Education Cooperative Biology Test, Elmer B. Vecera
A Survey of Early Washington County and A Study of The Development of Hollenberg, Kansas, J. Holland Vernon
The Relation of Vocabulary To Intelligence and Semester Grades of College Freshmen, Silas W. Clifton
A Determination of The Decomposition Potential of Sulfamic Acid and Certain of Its Metallic Salts, Francis J. Shell
Adequacy of The High School Science Vocabulary in Biology in Filling The Needs For Normal Reading of Popular Magazines, Clarence H. Stinemetze
Racial Differences in Intelligence Between Whites and Negroes of Similar Social and Economic Status in Saline and Graham Counties, William F. Kluge
A Study of Aldehyde Derivatives of Metallic Sulfamates, Edmond A. Morin
The Cowan Adolescent Adjustment Analyzer Used As An Instrument For The Evaluation of Academic Functional Efficiency, Wilbert J. Mueller
The Reactions of Ethyl Acetoacetate With Certain Halogen Derivatives of Alcohols, Harold E. Sullivan
A Study of The Fort Hays Kansas State College Placement Tests, Claud J. Bray
An Investigation of The Dissociation of Certain Cyclohexane Derivatives of Aliphatic Acids, Jack Norman Finch
Proposed Qualifications For Custodians in Certain Kansas Schools, Herbert A. Barkley
An Analytic Study of Eight-Grade Pupil Performance As Revealed Through The Stanford Achievement Test in Arithmetic, Dominic J. Brungardt
Fraternal Life Insurance With Special Reference To Kansas, Dollie B. Thomas
Theses from 1948
Achievement in Physical Science in Relation To The Type of High School Attended, Joseph A. Stremel Rev.
Achievement of Pupils At Upper Grade Levels in Russell County, Kansas, Lawrence C. Dillon
Religious and Educational Contributions of German-Russians To The Development of Rush and Ellis Counties, Kansas, Alex G. Stremel Rev.
The Relationship of Reading and Spelling Ability At Various School Levels, Robert C. Richards
Studies of Increment, Height-Weight, and Moisture Content of Important Western Kansas Grasses, John Launchbaugh
The Kansas Court of Industrial Relations, Jack W. Rodgers
The Ecology of A Pasture in The Dakota Sandstone Formation in Ellsworth County, Kansas, Byron O. Blair
The Construction Procedure of The Saline River Habitat Group in The Fort Hays Kansas State College Museum, William Raymond Eastman
Physical Properties of Ellis County Adobe, William G. Read
The Measurement of Retention of Selected Terms in Constitution Textbooks For High Schools, Roy R. Hoff
Determination of The Proper Mixtures of Ellis County Soils For Adobe Construction, Buster W. Read
The Evolution of The Junior High School in Kansas, Vernald Charles Rowe
Child Labor in Kansas, William H. Cape
Theses from 1947
Effects On Different Intensities of Utilization Upon The Underground Parts of Short Grasses In West Central Kansas, Farrel Branson
The Value of Visual Aids In The Teaching of American History, Elmer W. Ward
A Critical Evaluation of Philip Barry's Plays, Elinor L. Brining
Spelling Rules As An Effective Factor In Seventh And Eighth Grade Spelling Achievement, Earl G. Schwartzkopf
A Comparative Study of Four Recent U. S. History Textbooks For The Secondary Schools, Fred P. Unruh
A Descriptive Analysis of The Musculature And Osseous Systems of The Kangaroo Rat, Dipodomys Ordii, Virgil Mathis
An Ecological Study of The Pocket Gopher In An Sandy Loam Area of Ellis County, Kansas., Benjamin Mosier
An Analytic Comparative Study of Certain Biology Textbooks Used At Secondary School Level, Joseph E. Rankin
A Study of The State Aid Laws And Their Application In Certain Selected States, Marvin J. Dumler
Business Management of The Small Denominational College, Ruben J. Dumler
Arithmetical Vocabulary : A Factor In Verbal Problem Solving In Sixth Grade Arithmetic, Ernest A. Hoopes
An Analysis of The Results of The State Reading Achievement Test In Selected Counties, 1947, W. Wallace Steeples
English Translations of Two German Plays With Introduction And Notes, Elva Ellen Bartel
The Economic Development of Cowley County, Kansas, Richard J. Chisum
A Theme Study of Social Problems In A Group of Short Stories Written Between 1936 And 1946, Irma Martian Reed
A Study of The Divorce Theme As Used In The Novels of Major And Minor Authors During The Period 1920-1945, Ethel Liss Simpson
The Comparative Achievement of Entering College Freshmen Based On Standardized Tests And Semester Grade Point, Floyd L. Reed
Study of Viable Seeds In Surface Soil From Various Habitats In Ellis County, Kansas, Robert D. Lippert
Pastures of Western Kansas In Relation To Intensity of Utilization In Past Years, Gerald W. Tomanek
A Resume of The International Law of Aviation, Horace B. Jacobini
Theses from 1946
A Study In Retention In Fundamental Operations In Algebra, George Adams
A Study Of Retention Of Percentage, Fred Dellett
A Guidance Program For The Junior-Senior High School, Clarence G. Hubbart
Theses from 1945
An Instrumental Music Method For Teaching Band Instruments In Classes In The Fourth And Fifth Grades, Robert A. Gantner
The Neo-Humanistic Criticism Of Irving Babbitt, Carrie Baier McCoid
A Comparative Study Of Directed Laboratory And Lecture Demonstration As Methods Of Instruction In Teaching Botany To High School Students, M. Lucida Vorndran
Bio-Ecology On A Mixed Prairie Near Hays, Kansas, H. Leo Brown
Theses from 1944
The Utilization of Grasses and Forbs in Relation to The Intensity of Grazing in The Mixed Prairie Near Hays, Kansas, Noel Runyon
The Philosophy of Life Reflected in The Poetry of Emily Jane Bronte and Christina Georgina Rossetti, M. Ildefonse Wagner Sr.
Theses from 1943
Some Physical and Chemical Properties of Wheat Starch In Relationship To The Maturity of The Wheat, Claude W. Bice
Observations of The Use and Efficacy of Changing A Patient's Concept of His Role: A Psychotherapeutic Device, Ethel D. Edwards
An Analytical Study of The High School Athletic Associations, Roland H. Vanderbilt
The Nicodemus Colony of Graham County, Kansas, William J. Belleau
A Further Validation of Role Therapy, Alexander Robinson
Growth Seed Yields, and Seedling Production of Native Prairie Plants In Various Habitats of The Mixed Prairie, H. Ray Brown
The Standardization of The Kelly Spatial Insight Test, Darlieene Thompson
Theses from 1942
A Study of The Relationship Existing Between Certain Insects and Some Native Western Kansas Forbs and Weedy Plants, Carl Theodore Brandhorst
Robert Frost : A Poet Both Provincial and Universal, Myrna G. Carver