Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
This thesis is a history of the Fort Hays Kansas State College from 1902-1942. One of the most interesting series of historical events centers in the area now comprising the campus of the Fort Hays Kansas State College. As recently as the turn of the present century, the ground on which the college stands, was one great prairie-dog town. The only building in the area was an abandoned dug-out of an old cattle-herder. Trees lined the banks of the creek, to be sure, but away from the creek sod prairies stretched unbroken to the horizons. Forty-two years have passed since the turn of the century and interesting changes have taken place. These years make possible a contrast that is almost unbelievable. Forty-two years ago--a prairie-dog town on an abandoned military reservation. Today-- Fort Hays Kansas State College and its environs. "It is not less than a miracle of modern civilization" that a military post could so suddenly be transformed into the only State School of higher education in a prairie empire of more than 40,000 square miles. A beautiful campus with a score of buildings takes the place of a prairie-dog town, and from the halls of the college go the leaders of today.
Kansas--History, Fort Hays State University, Universities & colleges, Military facilities, Prairiess, Rural schools
Dr. William D. Moreland
Date of Award
Summer 1942
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Dickey, Otis M., "A History of The Fort Hays Kansas State College" (1942). Master's Theses. 358.
DOI: 10.58809/TGYE6941
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