Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
The purpose of this thesis is to make an extensive study of the various state teachers associations of the United States. The thesis deals with : (1) the early history of teachers organizations, (2) their objectives and purposes as stated in the constitutions of the different state teachers associations , (3) the origin and the growth of the delegate assembly, ( 4) how the delegates are selected in the different states, (5) the division of authority between the delegate assembly and the board of directors , (7) how the board of directors is elected, (8) their powers and duties, (9) membership qualifications and the amount of fees, (10) the authority of the secretary and his duties, (11) the a activities in which the different state teachers associations are engaged as indicated by their standing committees, (12) unique features of particular state teachers federations and (13) the value of the delegate. (14) generalizations.
History of teachers' organizations, Teaching profession, Professional development, Delegates, Education, Kansas
Dr. Robert T. McGrath
Date of Award
Summer 1940
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Edwards, Floyd A., "A Study of The Delegate Assembly and Its Function In State Teachers Associations" (1940). Master's Theses. 319.
DOI: 10.58809/LUKS8619
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