Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
Buffalo grass (Buchloe dactyloides) is a dioecious, stoloniferous perennial which, with Blue Grama grass (Bouteloua gracilis), forms the short grass faciation of the Great Plains. Its range extends from Saskatchewan to Mexico in the plains area. It is exceedingly valuable as forage, both during the growing season and winter, since cured grass is relished by livestock. Its stoloniferous habits make it an aggressive plant, and give it great soil-biding properties. This species of grass has vast possibilities in revegetation practices. A study of its life-history should be of benefit to conservationists as well as to agrostologists and taxonomists. There is a definite need for studies of this type to provide detailed information relative to important species of grass. Buffalo grass plants are usually dioecious; t ha t is, the staminate and pistillate flowers are produced on separate plants. Monoecious plants, where both flowers are borne on the same plant, occur occasionally. During recent years, perfect-flowered plants have been . Usually, the seeds are produced in a cluster of hard , indurate bracts, collectively termed a "bur." Each bur consists of from one to many pistillate flowers and is borne in the axils of the leaves. The male, or staminate flowers, however, are borne on peduncles which protrude well above the plant. When perfect flowers occur, both staminate and pistillate inflorescences are borne in the typical staminate head. It was the purpose of this experiment to study growth variations, flowering and fruit ng characteristics, uniformity of sex within the individual bur, and seed viability.
Range management, Dust Bowl, Soil conservation, Grasslands, Seeds, Plants
Dr. Fred W. Albertson
Date of Award
Summer 1940
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Webb, John J., "The Life History and Habits of Buffalo Grass" (1940). Master's Theses. 330.
DOI: 10.58809/RKRM9952
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