Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
Throughout this work we shall carry one phase of the growth of education as it applies to a restricted geographical area. We must note from the beginning that the available material is very fragmentary even in a country whose existence spans only slightly more than half a century. No attempt was made by school administrators to keep an accurate history of their school systems. Records have been lost or misplaced. As a result, at this date it is impossible to clearly picture every part of the whole educational system within this restricted area , but the evidence which is still available indicates very definite trends which have occurred in the growth of public education in Russell County .
Kansas--History, School history, Elementary education, Secondary education, Primary education, One-room schoolhouses, Public education
Dr. Robert T. McGrath
Date of Award
Summer 1940
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Dougherty, Elmer L., "The Growth of Elementary and Secondary Education In Russell County, Kansas" (1940). Master's Theses. 318.
DOI: 10.58809/ADCV6031
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