Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
The preparation of the curricula for the high schools and colleges of the State of Kansas has been an interesting development of the ideas of the schools and the legislative leaders. The problem has been one that was filled with many complications, determined, on the one hand, by the traditional philosophy that education must have disciplinary value, and on the other hand that the education must be of practical value when the student takes his place in the affairs of everyday life. In these curricula, the courses of study, the subjects, and the majors and minors were devised to give the student the type of learning necessary for advanced study and specialization in school life.
Secondary education, Curriculum, High schools, Universities & colleges, Fort Hays State University, Kansas
Dr. Robert T. McGrath
Date of Award
Summer 1942
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Naylor, Lewis Earl, "The Relation of The Secondary School Majors and Minors To The Majors and Minors At The Collegiate Level" (1942). Master's Theses. 365.
DOI: 10.58809/UNZM5304
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