Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
Many articles have been written on crime and its problems. There is only one true way by which crime maybe studied , and that is by analysis and investigation. In this thesis the purpose of the writer had been to investigate the kind and number of cases that have passed through the district court. Those cases receiving fines and jail sentences necessitated a search of the records to find if the sentences were served and the fines paid . The history of Ellis County was used to give the reader a background for consideration of the cases. Two kinds of classification were made in order that the reader might receive a full picture of the cases.
Criminal justice, Kansas--History, Crime and punishment, Murder, Property crimes, Crimes against public morals and decency, Blue laws, Prohibition, Ellis County (Kan.)
Dr. William D. Moreland
Date of Award
Spring 1938
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Baker, Wallace F., "Criminal Cases In Ellis County, Kansas, 1867-1937" (1938). Master's Theses. 267.
DOI: 10.58809/RHXB2728
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