Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
Many books have been written on Mennonite history, but these deal largely with the religious aspect of their life. The purpose of this thesis is to present the social, moral, economic and political aspects of their migrations and life, not only of their early centuries, but of the present time. Only enough of the religious element will be presented to give a general modern knowledge of their religious beliefs which in turn influence their life in general. Particularly will it be stressed how these people have influenced the history of Kansas. This thesis was written for the purpose of preserving early Kansas history, and I was granted that subject because of my personal acquaintances with many of the early Mennonite settlers making it possible to present sketches of their intimate life that probably a stranger would not have been able to secure.
Frontier & pioneer life, German immigration, Mennonite immigration, Cultural history, Religious history, Kansas
Dr. Robert L. Parker
Date of Award
Spring 1938
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Seibert, Victor C., "History of The Kansas Mennonites With A Study of Their European Background" (1938). Master's Theses. 281.
DOI: 10.58809/GWGT8582
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