Master's Theses
Theses from 2024
The Effects of Physical and Emotional Child Abuse on Social Functioning, and Help Seeking Behaviors in Adulthood, Beatrice Chambers
Subsurface Mapping of Intra-Arbuckle Shale in North-West Kansas Using Well Log Data, Cole M. Denny
Terra Et Intus, Mark Freeman
The Effects of Affiliation, Proximity to Suicide, and Religiosity on Suicide Acceptance, Lindsey M. Gack
The Importance of Self-Regulation and Motivation in Online Learning Environments, Sydney A. Hicks
Examining Self-Esteem as a Moderator of Attachment and Multiple Sexual Partners, Dezerae Kinderknecht
Life Satisfaction in Motherhood: The Influence of Mindfulness on Life Stressors, Shyann Schumacher and Shyann M. Schumacher
Cognitive Fusion, Self and Other-Blame, and College Adjustment Outcomes, Olivia B. Tipton
Exploring Psychological Factors Behind Consideration of Cosmetic Surgery Through the Lens of Social Comparison Theory, Noriene Verma
Theses from 2023
Mettle, Chelsey Augustine
Understanding the Value of Friendships: Exploring the Different Characteristics of Virtual World Friendships Compared to Real World Friendships, Samantha Baires
The Anatomy and Phylogeny of a New Large Plioplatecarpine Mosasaur From the Campanian Bearpaw Shale of Montana (USA), Richard A. Carr
Grassland Nesting Birds and Visual Obstruction Measurements in Western Kansas on Smoky Valley Ranch, Connor J. Champney
The Hands of God and the Glittering Sword: A Theological History of John Brown, Christian Chiakulas
Bloodlines, Tyler Dallis
The Association of Burden and Social Engagement with Depression in Caregivers of Adults by Age, Danielle Leigh Forbes
Fraz, Caitlyn Frazer
In a Small Sea, Thomas Giebler
Dooming America: Conspiracy and Apocalypticism in the Populist Evangelical and White Nationalist Imaginations, Zachary W. Gipson
Timing of Diversification, Dispersal, and Biogeography of Parrots in the Genus Amazona (Psittaciformes: Psittacidae) Throughout the Caribbean, Visualized in GIS, Christopher Kingwill
Mycelium, Minjoo Lee
The Relationship Between Climate Social Vulnerability and Asthma, Diane Nunez
The Impact of Demographic and Background Information on Public Perceptions of Sex Offenders, Rylee D. Perez
On The Line MFA Thesis Exhibition Cassi Rebman, Cassandra Rebman
Conservation Status of the Chihuahuan Green Toad, Anaxyrus debilis, in western Kansas Range, Mackenzie Reh
Relationship between bats and prairie-dog (Cynomys ludovicianus) colonies in Western Kansas, Mario N. Rodriguez
Bat Activity and Insect Biomass on McConnell Airforce Base Compared to Surrounding Wichita Parks, Michaela Sielaff
Methylation Patterns Across Tissue Type and Time in Peromyscus leucopus: A Targeted Museum Study, Loryn Smith
Everything Changes, Nothing Dies., Olivia S. Stinson
Theses from 2022
Not Ready To Make Nice: A Study Of The Intimate Relationship Of The Chicks' Music And Politics, Danielle Bishop
Inhumane, Jordan Brown
The Limits of Healthy Habits: Exploring the Relationship between Disordered Eating, Body Image, Mindfulness, Social Media, and Dysfunctional Exercise, Taylor A. Dinkel
Healing Sanctuary, Kammy Downs
Using Geochemical Composition to Determine Paleo Environmental Conditions and Source Inputs In Paleozoic Rocks Within The Central Kansas Uplift USA, Christiana Fumnanya Eziashi
Dye Tracing and the Effects of Infrastructure in Hidden River Cave, Horse Cave, KY, Alexa G. Franks
Influences of grazing on habitat characteristics, avian community composition and nesting bird abundance within Cheyenne Bottoms, KS, Kirsten Granstrom-Arndt
Increasing Detection Sensitivity for Rare and Endangered Species in Kansas through Development of an Aquatic Environmental DNA Sampling Protocol, Sarah Hallyburton
Mother Water, Crystal J. Hammerschmidt
"You Wanna Play Rough?": The Unlikely Partnership of the Italian Mafia and Butch Lesbians in Greenwich Village, 1945-1968, Alison Jean Helget
Three Method Tsunami Vulnerability Analysis of the United States East Coast, Joshua Knolla
Efficacy of Non-Lethal Molecular Methods in Elucidating Distribution of Gray Treefrog Complex (Hyla chrysoscelis/versicolor) in Kansas, Nora K. Lazerus
The Effects of Social Media on Anxiety, Reward Sensitivity, and Risk-Taking on Emerging Adults, Victoria Medrano
A 16S & ITS Soil Microbiome Analysis of Native & Old-World Bluestem Invaded Soils of Kansas Grasslands, Zachary Nelson
Effects of Aggressive Reed (Phragmites australis) on Aquatic Communities in a Kansas Reservoir, Allison Pardis
Human Nature, Mary Robb
Epiphanies, Metaphors, and Liminality: Religion and Mountains in the Seventeenth Century English Mind, Ethan Smith
Novus Ordo: The Rise of Progressive Catholicism and the Fall of Traditional Catholic Worship, Daniel P. Sute
MFA Thesis Exhibition - Enormous, Wendy (Suat Huay) Tan
The Impact of Planting Season and Crop Residue on Germination, Reproductive Success, and Mass of Native Forbs, Michaela VonLintel
Investigation of a Misophonia and Fluid Intelligence Relationship: Sound Spectrum Variation Impact on Fluid Intelligence Task Responses, Leslie Watson
Theses from 2021
Evaluation of Methods for the Restoration of Native Grasslands on Abandoned Center Pivots in the Sandsage Prairies of Southwestern Kansas, Alonso Barragan-Martinez
Policy Analysis of Emissions Cap and Trade: The United State and The European Union, Drew Bealby
Ecological Controls on the Campanian Distribution of Hesperornis (Aves: Hesperornithiformes) in the Western Interior Seaway, Blake Chapman
An Investigation into Historical and Contemporary Breeding Occurrence of the Ferruginous Hawk in Kansas, Erica Clark
Examining How Adverse Childhood Experiences and the Underlying Processes of Trait and State Impulsivity Influence Suicidal Behavior, Julia K. Duran
Combat Artist, Delvin Goode
Sacred Industry, Joshua Heimsoth
Alteration, Jared Jennings
What Pandemic?: Physical Memorialization of the 1918 Pandemic, Carly M. Kauffman
A Karst Feature Prediction Model For Prince Of Wales Island, Alaska Based On High Resolution Lidar Imagery, Alexander Lyles
Hyperstatic, Zane Mahanna
Mortality salience and moral dilemmas: The impact of stress on regret in trolley problem decision-making, Nicolas Perdomo
Remembering the Experience of War: A Sensory Study of the Vietnam War and Collective Memory, Jacob Randolph
Gratitude, Elizabeth Reimer
Afghan Decision-Making in a Development Context, Daniel Stent
Observer Reaction to Physical and Verbal Abuse in Relation to Gender and Sexual Orientation of Abuser and Victim, Rachel Stritt
Effects of a Run-Walk-Run Training Program on One Mile Time Trial Performance, Ashley Turpin
Theses from 2020
Analysis of Clastic Cave Sediment in a Fluviokarst System, Russell Cave, Northeast Alabama, Jonathan Camelo
Uncovering the Depression Treatment Gap: The Role of Motivation to Change, God Image, and Religious Affiliation, Cyrus Chiasson
The influence of land use on the pollen diet of honey bee (Apis mellifera) colonies in Ellis County, Kansas, Ryan Engel
Weighing the Impacts of Airbnb in Iceland: Multivariate Perspectives, Alexa Gorlick
Over the Aesop, Ripp Harrison
“Life is Still Stronger Than Death”: The Life-Saving Women Doctors of Auschwitz, Jacqueline Nicole Honings
A Karst Feature Predictability Model within Barber County, Kansas, Gary M. Kelner
Dear mama, these cops don’t understand me: The influence of mental health stigma on youth incarceration, Ashley Lockwood
The impact of socio-economic status, life history, and biological sex on affective empathy in adults, Shadow R. Love
Through the Fire, Carolyn Mimbs
State Park Selection as Determined by User Health, Connor Phelan
Ground Beetle (Coleoptera: Carabidae) Assemblages in Native, Invasive, and Encroaching Grassland Habitats, Madison Pittenger
Understanding Resilience: Investigating the Relationship between Risk Factors, Resilience, and Psychological Well-Being, Paulyna Schulz
No Ordinary Times: Reason For and Reactions During the First Red Scare., Timothy Setter
An assessment of convergence in the feeding morphology of Xiphactinus audax and Megalops atlanticus using landmark-based geometric morphometrics, Edward Chase Shelburne
Dredge the Foundry | for Dirt and Era, Woody Stauffer
Theses from 2019
ESSENCE, Fatimah Ali Alhazmy
Prion Protein Gene Polymorphisms in the Alpha-Helical Region in Feral Pigs From Texas, Maram Alsmady
Iteration, and The Iron Theater, Kurt Breshears
Cellular Telephone Internet, and Electronic Communication in Senegal, Mali, and Gambia, Oumoul Camara
Size and Age Structure of Introduced Populations of Blue Catfish (Ictalurus furcatus) in Two Kansas Reservoirs and Implications for Management, Ernesto Flores
Gypsum Karst Speleogenesis in Barber County, Kansas of the Permian Blaine Formation, Kaitlyn Gauvey