Master's Theses
Theses from 1960
Foreign Aid to Europe as Viewed by the United States Senators and Representatives from Kansas, 1947-1959, Darrell Munsell
A Survey of the Utilization of Color Dynamics in Metal Shop Laboratories of Selected Kansas Secondary Schools, Morris L. Reeves
Subliminal Advertising, Carlos D. Murphy
The Fort Hays Rating and Dating Complex, John Byron Starr
"Lie Down With The Lamb" and Other Stories, Donald D. Eulert
The Inequalities of Real Estate Assessments in Barton, Ellis, and Russell Counties for 1959, Robert C. Gibler
The Comparability of a Scholastic Aptitude Test and a Study Skills Test for the Prediction of Student Grade Point, Dorth Hibbs
Seasonal Movement and Activity of Small Rodents in Four Different Ecological Areas, Merrill Frydendall
A Method of Segregating Plant Communities, Robert M. Hyde
Creative Visual Expression in Painting, Arnold D. Flesher
Creative Expression in Sculpture and Ceramic Forms, Paul A. Friesen
Unique Content in Painting, Elmer Holzrichter
Creative Expression in Built-Up Clay, Darrell McGinnis
A Comparative Study of Secondary Teacher Education in the United States and Thailand, Sombat Sangrungruang
A Survey of Phonics in Primary Grades, Colleen Pivonka
Generalization of Paired-Associate Learning and Concept Formation, Ronald H. Combs
Effects of Intensity of Clipping On Three Range Grasses from Grazed and Ungrazed Areas in West-Central Kansas, Jerry J. Crockett
President Truman's Policy on Palestine: A Study of Presidential Policy Which Led to De Facto Recognition of Israel, Edward Raymond Barels
Theses from 1959
Selected Annotated Bibliography of Ensemble Music for Brass Instruments, Robert E. Craine
The Performance of Familial and Exogenous Mental Defectives on Perceptual Tasks, Houston Ray Kerr
Stephen Vincent Benet: The Spirit of Patriotism in His Poetry, Pearl Peterie
A Study of the Oil Property Assessment in Ellis County, Kansas, Daniel Rupp
A Semantic Analysis of Over- and Underachievers, Robert J. Stout
The Effect of an Intense Interpolated Activity Upon Retention, Albert D. Wright
Changing Attitudes Through Subliminal Stimulation, Donald E. Bryan
A Comparative Study of Selected Legislative Provisions in the Field of Special Education, Wilma Corn
A Study of Factors Which Contribute to Teacher Turnover in Forty-Nine Selected High Schools in Western Kansas, Terry Dean Keeley
A Study of Criticisms of Physical Education, John Dwayne Hall
A Test of a Basic Assumption of the Szondi Test, Willis R. Wright
The Development and Use of a Mechanical Heart, Paul Louis Hoffstetter
A Preliminary Survey of the Algae of Ellis and Trego Counties Including Methods and Materials Used in Preservation, Ben McFarland
Small Mammals of Ford County, Kansas, Gilbert L. Adrian
An Analysis of the Severance Tax, Max F. Dougherty
The Influence of the Kansas Supreme Court on the Powers and Duties of the County Commissioners, 1861 to 1958, Fred Keyworth
A Survey of the Facilities and Scope of the Industrial Arts Programs Offered in Kansas Accredited Junior High Schools, Billie Embree
A Status Study of the Kansas Elementary School Principal, Charles O. Stones
A Study of the Political Concepts and Theories of Mao Tse-Tung, Oliver Wendell Isom
Pelage Color Variations of Peromyscus Maniculatus Nebrascensis in Western Kansas, John M. Nickel
Comparative Anatomy of Salt Cedar (Tamarix pentandta Pall.) Growing in Two Habitats, Robert L. Ziegler
A Coordinated Program of Basketball Instruction for Grades Five Through Eight, Eugene W. Anderson
An Interpretive Analysis of the Non-Voting Behavior of Registered Voters in the 1958 General Election, Hays, Kansas, Donald W. Black
Creative Experimentation with Enamel in Jewelry, Diedra Burandt
A Study of the Comparative Growth Rates of Four Western Kansas Algae, Vernie A. Knudson
A Study of the Curriculum and Personnel of Physical Education for Boys in Secondary Schools with Fifty to Ninety-Nine Students for the Year 1958-59, Donald Dempewolf
Experimentation in Painting, Jack Karraker
Exploration in Painting, Keith Lowry
A Study of the Curriculum and Personnel of Physical Education for Boys in Secondary Schools with 200 to 299 Students for the Year 1958-1959, Lester Herrman
A Congressman and His Constituents: Jerry Simpson and the Big Seventh, Myron C. Scott
A Study of the Growth and Development of the Industrial Arts Department of Fort Hays Kansas State College From 1907 to 1958, Glenn Ginther
Russell County Settlement and Economic Development, Larry G. Bowman
A Study of Right-to-Work Laws, William Berl Lenz
Study of Vegetation Within and Surrounding Long-Established Exclosures in the Mixed Prairie, Gary K. Hulett
The Effects of Cattle Enclosures on Small Mammals, William P. Hanzlick
A Study of the Fauna and Flora of Two Communities in a Sandhill Area near Lamar, Colorado, Fred A. Neuhold
Bessel Functions, Louis J. Funk
A Suggested Formula Plan for Stock Investment, Don F. Ream
Quaker Pacifism in Kansas, 1833-1945, Cecil B. Currey
Theses from 1958
Recreation for the Handicapped, Gaylen Stephenson
Intelligence as Related to Grouping in Learning, Greig Lindner
A Study in Style and Content of the Speeches of John F. Kennedy on Foreign Policy, Harold A. Stones
Modification of Climate by Plant Communities, Charles T. Henderson
Stated Factors Influencing Men to Leave the Teaching Profession in the State of Kansas, Norman Sawin
A Study of Property Taxation in Ellis County for 1957, Donald R. Connell
The Pre-Service Preparation of High School Mathematics Teachers in Selected High Schools of Kansas, Carl O'Hair
A Survey of the Scope of Football Programs and the Teaching and Training Aids Used in Western Kansas Class A High Schools, Tom N. Cross
The Employment Act of 1946 and Inflation, Catherine Cramm Meyer
Guides for Interscholastic Athletic Travel in Class B Secondary Schools of North-Central Kansas, Joseph E. Pate Jr.
An Investigation of the Foaminess of Some Electrolytic Solutions, Jerrold Anderson
A Polarographic Study of Some Halogenated Nitroparaffins, Stanley D. Kullbom
A Survey of Industrial Arts Students Enrolled at Fort Hays State College - 1958, Rex Nelson
An Annotated Plant List for Adams' Ranch Osage County, Oklahoma, Don D. Dwyer
Experiments in Painting, Glen Howerton
Problems in Developing Water Colors, Esther Workman
Kinesthetic Versus Visual Retroactive Inhibition, Merril W. Hergert
Effect of Electric Shock Upon Brain Calcium, Ivan Pangrac
Curriculum Guides for Physical Education in the Elementary School, Donald Shaw
United States Diplomatic Relations with Mexico, 1910-1916, Donald E. Chipman
The Attitude of Hawthorne Toward Science Compared with the Attitudes of Rousseau, Wordsworth, Goethe, and Poe, Doris Chipman
A Survey of Economic, General Business, and Accounting Courses Offered by and Desired for the Small College, Edward D. Wilson
Relationships Between Basal Cover and Forage Production, Stanley D. Kneller
The Creating of Sculpture: An Abstract, Jim Hinkhouse
A Summary and Presentation of the Writings of Rufus M. Jones, Quaker Philosopher and Historian, Francis Ross
Expressions in Sculpture, Bill Shipman
A Study of Institutional Stores Systems, Marvin I. Layman Jr.
The Populist Contest for the Kansas Legislature in 1892-1893, Joseph J. Mason
Noon-Hour Intramural Activities in a Small High School, John Baker
Theses from 1957
The Germination and Early Development of Salt Cedar (Tamarix gallica L.), Daniel L. Merkel
Public Relations in Industrial Arts, Gilbert Stadelman
A Survey of Some Relict Areas of The Great Plains, Willard P. Phillips
Synthesis and Application of An Organic Analytical Reagent, George W. McCourt
Action Research: A Clinical Case in Remedial Reading, Birdene Jane Cox
Pernicious Letter, Marvin Mardock
Some Practical Applications of Paper Electrophoresis, William D. McDougall
The Struggle For Woman Suffrage in Kansas, Wilda Maxine Smith
Reactions of Halogenated Nitroparaffins, Thomas J. Byerley
A History of Haskell County, Kansas, F.M. Dale McLain