Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
Certain standards set up by the State Board of Education upon the recommendation of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction must be met by a class “ A”, “ B, “ or " C" school. Administrators in class "A" and "B" high schools are required to hold a Kansas administrator's certificate, and this requirement must also be met by all administrators in class "C" schools by September 1, 1952. At the present time, teachers in class “ A” schools must have at least fifteen semester hours of preparation in a teaching field, in class "B" schools at least twelve hours, and in class "C" schools at least eight hours. The general public and many educators seemingly are of the opinion that student achievement is scholastically better in a class "A" high school than in a class "B" high school, and in a class "B" high school better than in a class "C'' high school. A knowledge of the standards for classifying high schools by the State of Kansas leads the reader to a like conclusion. Actually, does any real difference of achievement exist among these three classes of high schools in Kansas? In particular, is there a significant difference of achievement in physical science among our Kansas secondary school graduates according to the type of school attended? In order to answer this second question the writer undertook to find the differences, if any, in achievement of students in class "A", "B" and "C" high schools in the state of Kansas, as measured by the attainment of students who took a physical science entrance examination at the Fort Hays Kansas State College at Hays, Kansas. As a corollary to the main problem just stated, attention was also given relative to physical science courses taken in high school by the students included in this study.
Secondary education, Student assessment, Student achievement, High schools, Testing, Kansas
Dr. Robert T. McGrath
Date of Award
Summer 1948
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Stremel, Joseph A. Rev., "Achievement in Physical Science in Relation To The Type of High School Attended" (1948). Master's Theses. 417.
DOI: 10.58809/HCJC5833
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