Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
The specific problem of this report is to trace the growth of the State Board of Education in Kansas. The State Board of Education will be referred to hereafter as the State Board. This board has had its ups and downs but the Constitution of the state clearly placed the responsibility for the creation of a state system of public instruction upon the legislature. "The legislature shall encourage the promotion of intellectual, moral, scientific and agricultural improvement, by establishing a uniform system of common schools, and schools of a higher grade, embracing normal, preparatory, collegiate and university departments." Therefore the purpose of this research is to portray the reason for the creation of such a board and its activities from its beginning up until the present time.
Kansas--History, Kansas public schools, School boards, Legislative bodies, Committees, Law & legal affairs
Dr. Robert T. McGrath
Date of Award
Summer 1950
Document Type
Thesis - campus only access
Recommended Citation
Davis, Ivan, "Evolution of The State Board of Education" (1950). Master's Theses. 445.
DOI: 10.58809/VTZV3834
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