Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
Sulfamic acid at one time had no particular value, and very little was known about the physical and chemical properties of this acid. At the present time , however, this acid is a commercial product of considerable importance and extensive investigation has been conducted to discover its many chemical properties. A very interesting group of compounds derived from sulfamates are the aldehyde addition products. The aldehyde derivatives of calcium sulfamate were studied and had a particular interest because of their greater stability, especially in the isolated, solid form. The aldehyde addition products of calcium studied included benzaldehyde, furfuraldehyde, for aldehyde, acetaldehyde, and cinnamic aldehyde. These compounds have been described in patent literature, using essentially the method described by Schroeter. The metallic sulfamates that have been investigated as electroplating agents include nickel, cobalt, cadmium, zinc and copper. These metals have been satisfactorily plated in smooth deposits from sulfamic acid solution. The present investigation was carried out to determine methods of preparing aldehyde derivatives of those metals that had been investigated for electroplating, so that chemical composition, physical properties, and electroplating properties of these compounds might be studied.
Electroplating, Chemistry, Metals, Analysis, Sulfamates, Experiments
Dr. Harold S. Choguill
Date of Award
Summer 1949
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Morin, Edmond A., "A Study of Aldehyde Derivatives of Metallic Sulfamates" (1949). Master's Theses. 324.
DOI: 10.58809/TOJB8624
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