Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
This study is concerned with The Attitude of 1000 High School Seniors Toward Teachers and the Teaching Profession. Limitations - The scope of the study is limited to: (1) High school seniors now enrolled in high schools, (2) High schools within a reasonable radius of Fort Hays Kansas State College, (3) High schools within cities of the second and third class only. The information and data is of a subjective nature inasmuch as it is based upon the students own statements. The problem of analyzing human attitudes and motives is very complex, for often the individual is not fully aware of the influences back of his decision. The real reason for what he does may consciously or unconsciously be suppressed. The reliability of this type of data should not be accepted as absolute.
Teacher recruitment, Kansas, Secondary education, High schools, Student, Mental states
Dr. Robert T. McGrath
Date of Award
Summer 1950
Document Type
Thesis - campus only access
Recommended Citation
Cobb, Paul R., "A Study of The Attitudes of 1000 High School Seniors Toward Teaching and The Teaching Profession" (1950). Master's Theses. 443.
DOI: 10.58809/WAAB2373
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