Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
This study has been planned as a means of throwing more light on certain psychotherapeutic techniques and methods in order that a more valuable, direct, and understandable method of treating neurotic patients may some day be worked out. The specific problem is to understand and recognize more clearly various actions in Edwards and Kelly's (5) "Role Therapy” to learn what in the therapy benefited the patient, and discover how and to what kind of disorders it might be most effectively applied. This paper is an attempt to help explain, criticize, and continue with the problem, as described and studied by its authors in 1940 . The present study is attempting to prove no hypothesis or theories. Rather it is exploratory in nature. Edwards has already shown that her method was helpful as an economical treatment for some disorders. This investigation is only an application of her methods to cases and, through seeing what they do or do not do, work out certain improvements or modifications whereby her techniques may be refined and validated.
Talk therapy, Patient role, Practical therapy, Psychotherapy, Psychoanalysis, Men, Women
Dr. George A. Kelly
Date of Award
Spring 1943
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Robinson, Alexander, "A Further Validation of Role Therapy" (1943). Master's Theses. 373.
DOI: 10.58809/ZBHC3210
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