Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
In Kansas, the junior high school is often considered an educational "orphan" due to the lack of standardization and limited supervision. These factors identify the fundamental thought of this study as an inquiry into the "why and wherefore" of this type of school organization. A healthy curiosity concerning the background and evolution of junior high schools and an interest in correlating the diverse factors of their existence in Kansas constitute the stimuli for this thesis. To be specific, the problem of this thesis is to trace the origin and development of junior high schools in the state of Kansas. This study is concerned, basically, with the historical aspects of the problem. Diversions into administration, curriculum, and other elements, while constituting fruitful fields of study, are avoided in order to retain objectivity and continuity of thinking relative to the central theme.
Primary education, Secondary education, Middle school, Kansas, Education--History, Education--American influences
Dr. Robert T. McGrath
Date of Award
Spring 1948
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Rowe, Vernald Charles, "The Evolution of The Junior High School in Kansas" (1948). Master's Theses. 415.
DOI: 10.58809/WMIA9984
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