Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
In 1937, Lippert (6) published a survey of the radioactive properties of subterranean waters of Ellis County, Kansas. In 1940, Bell, Goodman, and Whitehead (1) reported a survey on the radioactivity of sedimentary rocks and associated petroleum. In 1944, w. L. Russell (10) reported on the total gamma ray activity of sedimentary rocks as indicated by Geiger-Mueller Counter determination. Lastly, in 1949, M. W. Johnston (5) made a survey of radioactivity of oilwell drilling fluid with depth of wells. Since Johnston's work cited above included only producing wells it was thought worthwhile to continue this investigation to include wells both in producing pools and in unproven territory. An additional new approach to this whole matter of geophysical prospecting for oil is to test oilwell cuttings for fluorescence since it is well known that particles from oil-bearing horizons do fluoresce under the action of ultraviolet light. While the fluorescence of oil under the action of ultraviolet light has been known for many years, the method of detecting the presence of oi l by means of the fluorescence of oilwell cuttings is not in general use among geologists at the present time, at least not in this region. Consequently it was decided to select six locations where drilling was contemplated, three in the Sutor Pool in Rooks County; and, three new locations in unproven territory. The plan was to test the drilling fluids of each of these wells for radioactivity with depth using an LS64 scaling Geiger-Mueller Counter by El Tronics, Incorporated; and, also to check the cuttings commencing at a depth of approximately 3000 feet, where the cuttings were first gathered, for a study of fluorescence when the cuttings are subjected to ultraviolet light.
Fracking, Fossil fuels, Ultraviolet radiation, Wells, Rooks County (Kan.), Ellis County (Kan.)
Dr. Harvey A. Zinszer
Date of Award
Spring 1950
Document Type
Thesis - campus only access
Recommended Citation
Drees, Linus S., "Fluorescence of Oil Well Cuttings Under The Action of Ultraviolet Light As Pertaining To Depth of Wells Investigated" (1950). Master's Theses. 446.
DOI: 10.58809/BENA9290
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