Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
The problem we faced was to try to develop some form of psychotherapy that would not consume a great deal of time. It was desirable that it should be applicable to a wide range in type of cases and that it should be simple enough so that it would require little training on the part of the therapist. Semantics suggests that a personality may be built up because of language. The use of words as a means of communication has created a civilization yet each person because of individual differences and experiences has his own interpretation of these words. As a person thinks in terms of words and their meaning to him, he thus describes himself and acts accordingly. This may not have been done consciously. Guthrie suggests that accidental happenings may cause a person to change his concept of his role and thus his personality. Can such a change be planned and if so, how can it be planned? Can the individual adopt such a planned role as a permanent part of his personality? What is the evidence that any real improvement takes place? Will a therapy conducted on this superficial level effect a sufficient emotional release to enable the patient to become better adjusted to himself and to society? These are the questions we have attempted to answer by the therapeutic method which we chose to call role therapy.
Talk therapy, Patient role, Practical therapy, Communication, Psychoanalysis, Students, Fort Hays State University, Hays (Kan.)
Dr. George A. Kelly
Date of Award
Summer 1943
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Edwards, Ethel D., "Observations of The Use and Efficacy of Changing A Patient's Concept of His Role: A Psychotherapeutic Device" (1943). Master's Theses. 372.
DOI: 10.58809/ARTA9167
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