Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
The first permanent settlement in Washington County was made in the late eighteen fifties. Beginning in the 18301 s, emigrants from the East had crossed it repeatedly. This small trickle of travelers was to grow to impressive proportions in the late forties and early fifties when thousands rushed westward to the fertile land of the Pacific Northwest and to the gold fields of the Sierras and 1 the Rockies. During the late sixties, the county was settled rapidly and by 1875 it was well beyond the pioneer stage. Its growth and development has been gradual and consistent-typical of numerous other Kansas counties. - The early settler found conditions se ere at times, but he set about trying to improve his lot and by dint of hard work and an occasional extra boost from a kind Providence he succeeded.
Kansas--History, Frontier & pioneer life, Western Kansas, Homesteading, Washington County (Kan.), Holenberg (Kan.), Ghost towns
Dr. Raymond L. Welty
Date of Award
Summer 1949
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Vernon, J. Holland, "A Survey of Early Washington County and A Study of The Development of Hollenberg, Kansas" (1949). Master's Theses. 436.
DOI: 10.58809/BTDA6506
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