Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
In reviewing the foregoing literature and in consideration of the very important place of the state of Kansas in the nation's production of petroleum, it was thought that possibly a contribution might be made to the general subject of geophysical prospecting for oil by the adoption and execution of the problem proposed by the title of this thesis. Since a similar but more scattered study of this problem had been previously made by Lippert with the use of an electroscope, it was considered worth-while to repeat the electroscopic observations together with Geiger-Mueller Counter observations on a new series of wells for samples of both soil and water, and to determine, if possible, a correlation between the readings of these two instruments. Furthermore, instead of taking a few readings of many wells scattered over the county, it was thought wiser to take daily samples of a limited number of wells in the same field.
Fossil fuel production, Oil production, Rooks County (Kan.), Wells, Western Kansas, Radioactive minerals
Dr. Harvey A. Zinszer
Date of Award
Summer 1949
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Johnston, Milford W., "An Investigation of The Radioactivity of Oilwell Drilling Fluid, With Depth, of Wells in The Berland Field of Rooks County" (1949). Master's Theses. 426.
DOI: 10.58809/PZGB1346
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