Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
Chemical literature records many series of compounds produced by the acetoacetic ester synthesis, but in no instance is combination of the acetoacetic ester with the halogenated alcohols, of which the chlorohydrins are examples, mentioned. The products of these reactions are substituted derivatives of the acetoacetic ester. These products yield, upon hydrolysis, hydroxy-ketones. These acids and ketones may serve as intermediates for synthesizing other compounds. Many compounds which have medicinal value, such as pyrazolones and other ring compounds, may be synthesized from the acetoacetic ester derivatives. This study of the reactions of the acetoacetic ester with certain halogen derivatives of alcohols was undertaken in an effort to prepare new intermediates. These intermediate compounds in turn may be used to synthesize new drugs and other organic compounds.
Chemical composition, Experimental chemistry, Biochemistry, Combustion, Experiments, Condensation
Dr. Harold S. Choguill
Date of Award
Summer 1949
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Sullivan, Harold E., "The Reactions of Ethyl Acetoacetate With Certain Halogen Derivatives of Alcohols" (1949). Master's Theses. 433.
DOI: 10.58809/KEDW9477
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