Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
The purpose of this research was to gather, from reliable and authentic records, data necessary to write a history of the community of Nicodemus, Kansas. The purpose of the writer of this study was to (1) find out who the people of the Nicodemus colony were; (2) to determine from what section of the United States they came; (3) to answer the question of land ownership both as to early landowners and present landowners; (4) to try to determine the reason why the negro migrated; and (5) the author wished to give to the reader the original records in such a way as to depict the whole picture from the first of the migration to the present time.
African American history, Slavery, Civil War, Black history, Kansas--History, Genealogy
Dr. Raymond L. Welty
Date of Award
Summer 1950
Document Type
Thesis - campus only access
Recommended Citation
McDaniel, Orval L., "A History of Nicodemus, Graham County, Kansas." (1950). Master's Theses. 455.
DOI: 10.58809/LFUQ3140
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