Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
The purpose of this study was to discover significant differences in achievement, if any, of boys and girls from the three classes of high schools in Kansas. This brings one to the statement of the problem which may be stated as follows: "A Study in Achievement of College Freshmen using the American Council of Education Cooperative Biology Test. Form P." The problem was to discover: (1) significant differences, if any, between boys who had biology in high school and those who did not ; (2) significant differences, if any, between girls who had biology in high school and those who did not; (3) significant differences, if any, between the above mentioned groups from class " A", "B", and “C” schools; (4) significant difference, if any, between boys and girls used in this study.
College preparedness, Student success, Student assessment, College readiness, Secondary education, Gender differences
Dr. Robert T. McGrath
Date of Award
Summer 1949
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Vecera, Elmer B., "A Study in Achievement of College Freshmen Using The American Council of Education Cooperative Biology Test" (1949). Master's Theses. 435.
DOI: 10.58809/ISXS9429
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