Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
There is disagreement among the critics as to the classification under which Frost is to be placed. Some say that he is strictly a local poet because he deals so much with New England material. Others say that he is a universal poet; for, although he does write extensively of his own region, its climate, its characters, and its culture, he is, nevertheless, a universal poet who vests these local or provincial elements with meaning as broad in scope as the experience and thought of man. The purpose of this thesis, then, is to produce evidence presented by critics of each school and to interpret other poems which fit into the suggested categories, to show- that Robert Frost is a provincial and universal poet.
Literary criticism, American literature, Robert Frost (1874-1963), Poetry, Influential people, Poets laureate
Dr. Myrta E. McGinnis
Date of Award
Summer 1942
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Carver, Myrna G., "Robert Frost : A Poet Both Provincial and Universal" (1942). Master's Theses. 357.
DOI: 10.58809/XFLY6703
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