Master's Theses



Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


The problem in this investigation is to discover teacher reaction to various in- service education practices and techniques utilized by administrators and teachers in the development of in-service education programs in the elementary schools of Western Kansas. In order to arrive at general evaluations concerning in-service education, an opinionnaire was sent to 300 selected teachers in graded elementary schools having a designated principal and at least three teachers. Data were obtained from 120 returned opinionnaires which represents a 40 per cent response to the survey. For the purpose of comparison, a study was also made of authoritative literature relevant to in-service education. were: Areas in which teachers were asked to express an opinion 1 . Group conferences including: a. meetings of all teachers in a given building. b. Meetings of all teachers in the school system. c. Meetings of all teachers teaching a certain grade. d. Pre-school faculty meetings. 2. Individual conferences with the principal. 3. Intervisitation. 4. Classroom visits by the principal. 5. Demonstration teaching. 6. Audio-visual aids. 7. Summer school 8. Extension courses 9. Travel and travel seminars. 10. Short excursions during the school year. 11. Correspondence course work. 12. Professional conventions. 13. Workshops. 14. Directed professional reading. Techniques which teachers believed to be of definite value were pre- school faculty meetings, individual conferences with the principal, demonstration teaching, travel, and workshops. The respondent s indicated that the practices of questionable value in in-service education activities were intervisitation within the school system at the same grade level, intervisitation within the school system at a different grade level, classroom visits by the principal, short excursions, and institutes. It was also found that faculty meetings were usually planned by the principal and that conferences after classroom visits by the principal were not usually held after each visit. As a result of the investigation, it was concluded that: 1. Most elementary schools in Western Kansas do not have well developed programs of in-service education. 2. In general, the ratings given each technique correspond with the opinions held by authorities. 3. Most of the planning for group functions of an in-service education nature is done by the respective principals. 4. The National Education Association appears to be of greatest benefit to the classroom teacher through the NEA Journal. 5. The most common in- service education methods employed by individual teachers are college summer school, extension work, and correspondence courses. 6. The most commonly employed group techniques are faculty meetings, the Kansas State Teachers Association Conventions, and county institutes.


Dr. William Clement Wood

Date of Award

Summer 1954

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


© The Author(s)


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