Master's Theses



Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


In both industry and education there is a current demand for psychological instruments capable of discriminating between the interests of people of different occupations. The practical value of such instruments for industry is their use as an aid in the satisfactory selection of personnel. In education it is believed these instruments can help the individual choose a course of training leading to an occupation in which he would be more successful than in one chosen through chance or passive interest. At the present, neither of these objectives is being reached to the degree that users of existing instruments desire. This study is a further exploration into the area of personal interests as related to occupations. Perhaps counsellors and personnel specialists will find parts of it of some value for improving techniques in the selection of personnel and the prediction of individual success in specific occupations.


Dr. Mary R. Anderson

Date of Award

Spring 1954

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


© 1954 Ewin J. Stegman


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