Master's Theses



Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


The purpose of this study is three-fold. First, to prepare a background for research in the field. Second, to provide a review of some of the available literature for others interested in the field, particularly in this institution. Third, to discover what some of the present problems are in regard to schizophrenia and the extent to which solutions have been found. There have been no previous investigations similar to this at Fort Hays Kansas State College. The sources of mf data are listed in the bibliography. This material was made available to me by the Fort Hays Kansas State College Library and the Fort Hays Kansas State College Psychological clinic, with the exception of case studies which were obtained at the Kansas State Hospital at Larned, Kansas. The method of procedure was essentially to review the disease from the available literature. I consider the data significant to the extent that it fulfills the three purposes given above. The limitations of the report arise out of the nature of the study. Certain aspects of schizophrenia are unknown to us at the present time. Also in reviewing the literature, data were selected by the author and some had to be omitted. However, in this study, the advantages outweigh the limitations. It is my hope that this report may help others as it has helped me in understanding schizophrenia.


Dr. Homer B. Reed

Date of Award

Summer 1953

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


© The Author(s)


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