Master's Theses



Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


The problem of this thesis was a historical study of Teacher Education at Fort Hays Kansas State College, 1902-1964. The historical method of research was used, employing the following materials and methods as tools for research: a review of the records of the college, documents, secondary sources pertaining to teacher education in the United States, and personal interviews. The latter were conducted with administrators, teachers, and alumni concerned with teacher education at Fort Hays Kansas State College. The study was organized on the basis of the changes in name which the college has known. The historical development of teacher education at Fort days Kansas State College began at Western Branch State Normal School in 1902. The school was a two-year normal school which offered courses of high-school rank. Four education courses were included as professional preparation for teaching. From 1914 until 1923 the college was called Fort Hays Kansas Normal School. Its teacher education program grew rapidly and demonstrated leadership in the use of public schools as professional laboratories for teacher training. From 1923 until 1931, when it assumed its present name, the college was known as the Kansas State Teachers College of Hays. With the restrictive word “Teachers” gone from its title, the college became a liberal arts college and adopted the name, Fort Hays Kansas State College in 1931. The investigator found that, for the most part, teacher education at Fort Hays Kansas State College has been a part of the mainstream of teacher education development in the United States. Major areas of leadership were found to be in the use of the public schools for laboratory experiences as early as 1914; the development of the administrative device known as the “block” in 1942; and the revision of the elementary teacher education program in 1962 to include two areas of concentration in addition to the major in elementary education. The shift from the normal-school pattern of one or two years' training by means of a narrow curriculum to a pattern based upon general education, subject-matter specialization and professional education was one of the major developments in teacher education at Fort Hays Kansas State College. Another import ant feature of this teacher education program was the all-institutional approach, which Fort Hays State College administrators chose to follow. As the college broadened its educational curricula, teacher education remained an integral part of the program.


Jeanne M. Kuhn

Date of Award

Spring 1964

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


© The Author(s)


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