Master's Theses



Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


The aim of this thesis is to demonstrate how effectively Catholic poets have utilized Catholic doctrine in their poetry. I became interested in the topic through a study of Catholic poets in two courses; one in Modern Catholic Literature and the other in Modern Poetry. With the aid of bibliographies from these courses, and direct correspondence with many of the poets themselves, I procured and read all available poetry containing Catholic doctrine, to ascertain the phases of doctrine most commonly used. I found that the Eucharist, Mary, Prayer, Suffering, and Death were subjects chosen by the majority of poets. Having limited the study of doctrine, I limited the poets to be included to those who (a) had published books of poetry and not merely isolated poems in various magazines, and (b) had written on several of the doctrines utilized. Having obtained the poems and poets to be included, I explained enough of the doctrine to make it understood by a non-Catholic and to make it pertinent to the poem in question. This proved to be the most difficult to accomplish since what seemed so obvious to me as a Catholic was inadequate explanation to a non-Catholic reader. Professor Sackett, (a non-Catholic), proved his unusual counseling ability in his invaluable suggestions, questions, and discussions which helped to make this paper readable for both Catholic and non-Catholic alike. Careful guidance of a paper on theology is extremely necessary for the misuse of a word can jeopardize the validity of the doctrine and destroy the integrity of the thesis.


Dr. Samuel J. Sackett

Date of Award

Spring 1963

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


© The Author(s)


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