Master's Theses


Economics, Finance, & Accounting

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


The purpose of this report was to present information in regard to school buildings insurance in Kansas. This study was planned to acquaint administrators, school board members, teachers, and interested parties with possible school buildings insurance programs available. In Kansas a board of education is legally changed with the supervision and care of school property. In many small school districts, a single fire might destroy the school plant and the community might thereby be without financial means for rebuilding. Thus, there are four reasons why boards of education should carry insurance on school property. These are: (1) to protect the community's investment, (2) to provide periodic inspections of the buildings and the contents, (3) to guarantee funds for the educational program, and (4) to relate school property protection to student and school employee protection by removing hazards which endanger their life and safety. A school building insurance program consists of several types of coverage. Some of these are fire, windstorm, vandalism, explosion, boiler, glass, theft and larceny. To maintain a school building insurance program, adequate records must be kept up to date as well as detailed and current inventory of buildings and equipment. An insurance program must be reviewed continually in a school system to keep the insurance plan current. The Public Institutional Property Plan of school building insurance in many instances is the most economical and covers the most probable losses to school buildings. This time of insurance is recommended by the Insurance Commission of Kansas for schools who can qualify under the minimum premium clause and other limitations specified in the plan.


Education facilities, Schools, Businesses, Insurance companies, Inspections, Kansas


Dr. LaVier L. Staven

Date of Award

Spring 1963

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


© The Author(s)


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