Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
Twenty-nine S’s of high intelligence were paired with twenty-nine S’s of low intelligence according to their musical knowledge and training. A verbal preference and a behavioral preference was determined for four types of music, these were: classical, twentieth-century classical, popular and jazz. To determine the relationship between types of music preferred by the intelligence groups a test of significance was used. No differences of significance were found between the two groups. A correlation technique was used to determine which of the two groups, the high or the low intelligence, showed the most agreement between behavioral and verbal preference. When raw correlations are considered there is more agreement in the high intelligence group, when a test of significance is used there are no significant differences. The results of the present study do not agree with Rubin-Rabson's (1940) findings.
Music, Testing, Analysis, Students, Universities & colleges, Psychology
Dr. R. R. Dale Dick
Date of Award
Spring 1963
Document Type
Thesis - campus only access
Recommended Citation
Ryabik, James, "Behavioral VS. Verbal Preference of Music in Relation to Intelligence and How Intelligence Effects Professed Taste and Actual Taste in Music" (1963). Master's Theses. 821.
DOI: 10.58809/UMTJ5313
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