Degree Name
Master of Arts (MA)
This thesis presents a general concept of the Laplace transform from an elementary point of view. It is not an all-inclusive discussion of the Laplace transform, but is an introduction of materials for the benefit of the upper division students in Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry, to present to them the compact and comprehensive concepts of the Laplace transform. It is the purpose of this thesis to present the material in such a way as to be of benefit to students who are not well versed in the formal theory of the Laplace transform. In this thesis the Laplace transform has been identified as a method of restating certain functions of real variables in terms of complex variables. It has subsequently been shown how such transformation assists in the simplification of mathematical operations. The entire study is supported by research from sixteen sources as listed in the bibliography. The dates of publication for these sources cover a period of eighty-eight years, from 1876 to 1964. These publications are in German and English languages.
Mathematics, Physics, Application & techniques series, Laplace transformation, Solutions, Equations, Chemistry
Dr. Wilmont Toalson
Date of Award
Spring 1964
Document Type
Thesis - campus only access
Recommended Citation
Chang, Moon-Kwan, "The Laplace Transform : Theory and Applications" (1964). Master's Theses. 843.
DOI: 10.58809/KTPV8769
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