Master's Theses



Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


The purpose of this report was to survey the literature available for the school custodian. In beginning the survey a request was mailed to the State Department of Public Instruction in each of the fifty states. The response indicated that a relatively small number of handbooks are made available to custodians by State Departments of Education. Of the forty-one replies received, only eighteen handbooks were received; five handbooks for custodians, and six handbooks on the operation and maintenance of the school plant. Seven replies were received from State Departments of Public Instruction which included materials for custodians such as leaflets, pamphlets and folders of materials. The correspondence from State Departments of Education tended to indicate that some larger school districts have developed handbooks to assist custodians in their work. The literature available for use in this study was divided into four general types: (1) Handbooks, (2) Books other than handbooks, (3) Periodicals, and (4) Other materials. Each of these materials are reviewed with respect to the general contents and some attention was given to the method of reporting the information. Other than the handbooks received for the study, only a limited number of books was found which pertained to the school custodian’s task. Some periodicals publish articles for custodians more frequently than others. It was found that The Nation’s Schools, the American School Board Journal, School Management, and the Educational Executive’s Overview published articles in the area more frequently than other educational periodicals. In addition to those listed, a “Custodian’s Letter” is published every month, September through June, by Croft Educational Services. Other materials have been published by various institutions and agencies which aid the custodian. Bulletins have been issued from time to time by State Departments of Education, Custodial Training Schools have printed materials to distribute to participants in workshops, and other agencies and businesses have provided materials to explain the use of certain products in performing custodial duties. Materials of the type listed were available for the study and a few of those were reviewed as examples of what might be obtained. Attention was given to the materials available for the study as they might aid in developing a handbook for school custodians. The discussion of this area was divided into three parts: (1) Developing a custodial staff, (2) Defining custodial duties and developing work schedules, and (3) Supplying and equipping the custodial program. With regard to developing a custodial staff, the materials were discussed as they contributed to the following topics: (1) Importance of school custodians, (2) Qualifications of the school custodian, (3) Factors influencing custodial requirements, (4) Responsibilities of the School custodian, (5) Recruitment of candidates for the job, (6) Training the custodial staff, and (7) Evaluation of custodial services. Topics discussed with regard to the literature available on defining custodial duties and developing work schedules included: (1) Custodial duties, (2) Work-load formulas, (3) Work Schedules, and (4) Records and reports. Concerning the supplying and equipping of the custodial program, materials were discussed under the topics: (1) Supplies and equipment needed, (2) Facilities for the custodian himself, (3) Purchasing policies, and (4) Distribution of supplies.


Dr. LaVier L. Staven

Date of Award

Summer 1963

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


© The Author(s)


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