Master's Theses


Health and Human Performance

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


The purpose of this study was to determine the amount of strength transferred to the unexercised contralateral wrist flexor muscle group utilizing a unilateral maximal isometric strength measurement schedule with college men. Twenty right-handed male college freshmen were selected as subjects for this study. A cable tensiometer and associated equipment was utilized as the measuring instrument for maximal isometric strength of the wrist flexor muscles. Each subject was given a pre-test to obtain the initial strength of each wrist flexor muscle group. Following the pre-test a fourteen-day interval was allowed, during which the subjects were placed into two matched groups on the basis of their total pre-test scores. Group “A” was measured with the left hand first for five consecutive days and subsequently with the right hand for five consecutive days. Group "B” was measured in reverse order, right hand to left hand. A two-day rest period separated the five day unilateral measurement programs. All daily treatments consisted of five trials maximal one minute apart, and took place between the time of 10:00 A.M. and 12:00 Noon. The t-test for paired observations resulted in non-significant t's between the pre- test mean scores and the day one mean scores in all four unilateral measurement programs. The treatments by subject’s analysis of variance design resulted in only the left hand of group "A" demonstrating a statistically significant strength change. In this unilateral program only day one differed significantly from days two, four, and five. As non-significant t’s occurred between the pre-test mean scores and the day one mean scores of the second measured hand, it was concluded that no cross transfer of strength occurred. On the basis of the data and within the limitations of this study the following conclusions seem warranted: 1. the repeated maximal isometric measurement schedules of short duration are satisfactory in a reliability sense for measuring the maximal strength of the wrist flexor muscles in a test re-test situation fourteen days apart. 2. The repeated maximal isometric measurement schedules are not capable of eliciting significant increases in strength potentialities of the exercised muscles during a five day measurement program. 3. No transfer effects of strength potentialities to the contralateral limb resulted as the exercised muscle group itself failed to demonstrate a significant increase in exerted strength.


Walter Kroll

Date of Award

Spring 1963

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


© The Author(s)


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