Master's Theses
Theses from 1970
The Economic Significance of Crude Oil Production on the Economy of Russell County, Kansas: An Input-Output Study, Everett Sechtem
The Creative Experience As A Continuing Activity, Jimmie Lee Williams
Pensamiento Poetico Espanol Contemporaneo 1890-1934 [Contemporary Spanish Poetic Thought 1890-1934], Won Chul Choung
A Study of Free Groups, Dennis Eugene Huebner
A Study of Background Factors, Academic Standing, and Life Style Patterns of the Senior Male Students at Fort Hays Kansas State College, Lucille C. Stewart
Native Vegetation on Some Ellis County, Kansas Soils, Owen D. Dutt
Forms in Clay Which Combine the Human Figure with Thrown and Handbuilt Settings, Dennis G. Kirchmann
A Study of Patron Opinions Regarding the Educational Program of Unified School District 395, Leeroy Schuckman
The Depiction of the Human Form in Drawing, Ann C. Hefty
Reality and Actualism, Harold Waldrum
Distribution and Phenology of Vegetation in Pool 3, Cheyenne Bottoms Waterfowl Management Area, Donald W. Hastings
Hollow Ware and Jewelry Design with Emphasis on the Construction Method, Neil A. Nulton
Decision-Making as a Function of the Business Executive, Amphol Phumiwasana
Sisters' Attitudes Toward Church Changes : A Study of the Reactions of the Sisters of St. Agnes in a Western Community, Dorissa Erbert Sr.
Perceptual Proposition, Lynn D. Carlsgaard
Photography as a Fine Art, Robert E. Hottman
Foreign Trade Trends in South Korea, Young-Woo Park
Foreign Trade Development of Taiwan, Beatrice Fu-Mei Wang
A Study of U.S. Economic Aid to the Republic of China, Charles Ching-Wu Wang
Differential Effects of Internal and External Stimuli on Obese and Normal Subjects, Jeffrey Raymon Bull
Phytoplanktonic Productivity in Cedar Bluff Reservoir, Trego County, Kansas, Ronald D. Ellermeier
Population Problems and Economic Development in Taiwan, Kuo-Ying Tou
Increasing the Need to Achieve as a Result of Summer Camp Experience, Keith D. Ogburn
Reading Instruction in the Kindergarten, Elouise D. Miller
Theses from 1969
Statewide Branch Banking : An Alternative Solution to Inadequate Financing of Agriculture by Rural National Banks in the Tenth Federal Reserve District, Van Robert Hoisington
Increasing the Independent Rate of a Simple Motor Skill in Retardates via Use of the P-Hypothesis, Donald P. Grigsby
Analytic Geometry as a Precursor to Calculus, Ross Lowery Thornbrugh
The Reduction of the Pre as a Function of Verbally Inducing an Analyser, Richard Ledford Beattie
The Responsibilities and Decisions of a High School Principal, Paul B. Temaat
Further Studies of the Chemical Constituents of the Root of Echinacea Angustifolia, D.C., Richard L. Craven
A Descriptive Study of Media Programs in Selected Senior High Schools in Kansas, Oklahoma, Nebraska, and Colorado, Leon Maxson
A Proposal For the Organization of a Cooperative Special Education Program in Rural Western Kansas, James Ryabik
Topics in Topology For the Secondary Student, Roger W. Steinert
A Validation Study of the CMAS Using an Intervening Stress Situation With Institutionalized Adult Retardates, George T. Swihart
A Study of the Social Participation of the Non-employed Wife of the Working Class Man in Hays, Kansas, Rose M. Arnhold
Attitudes of Supervising English Teachers and Fort Hays State College Student Teachers Toward Their Preparation for Teaching Composition, Grammar, and Usage, Audrey Fae Henry
The Electrochemistry of Tin Amalgam, Vincent Meng Ho
An Input-Output Matrix for Ellis County, Gary Maydew
A Survey of Properties of Curves of Constant Width with Examples and Applications, Judith Ann Nusse
A Study of the Chemical Constituents of the Seeds of Echinacea Angustifolia, DC., Terry L. Seltmann
A Study of Some Natural Gasolines of Western Kansas, Iraj Sharifi
The Role of Input Organization in the Short Term Memory Abilities of Normals and Retardates, Richard L. Simpson
The Synthesis of Precursors of 3-Isoacequinoline, Sung-Yong Tark
The Variable Annuity, Cherry L. Close
A Readability Study, Dolores Y. Earnest
An Examination of Four Late Orchestral Works of Bela Bartok, Kenneth G. Folsom
A Follow-Up Study of the 1966, 1967, and 1968 Graduates of the Garden City Community Junior College, Ronald G. Hopkins
Populist Study in Need of Revision: A Case Study of Kearny County, Kansas, in the Populist Era, Harold Ray Smith
Program Evaluation and Review Technique in Cost Accounting, Henry T. Wu
Aspects of Agriculture and Food Production in South Korea, Ho Kum
Dr. Charles Monroe Sheldon : The Rhetoric of a Religious Reformer, Anna Locke Herman
Raising Copper and Silver Forms by the Modified English Method, Clinton J. Leon
Parallelism in the Johannine Epistles, Samuel Lee Warfel
Painting Techniques in Collage and Montage, Calvin L. Mahin
Madame Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit: A Non-Violent Agitator, Jean Roland
Creative Expression Through the Use of Clay Applied to the Surface of Wheel Thrown Ceramic Forms, Thomas K. Willis
Experimentation in Closed Joined Slab Stoneware Constructions, Dennis L. Mitchell
A Follow-Up Study of Pratt Community Junior College Graduates, Ray O. McKinney
Diversification of Watercolor Through the Use of a Variety of Materials, William A. Priddy
Saul Bellow's Alienated Protagonists : Jamesian Psychology as Therapy, Byron Dean Hull
Experiments in Glaze Over Acrylic Colors, Marie Swisher
Portrait of a Revolutionary : Thomas Jefferson and the Coming of the American Revolution, Robert Wittemore Osborn
Exploring Improbable Matching Materials in Experimental Sculpture, Dan K. Price
Net Shoot Production and Biomass Transfer Rates in a Mature Grassland Ecosystem, James E. Lester
Academic Freedom: A Systems Approach, Jerry Riseley
The Breeding Ecology of the Barn Swallow in Ellis, County, Kansas, Larry W. Anthony
Prairie, James L. Callahan
The Foreign Capital Inducement Into South Korea During the First Five-Year Planning Period, 1962-1966, Pil Young Choung
The Expatriate at Home : The Spirit of Expatriatism in Selected Fiction Published in 'The Dial', 1920-1929, Shari S. Forbes
A Study of Financial Ratios in Seven Farm Equipment Dealer Organizations in Kansas, Ronald Clay Good
Expression in Rectangular Ceramic Forms with Incised and Applied Surfaces, Donald C. McCance
Investment Credit, John Trapp
The Effect of the Therapeutic Counseling Experience on the Personality Development of Six High School Students Through Eleven Group Counseling Sessions, Marcella Lucy Ann Wasinger Sr.
A Study of Some Nucleophilic Reactions of 2-Bromo-2-Nitropropane, Gloria Tzyy-Fang Tsai Chen
Detrital Energetic Contributions of Sigmodon Hispidus Vegetational Clippings, Yaroslaw Petryszyn
Ecological Aspects of Sigmodon Hispidus in a Mature Eco-System, Michael Allen Mares
A Study of the Impact of the Iron and Steel Industry on the Economy of Japan Since 1960, Osamu Nakahara
A Study of Accountants' Concepts on the Theory of Breakeven Analysis, Visudh Smavatkul
Influence of Verbal Reward on Figure Determination in the Figure-Ground Phenomenon, Joseph Harry Giacobbe
Rural Attitudes Toward Urban Living : A Study of Rural Ethnocentrism, Michael L. Gintzler
An Analysis of the Economic Structure of the Family Farm Corporation in Kansas, Steven A. Lunt
A Survey of Athletics in the Northwest Kansas League Schools, Donald L. Anderson
The Regulation and Control of Mutual Funds, David Joel Isern
A Study of Taiwan Tourism Industry, Ellen Hsien-Ching Kung
An Investigation of the Financing of Highways and Thoroughfares in Kansas: 1963-1967, Donald Ray Givens
Energy Flow Through a Wintering Population of Tree Sparrows, Leland H. Parks
A Critical Study of the Taiwan Stock Exchange, Li-Pei Wu
Comparative Analysis of Foreign Beginning Readers to Identify Values Emphasized in the Content, Rozeene Lyon
The Use of Rack Work Exercise Versus Weight Lifting Movement Exercise for the Improvement of the Olympic Lift Total, James W. Woods
The Edwards Personal Preference Schedule and McClelland's Projective Scale as Measures of the Need for Achievement, Catherine D. Helfrich
The Outdoor Laboratory as a Practical Facility for Teaching Field Biology in Midwestern Kansas High Schools, Gwendolyn L. Miner
Mateel Howe Farnham: Her Life and Writings, Joseph Roche
The Effects of Arousal, Inhibition, and Sexual Drive on the Appreciation of Sexual Humor, Karen Holeman Burkhardt
A Study of Taiwan Investment Environment, Henry Heng Liang
A Survey of Migratory Shorebirds in Ellis County, Kansas, 1968, Richard Kent Schreiber
The Social Views of Dwight L. Moody and Their Relation to the Workingman of 1860-1900, Myron Raymond Chartier
The Effects of Differential Drive Levels on Running Speed and Activity in Frustrative Nonreward, Dennis D. King