Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
The present study was conducted in order to evaluate the role of input organization in the short term memory abilities of normals and retardates. Five lists of organized and five lists of unorganized stimuli words were administered to each of 15 normal subjects and 15 retarded subjects with each subject being scored on his ability to recall given stimuli items. The scores obtained for the different groups were compared. It was found that organization is an important variable influencing memory in retardates but that this factor plays a much smaller role in normal groups. The single most significant finding of the study was related to the manner in which the type of stimulus material employed (organized or unorganized) related to a given individual's ability level. Generalizations from the present study were limited because of the small population size and an institutionalization variable effecting the retarded group.
Special education, People with disabilities, Ellis County (Kan.), Fort Hays State University, Norton County (Kan.), Students, Evaluation and aid effectiveness, Patients
Dr. John D. King
Date of Award
Summer 1969
Document Type
Thesis - campus only access
Recommended Citation
Simpson, Richard L., "The Role of Input Organization in the Short Term Memory Abilities of Normals and Retardates" (1969). Master's Theses. 1244.
DOI: 10.58809/CTCV1342
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