Master's Theses



Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


A summary of the revolutions of 1910 and 1913 which respectively removed Porfirio Diaz and Francisco Yladero from the presidency of Mexico and the implication of Ambassador Henry Lane Wilson comprise the introductory chapter. A detailed analysis was made of the diplomacy of President Woodrow Wilson as it affected the Provisional Presidency of Victoriano Huerta as well as the personalities in Wilson's cabinet, the American State Department, and Mexican officialdom. It is the contention of the writer that a major departure occurred in American traditional policy of recognition, which was formerly based on a nation's ability to maintain law, order, and stability, but under President Wilson shifted to constitutional legitimacy. The motives and circumstances that led to the occupation of Vera Cruz by United States Marines and the mediatory conference at Niagara, Canada, was also given careful study. Due to the reluctance on the part of Mexican sources of information in disseminating materials pertinent to the topic of this thesis, research was confined to United States documents and sources written in English. Primary sources were: Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, Congressional Record, The New York Times, and various monographic works. Until the private papers of Ambassador Wilson are released, the writer feels that a complete understanding of American diplomacy can not be obtained by the student of this period.


Committee Chair

Date of Award

Spring 1958

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


© 1958 Donald E. Chipman


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