Advanced Education Programs Master's Theses

Advanced Education Programs Master's Theses

This collection contains materials created by Fort Hays State University graduate students in partial fulfillment of the requirements for their master's degrees. Due to copyright restrictions some works are limited to on-campus access only. If you have questions about access to individual works, or if you are an author of a thesis who would like to make it openly accessible, please contact


Theses from 1970


Reading Instruction in the Kindergarten, Elouise D. Miller


A Study of Patron Opinions Regarding the Educational Program of Unified School District 395, Leeroy Schuckman


A Study of Post Secondary Educational Pursuits for Mitchell County High School Graduates for 01/01/1961 and 01/01/1962, Robert J. Severance


The Degree of Preference for Elementary School Subjects, Harold V. Siegrist


The Use of Counting Tactics in Teaching Children to Hear and Discriminate the Correct and Incorrect Production of a Phoneme as They Articulate, Dorothy W. Turney

Theses from 1969


Attitudes of Supervising English Teachers and Fort Hays State College Student Teachers Toward Their Preparation for Teaching Composition, Grammar, and Usage, Audrey Fae Henry


A Follow-Up Study of the 01/01/1966, 01/01/1967, and 01/01/1968 Graduates of the Garden City Community Junior College, Ronald G. Hopkins


Comparative Analysis of Foreign Beginning Readers to Identify Values Emphasized in the Content, Rozeene Lyon


A Project on Constructing Picture Tests for Beginning Navajo Children in the Nenahnezad Boarding School in the Bureau of Indian Affairs on the Navajo Reservation, Tressa Y. Moore


A Proposal For the Organization of a Cooperative Special Education Program in Rural Western Kansas, James Ryabik


The Responsibilities and Decisions of a High School Principal, Paul B. Temaat


The Effect of the Therapeutic Counseling Experience on the Personality Development of Six High School Students Through Eleven Group Counseling Sessions, Lucy Ann M. Wasinger

Theses from 1968


The Relationship Between the Self-Concept and Achievement in Reading, Sarah Binder


A Survey of Certain Demographic Characteristics of Children with Reading Difficulties Referred to a Reading Service Center, Norma Pauline Converse


A Study to Determine the Need for a Work-Study Program in the Hays, Kansas Senior High School, Darrell Lee Cottingham


A Survey of the Services Provided by Elementary Guidance Counselors in Kansas, Lloyd T. Gwartney


An Evaluation of a Counselor's Lead Remarks and the Effect of These on the Client's Decision-Making Behavior, Ronald Hubert Karst


A Study of the Effectiveness of Veterans' Counseling at Fort Hays Kansas State College, Allen D. McCune


A Study of Teacher Morale: A Comparison of the Importance of Selected Morale Building Factors as Indicated By Men Teachers, Unmarried Women Teachers, and Married Women Teachers, John Arnel Pierce


A Study of the Classroom Teacher's Self-Image and Knowledge of the Role of the School Psychologist as They Relate Themselves to Attitudes Expressed Toward the Profession, Ronald R. Willis

Theses from 1967


John G. Neihardt as Epic Poet of the West, Paul A. Gatschet


A Study of Non-Academically Inclined Students, Albert M. Herren


Suggested Guidelines for the Supervising Teacher of the Fort Hays Kansas State College Summer Laboratory School, Doris Kapelle Mays


An Analysis of the Therapeutic Effect on Client Behavior of Twelve Consecutive Counseling Sessions, Edgar F. McNeil


A Proposed Guide in Social Studies for Grade Eight in a Thai University Demonstration School, Pibulsri S. Wasanasomsithi