Advanced Education Programs
Degree Name
Education Specialist (Ed.S)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the use of counting tactics in teaching children to hear and to discriminate the correct and incorrect production of a phoneme as they articulate and to compare the teaching of auditory discrimination by two methods. The study was designed to test the following hypothesis: Teaching articulatory defective children auditory discrimination using the counting tactics methods has beneficial effects on their articulation. The population for this experiment consisted of twenty students from grades one, two and three who were enrolled in the Hays Unified District, #489, at Hays, Kansas, during the 1969- 1970 school term. Auditory discrimination data were obtained by administering the Wepman Auditory Discrimination Test in October as a pre-test and again in April as a post-test. Articulation data were obtained by administering the McDonald Deep Test of Articulation in October and again in April. The Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test was used as a measure of intelligence. A pure tone audiometric hearing test, using the Maico Audiometer, was administered in September to each student to assure that all subjects in the study possessed normal hearing. Auditory discrimination and articulation data were analyzed by a t test for the Significance of difference on mean gains. The value with nine degrees of freedom was significant at .01. In summary, the development of adequate articulation skills requires an auditory system that is capable of making the necessary discrimination among speech sounds. Children with definite impairment of auditory sensitivity are obviously somewhat handicapped. Based on the findings of this research the writer concludes that teaching auditory discrimination through use of counting tactics has a positive effect on the articulation. Further research using a larger population is indicated by this study.
Primary education, Hays (Kan.), Ellis County (Kan.), Students, Testing, Mental states, Memory, Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, Counting
Dr. Hulda Groesbeck
Date of Award
Summer 1970
Document Type
Thesis - campus only access
Recommended Citation
Turney, Dorothy W., "The Use of Counting Tactics in Teaching Children to Hear and Discriminate the Correct and Incorrect Production of a Phoneme as They Articulate" (1970). Master's Theses. 1323.
DOI: 10.58809/AHQX6615
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