Master's Theses



Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Research was conducted August 21, 1961, through July 12, 1961, at Cheyenne Bottoms, a 12,900 acre marsh in Barton County, Kansas. The object was to determine the relative numbers, status of nesting species and migration peaks and periods of shorebirds of the suborder Charadrii, order Charadriiformes. Visits were made frequently and observations were conducted throughout the area from dike roads which possess adjacent shore habitat desirable for shorebirds. The vehicle served as a blind in making most identifications. Some identifications were verified by collecting specimens. Approximately 71,000 shorebirds of 28 different species were observed during both fall and spring migrations. Twenty species totaled approximately 4,600 individuals during fall while 24 species totaled approximately 66,000 shorebirds during spring migration. October 2 through 10 was the principal fall migration period. The principal spring migration periods were April 20, May 1 through 7, and May 22 through 25. Only four species were observed nesting at Cheyenne Bottoms during the spring of 1962. Dowitchers and White-rumped Sandpipers made - up much of the fall and spring shorebird totals, respectively. The Sanderling was found to be more numerous than previously believed. A correlation appeared to exist between weather conditions and the May 1 migration peak. Five species reached peak numbers during this date.


Charles A. Ely

Date of Award

Summer 1962

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


© 1962 Willard C. Ferguson


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