Master's Theses


Economics, Finance, & Accounting

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Business enterprises have been an integral part of human society ever since the dawn of civilization. Various forms of business organizations have been developed in response to the growth of the economy. The corporation is the dominant type of business enterprise at the present time. The corporate economic system has evoked extensive admiration as well as wide criticism. It is the purpose of this study to make a review of how a corporation should function, and what a corporation should be. Part of the study is an attempt to locate the merits and demerits of the corporate form of enterprise. A survey was made of the literature available on this subject in the Forsyth Library and in the library of the Division of the Economics and Business of Fort Hays Kansas State College. Attention was devoted to the historical background as well as the current position of business corporations. The business corporations are especially adapted for our modern economic system, which is featured by mass production and mass distribution. However, the business corporation is capable of both great use and great abuse. Alongside the corporations which are formed for genuine business purposes are those abused as shelters for committing business torts and crimes, or as vehicles for concentrating personal economic power. More complete governmental supervision over business corporations and the further development of social consciousness on the part of corporate management are two possible approaches to correcting such demerits as are incidental to the corporate form of business enterprise.


Archie C. Thomas

Date of Award

Spring 1961

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


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