Content Posted in 2022
1.16 Million Raised for Coliseum, Fort Hays State University
1872 Rules for Teachers, Fort Hays State University
1872 Rules for Teachers, Some Results of an Education, Fort Hays State University
1903 Women's Basketball Team, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1903 Women's Basketball Team Facing Away, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1903 Women's Basketball Team Facing Away and Forward, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1905 Women's Basketball Team, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1905 Women's Basketball Team, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1914 Freshmen Basketball Team, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1915 Reveille - Sheridan Coliseum, Fort Hays Kansas State College
1915 Women's Basketball Team Postcard, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1915 Women's Basketball Team Postcard, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1915 Women's Basketball Team Postcard Overexposed, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1916 Reveille - Sheridan Coliseum, Fort Hays Kansas State College
1916 Women's Basketball Team, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1917 Reveille - Music Department, Fort Hays Kansas Normal School
1918 Basketball Team Photo, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1919 Basketball Team Photo, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1919 Basketball Team Photo, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1956 - 1957 Student Activities, Fort Hays Kansas State College
1958 Entrance and Record, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1958 Homecoming Banquet Program, Fort Hays Kansas State College
1959 Memorial Union Summer Program, Fort Hays Kansas State College
1963 Summer Sidelights, Fort Hays Kansas State College
1971-1972 Tiger Women's Basketball Team Portrait, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1973-1974 Women's Basketball Team Portrait, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1974-1975 Tiger Women's Basketball Team Portrait, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1974-1975 Tiger Women's Basketball Team Portrait, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1974-1975 Tiger Women's Basketball Team Portrait, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1976-1977 Tiger Women's Basketball Team Portrait, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1977-1978 Fort Hays State Basketball Team Photo, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1977-1978 Tiger Women's Basketball Team Portrait, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1978-1979 Central State Intercollegiate Conference, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1978-1979 Fort Hays State Basketball Team Photo, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1978-1979 Tiger Women's Basketball Team Portrait, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1979-1980 Fort Hays State Basketball Team Photo, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1979-1980 Tiger Women's Basketball Team Portrait, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1979-1980 Tiger Women's Basketball Team Portrait, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1980-1981 Fort Hays State Basketball Team Photo, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1980-1981 Fort Hays State Basketball Team Photo, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1980-1981 Tiger Women's Basketball Team Portrait, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1980-1981 Tiger Women's Basketball Team Portrait, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1980-1981 Tiger Women's Basketball Team Portrait, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1981-1982 Fort Hays State Basketball Team, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1981-1982 Fort Hays State Basketball Team Photo, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1981-1982 Fort Hays State Basketball Team Photo, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1981-1982 Fort Hays State Basketball Team with Coaches, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1981-1982 Tiger Women's Basketball Team Portrait, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1981-82 Tiger Women's Basketball Team Portrait, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1981 Player Portrait of Rege Klitzke, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1982-1983 Fort Hays State Basketball Team Photo, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1982-1983 Fort Hays State Basketball Team Photo, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1982-1983 Fort Hays State Basketball Team Photo, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1983-1984 Tiger Women's Basketball Team Portrait, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1983-1984 Tiger Women's Basketball Team Portrait, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1984-1985 Fort Hays State Basketball Team Photo, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1984-1985 Fort Hays State Basketball Team Photo, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1984-1985 Tiger Women's Basketball Team Portrait, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1984-1985 Tiger Women's Basketball Team Portrait, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1985-1986 Basketball Team Sitting on Stairs, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1985-1986 Tiger Women's Basketball Team Portrait, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1985 NAIA Championship Game, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1986-1987 Fort Hays State Basketball Team Photo, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1986-1987 Tiger Women's Basketball Team, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1987-1988 Fort Hays State Basketball Team Photo, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1987-1988 Tiger Women's Basketball Team Portrait, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1988-1989 Fort Hays State Basketball Team Photo, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1988-1989 Tiger Women's Basketball Team, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1989-1990 Fort Hays State Basketball Team, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1989-1990 Fort Hays State Basketball Team Photo, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1990-1991 Fort Hays State Basketball Team Photo, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1990-1991 Fort Hays State Basketball Team Photo, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1991-1992 Tiger Women's Basketball Team Portrait, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1991-1992 Tiger Women's Basketball Team Portrait, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1992-1993 Fort Hays State Basketball Team Photo, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1992-1993 Tiger Women's Basketball Team Portrait, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1993-1994 Tiger Women's Basketball Team Portrait, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1994-1995 Fort Hays State Basketball Team Photo, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1994-1995 Fort Hays State Basketball Team Photo, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1994-1995 Fort Hays State Basketball Team Photo, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1994-1995 Tiger Women's Basketball Team, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1994-1995 Women's Basketball Championship Banner, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1994 Team Poses with Trophy, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1995-1996 Autographed Fort Hays State Basketball Team Photo, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1995-1996 Fort Hays State Basketball Team Photo, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1995-96 Elite 8 Tournament - Crowd Holding Signs for Player 32, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1995-96 Elite 8 Tournament - "Feel the Tiger Terror", Fort Hays State University Athletics
1995-96 Elite 8 Tournament - Fort Hays Flag Raised, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1995-96 Elite 8 Tournament - Player and Coach on Sidelines, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1995-96 Elite 8 Tournament - Sherick Simpson Makes Layup, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1995-96 Elite 8 Tournament - Team Sitting on Sidelines, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1996-1997 Fort Hays State Basketball Team Photo, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1996-1997 Fort Hays State Basketball Team Photo, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1996-1997 Tiger Women's Basketball Team Portrait, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1996-1997 Tiger Women's Basketball Team Portrait, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1996 RMAC Title at Denver, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1996 RMAC Title at Denver, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1996 RMAC Title at Denver Celebration, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1996 RMAC Title at Denver Cutting the Net, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1996 RMAC Title at Denver Cutting the Net, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1996 RMAC Title at Denver Cutting the Net, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1996 RMAC Title at Denver Cutting the Net, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1996 RMAC Title at Denver Cutting the Net, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1996 RMAC Title at Denver Cutting the Net, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1996 RMAC Title at Denver Cutting the Net, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1996 RMAC Title at Denver Cutting the Net, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1996 RMAC Title at Denver Group Photograph, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1996 RMAC Title at Denver Group Photo Op, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1996 RMAC Title at Denver Photo Op, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1996 RMAC Title at Denver Players Walking Off the Court, Fort Hays State University Athletics
1997-1998 Wiest Hall Guide, Fort Hays State University
2,000 Years of Chinese Painting, Fort Hays Kansas State College
2012-1-001: Kinser Bridge - Early
2012-1-002: Main Street Bridge
2012-1-003: Main Street Bridge
2012-1-004: Main Street Bridge
2012-1-005: Main Street Bridge
2012-1-006: Main Street Bridge
2012-1-007: Main Street Bridge
2012-1-008: Main Street Bridge, J E. Cox
2012-1-009: Main Street Bridge, E D. Ruth
2012-1-010: Main Street Bridge, Charles A. Smith
2012-1-011: Main Street Footbridge, E D. Ruth
2012-1-012: Railroad Bridge - East
2012-1-016: Evangelical Church
2012-1-017: First Mennonite Church
2012-1-018: First Mennonite Church
2012-1-019: First Mennonite Church
2012-1-020: German M. E. Church, E D. Ruth
2012-1-021: First Methodist Church
2012-1-022: First Methodist Church
2012-1-023: First Methodist Church
2012-1-024: First Methodist Church
2012-1-025: Methodist Episcopal Church
2012-1-026: First Presbyterian Church
2012-1-027: First Presbyterian Church
2012-1-028: First Presbyterian Church
2012-1-029: First Presbyterian Church
2012-1-031: Church Revival, Charles A. Smith
2012-1-032: Church Groups, Charles A. Smith
2012-1-033: Young Peoples Organization of First Presbyterian Church, Charles A. Smith
2012-1-034: Building Across from City Hall
2012-1-038: Halstead Bank after Gas Explosion
2012-1-039: Farmers State Bank
2012-1-040: Buller's Feed Sack
2012-1-042: First Farmers Elevator
2012-1-044: Halstead Elevator with Train
2012-1-045: Halstead Elevator Ruins
2012-1-046: Train Passing the Halstead Elevator
2012-1-047: Halstead Elevator Ruins Removal
2012-1-049: Halstead Mill and Elevator Co. and Boss Patent, E D. Ruth
2012-1-051: Halstead Mill and Elevator Co. and Boss Patent
2012-1-055: Halstead Elevator, Charles A. Smith
2012-1-056: Halstead Elevator and Mill
2012-1-057: Hoover & Bonham Mill, Charles A. Smith
2012-1-058 (L): Halstead Elevator - Front
2012-1-058 (R): Halstead Elevator - Back
2012-1-059: Rub-R-Slat Draper Co.
2012-1-061: Rio Grande Steam Engine
2012-1-062: Arkansas Valley Interurban Railway Car Promoting Old Settlers Picnic
2012-1-063: Steam Engine and People
2012-1-065: Halstead Depot from a Distance
2012-1-066: Santa Fe Passenger Train
2012-1-071: Roper Motor Company
2012-1-074: Woolcotts IGA and Malleis Store
2012-1-075: Senior Citizen Center
2012-1-076: Halstead Automobile Co.
2012-1-077: Mantele Jewelry Store
2012-1-079: Telephone Exchange
2012-1-080: Mitchells Restaurant After a Storm, E D. Ruth
2012-1-082: Halstead Pool Hall
2012-1-084: Hensley's Super Service Sign
2012-1-085: Murray and Lewis Transfer Co.
2012-1-087: Gambles Department Store
2012-1-088: JA Linn Dry Goods and Halstead Bank
2012-1-091 Back: Back of Photograph Memorial Day Dedication
2012-1-091 Front: Memorial Day Dedication
2012-1-094: Front of Carnegie library
2012-1-097: Old City Hall Stage
2012-1-098: Band Posing with an Automobile
2012-1-099: Photograph of a Band in a Newspaper Clipping
2012-1-101: Halstead Orchestra, Charles A. Smith
2012-1-106: Q.E.D., McClain Photograph
2012-1-108: Halstead Map Sketch
2012-1-110: John Lehmann Store
2012-1-112: City Hall Sign, Aaron Buller
2012-1-113: City Hall and Library, J E. Cox
2012-1-115: Gambles Department Store and Halstead Bank
2012-1-116: Masonic Lodge Hall and Malleis Store
2012-1-117: Harvey Hensley Filling Station
2012-1-118: Harvey Hensley Filling Station
2012-1-119: Maxwell Service Station
2012-1-120: Kenny and Katy's Bar
2012-1-122: Harvey Hensley Filling Station
2012-1-123: Harvey Hensley Filling Station
2012-1-124: Gehne and Dreese Auto Dealership
2012-1-125: Mantele's Department Store
2012-1-126: Gehne and Dreese Auto Dealership
2012-1-127: Maxwell Service Station and Garage
2012-1-128: Harvey Hensley Filling Station
2012-1-129: Malleis Shoe Store, J E. Cox
2012-1-130: Main Street, J E. Cox
2012-1-131: Main Street in 1965
2012-1-133: Kansas Health Museum
2012-1-135: Corner of Main Street and Second Street
2012-1-138: Bookwalter Building
2012-1-143: Main Street, J E. Cox
2012-1-145: Hensley's Mileage Sign
2012-1-146: Standard Filling Station
2012-1-147: Thornhill Barbershop
2012-1-148: Thornhill Barbershop
2012-1-149: Lehman Brothers Store
2012-1-151: Main Street and Third
2012-1-152: Main Street and Second
2012-1-153: Main Street from the Railroad
2012-1-154: Main Street and South Second
2012-1-155: Main Street West Side
2012-1-157: Main Street - Aerial View, E D. Ruth
2012-1-158: Main Street - Aerial View, J E. Cox
2012-1-159: Main Street From the Post Office
2012-1-160: Main Street with White Half of Photograph
2012-1-164: Kit Carson Tree in Riverside Park, E D. Ruth
2012-1-165: Kit Carson Tree in Riverside Park Dedication
2012-1-166: Kit Carson Tree in Riverside Park with Nelson and Pierce
2012-1-167: Kit Carson Tree in Riverside Park with a Sign
2012-1-168: Kit Carson Tree in Riverside Park
2012-1-169: Riverside Park Swinging Bridge
2012-1-170: Riverside Park Dam
2012-1-173: Manual Training School Building
2012-1-175: Riverside Park Spillway, Charles A. Smith
2012-1-176: Riverside Park in the Winter
2012-1-178: Riverside Park in the Fall
2012-1-179: Black Kettle Creek at Riverside Park
2012-1-180: Riverside Park Snow Covered River
2012-1-181: Riverside Park Snow Covered Trees
2012-1-182: Riverside Park Dam from a Distance
2012-1-183: Riverside Park Bridge and Dam, J E. Cox
2012-1-184: Women at the Riverside Park
2012-1-185: Riverside Park: Past and Present
2012-1-186: Riverside Park News Clipping
2012-1-187: Riverside Park Wooden Dam
2012-1-189L: Inside the Scout Cabin (Left Side)
2012-1-189R: Inside the Scout Cabin (Right Side)
2012-1-190: Halstead Grove (Pierce's Grove)
2012-1-191: Volunteer Firemen, Charles A. Smith
2012-1-193: Basketball Team- 1907
2012-1-194: Former Basketball Team
2012-1-195: Halstead Maroons Baseball Team
2012-1-196: Ellis Island Baseball Team
2012-1-197: The Anti Horse Thief Baseball Team
2012-1-198: Baseball Team- 1909, J E. Cox
2012-1-200: Football Team in Position
2012-1-201: Football Team Posing in Front of the High School
2012-1-203: Tackle During a Football Game
2012-1-206 L: Back Side of First Woman Voters in Halstead
2012-1-206 R: First Women Voters in Halstead
2012-1-207: Kim Novak in Riverside Park
2012-1-208: Kim Novak in Riverside Park
2012-1-209L: Santa Comes to Halstead
2012-1-209R: Santa Comes to Halstead- Right Image
2012-1-210: Gymnasts at Old Settlers
2012-1-211: Gymnasts at Old Settlers
2012-1-213: Gymnasts at Old Settlers
2012-1-214: Gymnasts at Old Settlers
2012-1-215: Gymnasts at Old Settlers
2012-1-216: Gymnasts at Old Settlers
2012-1-217: Youth Performing at Old Settlers
2012-1-218: Trapeze Performer at Old Settlers
2012-1-219: Old Settlers- 1897, Charles A. Smith
2012-1-220: Old Settlers Booster Club, E D. Ruth
2012-1-221: People Attending Old Settlers, Charles A. Smith
2012-1-222: Old Settlers Honorees, Charles A. Smith
2012-1-223: Old Settlers Food Booths
2012-1-224: Old Settlers Crowd, Charles A. Smith
2012-1-225: Riverside Park Crowd
2012-1-226: Old Settlers Carnival
2012-1-227: Old Settlers Vendors
2012-1-228: Old Settlers Preparation
2012-1-229: Halstead Mill and Elevator
2012-1-230: Old Settlers Banner
2012-1-231: Old Settlers Honorees in 1944
2012-1-232: Old Settlers Speaker
2012-1-233: Old Settlers Honorees
2012-1-234: Old Settlers in 1907
2012-1-235: Old Settlers Parade
2012-1-236: Old Settlers Boosters in a Parade
2012-1-237: Old Settlers Pets in Parade, Charles A. Smith
2012-1-238: Halstead Sidewalk During Old Settlers
2012-1-239: Old Settlers Parade in Color
2012-1-240: Old Settlers Parade on Main Street
2012-1-241: Smith Brothers at Old Settlers
2012-1-242: Old Settlers and Smith Brothers
2012-1-243: Old Settlers Float
2012-1-245: Old Settlers Halstead Independent Float
2012-1-246: Old Settlers Patriotic Float
2012-1-247: Old Settlers Tea Party Float
2012-1-248: Old Settlers 4-H Float
2012-1-249: Old Settlers Floral Shop Float
2012-1-250: Old Settlers Tractor in a Parade
2012-1-251: Tractor and Float During Old Settlers
2012-1-252: Old Settlers Q.E.D. Club
2012-1-253: Old Settlers Float
2012-1-254: Old Settlers Moulds Float
2012-1-255: Old Settlers Hertzler Clinic Float
2012-1-256: Old Settlers Malleis Shoe Float
2012-1-257: Old Settlers Research Foundation Float
2012-1-258: Old Settlers Hospital Float
2012-1-259: Old Settlers Monsanto Float
2012-1-260: Boy and Horses in the Old Settlers Parade
2012-1-261: Automobile in the Old Settlers Parade
2012-1-262: Fire Truck in the Old Settlers Parade
2012-1-263: Ambulance in the Old Settlers Parade
2012-1-264: Old Settlers Shriners
2012-1-265: Old Settlers Shriners Float
2012-1-266: High School Marching Band at Old Settlers
2012-1-267: Color Guard at Old Settlers
2012-1-268: Old Settlers Boys Band
2012-1-269: Old Settlers Band in the Old Settlers Parade
2012-1-270: Horse and Buggy at the Old Settlers Parade
2012-1-272: Dust Storm in the Scott City Area
2012-1-273: Dust Storm in Ulysses, R. L. Gray
2012-1-275: Tornado Damage to a Wheel, Charles A. Smith
2012-1-276: Tornado of 1895: Menno Hege Property, Charles A. Smith
2012-1-277: Tornado of 1895- Four Killed, Charles A. Smith
2012-1-278: Tornado of 1895- Two Killed, Charles A. Smith
2012-1-279: Tornado of 1895: William Morris and Townspeople, Charles A. Smith
2012-1-280: Tornado of 1895: J.R. Frizzell, Charles A. Smith
2012-1-281: Tornado of 1895: Cy Hinkson, Charles A. Smith
2012-1-283: Tornado of 1895: Captain White
2012-1-284: Tornado of 1895: Henry Hamma Trees
2012-1-285: Tornado of 1895: Captain White and Others
2012-1-286: Tornado of 1895: Spencer Roy
2012-1-287: Tornado of 1895: E.C. Cadwell's Place
2012-1-288: Tornado of 1910: Debris
2012-1-289: Tornado of 1910: Halstead Mill, E D. Ruth
2012-1-290: Tornado of 1910: Hinkle Warehouse
2012-1-291: Tornado of 1910: Main Street, E D. Ruth
2012-1-292: Flood of 1903: Railroad Tracks, J E. Cox
2012-1-293: Flood of 1903: Railroad Tracks and Main Street, J E. Cox
2012-1-294: Flood of 1903: Grain Elevators, J E. Cox
2012-1-295: Flood of 1903, J E. Cox
2012-1-296: Flood of 1904: Dr. Hertzler's Raft, J E. Cox
2012-1-297: Flood of 1904: Depot to Hotel, J E. Cox
2012-1-298: Flood of Halstead: July 8, 1904, J E. Cox
2012-1-299: Flood of 1904: Main Street
2012-1-300: Flood of 1904: Arkansas Valley Elevator, J E. Cox
2012-1-301: Flood of 1904: Railroad Train, J E. Cox
2012-1-302: Flood of 1904- Paddle Boards and Rafts
2012-1-303: Flood: Train at the Depot
2012-1-304: Flood of 1904: Women
2012-1-305: Flood: Railroad Bridge
2012-1-309: Flood: Rub-R-Slat Draper Co.
2012-1-310: Flood: In Front of a Café
2012-1-311: Little Arkansas River
2012-1-312: Flood: Grain Elevator
2012-1-314: Flood: Cars at Businesses
2012-1-315: Food: Automobile Shop
2012-1-316: Flood: Grain Elevator and Bins
2012-1-317: Flood: Aerial View
2012-1-318: Flood: Residential Area
2012-1-319: Flood: Richey's Hatchery
2012-1-320: Flood: Aerial View
2012-1-321: Flood: Aerial View Looking North
2012-1-322: People Traveling in a Flood
2012-1-323: Fishing from the Curb
2012-1-324: Signage for the Alta Mill
2012-1-325: Alta Mill During the Flood of 1929
2012-1-327: Alta Mill with Family
2012-1-328: Alta Mill and Warehouse
2012-1-330: Apple Crop Harvest
2012-1-331: Trolley Car Pulled by a Horse
2012-1-332: Men Posing with a Tractor
2012-1-333: Harry Trego on a Tractor
2012-1-334: Harvest with Joe and Pearl
2012-1-335: Harvest Equipment in Use
2012-1-337: Steam Engine Tractor
2012-1-338: Combine Attached to a Tractor
2012-1-341: Stock Farm, J E. Cox
2012-1-343: Four Men in a Field
2012-1-344: Aerial View of Farm
2012-1-346: Harvest Season at Alta Mill
2012-1-347: Harvey County Farm Club
2012-1-352: Boy with Motorcycle and Pelts
2012-1-354: Man Holding a Goose
2012-1-355: Man Holding a Goose
2012-1-357: People with Possums
2012-1-359: Four Hunters with Pheasants
2012-1-360: Two Fishermen with Catch
2012-1-361: Three Fishermen with Catch
2012-1-362: Three Men with Rabbits
2012-1-363: Three Men with Pelts
2012-1-364: Alta Mill with Flood Water
2012-1-365: People at the Paxton Depot
2012-1-366: Man Advertising Guns and Knives
2012-1-367: Man Standing with Pelts
2012-1-368: Harvest with a Threshing Machine
2012-1-371: Dr. Hertzler and Hospital
2012-1-372: Hospital with Flood Waters
2012-1-373: Aerial View of Hospital
2012-1-374: Hospital in Halstead Kansas
2012-1-375: Front Entrance to the Halstead Hospital
2012-1-377: Backside of Hospital
2012-1-378: View of Hospital from a Block Away
2012-1-379: Nurse Dormitory in Winter
2012-1-380: Backside of the Hospital
2012-1-381: Front Entrance to the Hertzler Clinic
2012-1-382: Front Entrance to the Hertzler Clinic from a Distance
2012-1-383: Model of the Halstead Hospital
2012-1-384: Dr. Watson Campbell
2012-1-385: Dr. Hertzler at His Desk
2012-1-386: Dr. Hertzler Portrait
2012-1-388: Unidentified Man and Patient
2012-1-391: Dr. William Curtis Dreese
2012-1-392: Dr. William Curtis Dreese at His Desk
2012-1-394: Dr. Benjegerdes Sitting
2012-1-395: Dr. L.E. Peckenschneider
2012-1-396: Unidentified Doctor at His Desk
2012-1-397: Dr. N.R. Smith at an Office Desk
2012-1-399: Two Doctors Visiting
2012-1-400: Dr. John. I. Waller
2012-1-404: Dr. Westfall at His Desk
2012-1-405: Dr. V.E. Chesky Standing Outside
2012-1-406: Dr. Hertzler and Hat
2012-1-407: Dr. Hertzler Outside
2012-1-408: Dr. Hertzler Portrait
2012-1-409: Drawing of Dr. Hertzler
2012-1-410: Dr. Hertzler as a Young Man
2012-1-411: Dr. Hertzler and Dr. Chesky
2012-1-413: Two Women in the Office
2012-1-415: Two Portraits of Hertzler
2012-1-417: Two Men Outside the Hospital
2012-1-418: Dr. Irene Koeneke with Visitors
2012-1-420: Employees at the Halstead Hospital
2012-1-421: 75th Anniversary Display
2012-1-422: Christmas Gathering
2012-1-424: Doctors and the Clergy
2012-1-426: Two Boys in Scrubs
2012-1-427: Group Photograph with Books
2012-1-428: Group Photograph with Nurses
2012-1-435: House and Automobile
2012-1-436: Lehman's Residence, J E. Cox
2012-1-437: House by Railroad Tracks
2012-1-438: House with Limestone Base, J E. Cox
2012-1-440 House with Fenced In Porch
2012-1-443: House with Wrap Around Porch
2012-1-444: House with Limestone Base
2012-1-446: House and Metal Building
2012-1-447: Two Story House in 1924
2012-1-451: Telephone Exchange and Operators
2012-1-452: Harold J. Minor's Auto Shop
2012-1-454: Livery and Stable- Damaged Photograph
2012-1-457: Portrait of a Couple
2012-1-460: Group Photograph in a House
2012-1-462: Woman Sitting with an Infant
2012-1-464: People in Front of a House
2012-1-465: Crowd in Front of a Building
2012-1-467: Couple with Horses and a Wagon
2500 Place in North Newton, Shrout Studio
"34-0 National Championships", Fort Hays State University Athletics
4-H Activities Float in a 1977 Parade in Newton
4-H Float in the 1954 Harvey County Fair Parade
4-H Float Pulled by a Convertible
707 Tank Battalion Medical Detachment
75th Anniversary Celebration Program, Fort Hays State University
99 KZ Country Winter Sports Almanac - 1997-1998, Fort Hays State University
A 16S & ITS Soil Microbiome Analysis of Native & Old-World Bluestem Invaded Soils of Kansas Grasslands, Zachary Nelson
About the Union Pamphlet, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Academic Procession Lineup - 1961, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Academic Procession Lineup - May 29, 1952, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Acceptance of Grant, Fort Hays State University
A College Houses Students Under Its Stadium Seats, The Kansas City Star
Action Learning in a Graduate Online Course, Brent J. Goertzen Ph.D. and Brittney Squire M.P.S.
Action Shot of Chris Keller, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Action Shot of Connie Wilkins, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Action Shot of Dennis Edwards, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Action Shot of Doug Thurman, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Action Shot of Fred Andregg, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Action Shot of Jeremie Kester, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Action Shot of Kris Osthoff, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Action Shot of Kristin Wiebe, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Action Shot of Ron Morse, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Action Shot of Three Tigers, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Addendum, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Addie Irene Perkins, Linda Koppes
Additional Building Corporations Bonds, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Additional External Drawing of Stroup Hall, Fort Hays State University
Additional History of Old Fort Hays, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Administration Building at Bethel College
Administration Building at the Hesston College, Linda Koppes
Administration Building on the Bethel College Campus, Bill Golding
A Draft Speech on Notecards, Lewis Field Pioneers, Fort Hays State University
Adults and Children Around the Supply Wagon
Adults and Children Around the Supply Wagon
Advertising Booklet for Chimes and Bells, Schulmerich Carillons Inc.
Aerial View Looking South on Sand Creek
Aerial View of 100, 200, and 300 Blocks of Main Street, Morse Studio
Aerial View of American Flour Mills, Morse Studio
Aerial view of Athletic Park in Newton
Aerial View of Business District and Railroad Yards, Morse Studio
Aerial View of Business District from Fourth to Eighth Street, Morse Studio
Aerial view of Business District from West Seventh to Third Streets, Morse Studio
Aerial View of Businesses Along Highway 50, Linda Koppes
Aerial View of Collyer, Kansas
Aerial View of Collyer with Grain Elevators, Anna Bailey - Contributor
Aerial View of Collyer with the Schoolhouse to the North, Lillian Curry - Contributor
Aerial View of Downtown Newton, Don Botterwick
Aerial View of Halstead Hospital
Aerial View of King's 66 and Hesston Manufacturing
Aerial View of Newton's Business District, Morse Studio
Aerial View of Phillips Service Station, Linda Koppes
Aerial View of Southeast Newton
Aerial View of the Bethel College Campus, Linda Koppes
Aerial View of the Newton Business District, Morse Studio
Aerial View of the Railroad Yards and Business District in Newton, Morse Studio
Aerial View of the Roundhouse and Area Looking North, L. M. Hurley
Aerial View of the Santa Fe Roundhouse and Surrounding Yards, Morse Studio
Aerial View of the Santa Fe Roundhouse Looking Southwest, Newton Gas Company
Aerial View of the West Side of North Newton, Linda Koppes
Aerial View of Wirt Air Field and Hangar
Aerial View of Wirt Air Field East of Newton
Aerial View Over the Town of Walton, Linda Koppes
A framework of leadership cultural dimensions in outsourced projects, Donnette Noble Ph.D. and Ganesh Vaidyanathan
After the Storm May 2, 1910, E. D. Ruth
Afterword: Gesamtkunstwerk as Epistemic Space, Kevin S. Amidon Ph.D.
Agenda - August 30, 2007, FHSU Student Government Association
Agenda for Faculty and Degree Candidates - 1962, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Agenda for Faculty and Degree Candidates - 1962, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Agenda for Faculty and Degree Candidates - 1963, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Agenda for Faculty and Degree Candidates - 1964, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Agenda for Faculty and Degree Candidates - Spring 1956, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Agenda for Faculty and Degree Candidates - Spring 1958, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Agenda for Faculty and Degree Candidates - Spring 1959, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Agenda for Faculty and Degree Candidates - Spring 1960, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Agenda for Faculty and Degree Candidates - Spring 1964, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Agenda for Faculty and Degree Candidates - Summer 1956, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Agenda for Faculty and Degree Candidates - Summer 1958, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Agenda for Faculty and Degree Candidates - Summer 1960, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Agenda for Faculty and Degree Candidates - Summer 1960, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Agenda for Faculty and Degree Candidates - Summer 1962, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Agenda for Faculty and Degree Candidates - Summer 1963, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Agenda for Faculty and Degree Candidates - Summer 1964, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Agenda for Faculty - April 30, 1963, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Agenda for Faculty - May 4, 1964, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Agenda for Faculty - May 4, 1964, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Agenda Items for September 1994 Meeting of the Kansas Board of Regents, Fort Hays State University
Agenda - September 6, 2007, FHSU Student Government Association
Agenda - Thursday, April 10, 2008, FHSU Student Government Association
Agenda - Thursday, April 16, 2009, FHSU Student Government Association
Agenda - Thursday, April 17, 2008, FHSU Student Government Association
Agenda - Thursday, April 2, 2009, FHSU Student Government Association
Agenda - Thursday, April 23, 2009, FHSU Student Government Association
Agenda - Thursday, April 24, 2008, FHSU Student Government Association
Agenda - Thursday, April 30, 2009, FHSU Student Government Association
Agenda - Thursday, April 3, 2008, FHSU Student Government Association
Agenda - Thursday, April 9, 2009, FHSU Student Government Association
Agenda - Thursday, December 10, 2009, FHSU Student Government Association
Agenda - Thursday, December 11, 2008, FHSU Student Government Association
Agenda - Thursday, December 3, 2009, FHSU Student Government Association
Agenda - Thursday, December 4, 2008, FHSU Student Government Association
Agenda - Thursday, December 6, 2007, FHSU Student Government Association
Agenda - Thursday, February 12, 2009, FHSU Student Government Association
Agenda - Thursday, February 14, 2008, FHSU Student Government Association
Agenda - Thursday, February 19, 2009, FHSU Student Government Association
Agenda - Thursday, February 21, 2008, FHSU Student Government Association
Agenda - Thursday, February 26, 2009, FHSU Student Government Association
Agenda - Thursday, February 28, 2008, FHSU Student Government Association
Agenda - Thursday, February 5, 2009, FHSU Student Government Association
Agenda - Thursday, February 7, 2008, FHSU Student Government Association
Agenda - Thursday, January 22, 2009, FHSU Student Government Association
Agenda - Thursday, January 24, 2008, FHSU Student Government Association
Agenda - Thursday, January 29, 2009, FHSU Student Government Association
Agenda - Thursday, January 31, 2008, FHSU Student Government Association
Agenda - Thursday, March 12, 2009, FHSU Student Government Association
Agenda - Thursday, March 13, 2008, FHSU Student Government Association
Agenda - Thursday, March 26, 2009, FHSU Student Government Association
Agenda - Thursday, March 27, 2008, FHSU Student Government Association
Agenda - Thursday, March 5, 2009, FHSU Student Government Association
Agenda - Thursday, March 6, 2008, FHSU Student Government Association
Agenda - Thursday, May 1, 2008, FHSU Student Government Association
Agenda - Thursday, May 7, 2009, FHSU Student Government Association
Agenda - Thursday, May 8, 2008, FHSU Student Government Association
Agenda - Thursday, November 1, 2007, FHSU Student Government Association
Agenda - Thursday, November 12, 2009, FHSU Student Government Association
Agenda - Thursday, November 13, 2008, FHSU Student Government Association
Agenda - Thursday, November 15, 2007, FHSU Student Government Association
Agenda - Thursday, November 19, 2009, FHSU Student Government Association
Agenda - Thursday, November 20, 2008, FHSU Student Government Association
Agenda - Thursday, November 29, 2007, FHSU Student Government Association
Agenda - Thursday, November 5, 2009, FHSU Student Government Association
Agenda - Thursday, November 6, 2008, FHSU Student Government Association
Agenda - Thursday, November 8, 2007, FHSU Student Government Association
Agenda - Thursday, October 11, 2007, FHSU Student Government Association
Agenda - Thursday, October 1, 2009, FHSU Student Government Association
Agenda - Thursday, October 15, 2009, FHSU Student Government Association
Agenda - Thursday, October 16, 2008, FHSU Student Government Association
Agenda - Thursday, October 18, 2007, FHSU Student Government Association
Agenda - Thursday, October 2, 2008, FHSU Student Government Association
Agenda - Thursday, October 22, 2009, FHSU Student Government Association
Agenda - Thursday, October 23, 2008, FHSU Student Government Association
Agenda - Thursday, October 25, 2007, FHSU Student Government Association
Agenda - Thursday, October 29, 2009, FHSU Student Government Association
Agenda - Thursday, October 30, 2008, FHSU Student Government Association
Agenda - Thursday, October 4, 2007, FHSU Student Government Association
Agenda - Thursday, October 8, 2009, FHSU Student Government Association
Agenda - Thursday, October 9, 2008, FHSU Student Government Association
Agenda - Thursday, September 10, 2009, FHSU Student Government Association
Agenda - Thursday, September 10, 2009, FHSU Student Government Association
Agenda - Thursday, September 11, 2008, FHSU Student Government Association
Agenda - Thursday, September 13, 2007, FHSU Student Government Association
Agenda - Thursday, September 17, 2009, FHSU Student Government Association
Agenda - Thursday, September 18, 2008, FHSU Student Government Association
Agenda - Thursday, September 20, 2007, FHSU Student Government Association
Agenda - Thursday, September 24, 2009, FHSU Student Government Association
Agenda - Thursday, September 25, 2008, FHSU Student Government Association
Agenda - Thursday, September 27, 2007, FHSU Student Government Association
Agenda - Thursday, September 4, 2008, FHSU Student Government Association
Agnes and Arnold Mlinek Photograph, Phyllis LaVigne - Contributor
Agnew Angles Booklet, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Agnew Echo - Volume 2 Number 12, Fort Hays State University
Agnew Hall for Independent Women Brochure, Fort Hays State University
Agnew Hall History Narrative, Donald L. Richardson
Agnew Hall Open House Invitation, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Agnew Women Requesting Equal Visitation Rights, Fort Hays Kansas State College
"A Greater Fort Hays State", Fort Hays Kansas State College
Agriculture Students Receive Experience at College Farm, Dave Chestnut
A Hall of Fame Teacher: Charels H. Budke 1954 - 1991, Gary L. Sechrist
Albertson Wasn't Closed, Despite Dole Claim, David Baker
Alden Stratton Playing the Piano
A Leadership and Ethical Analysis of the Scholar-Practitioner, Abeni El-Amin Ph.D.
Alex Francis Relays Program, Fort Hays State University
Alex Francis Track Dedication Ceremony, Fort Hays State University
Alfred “Army” Cooper: A Baseball Career with the 25th Infantry, Negro Leagues, and Tournament Teams, Mark E. Eberle
All-Atom Simulations Uncover Structural and Dynamical Properties of STING Proteins in the Membrane System, Rachel Payne, Silvia Crivelli, and Masakatsu Watanabe Ph.D.
All Campus Picnic Announcement, Fort Hays State University
All Degree Candidate Luncheon Reservation - July 30, 1964, Fort Hays Kansas State College
All Graduate Dinner Program - August 2, 1962, Fort Hays Kansas State College
All Graduate Luncheon Invitation and Program - May 27, 1961, Fort Hays Kansas State College
All Graduate Luncheon Invitation List - May 14, 1969, Fort Hays Kansas State College
All Graduate Luncheon Map of Seating - June 3, 1968, Fort Hays Kansas State College
All Graduate Luncheon Program - August 1, 1963, Fort Hays Kansas State College
All Graduate Luncheon Program- August 8, 1968, Fort Hays Kansas State College
All Graduate Luncheon Program- August 8, 1969, Fort Hays Kansas State College
All Graduate Luncheon Program- July 29, 1965, Fort Hays Kansas State College
All Graduate Luncheon Program- June 3, 1968, Fort Hays Kansas State College
All Graduate Luncheon Program- May 11, 1973, Fort Hays Kansas State College
All Graduate Luncheon Program- May 12, 1972, Fort Hays Kansas State College
All Graduate Luncheon Program- May 13, 1983, Fort Hays State University
All Graduate Luncheon Program- May 14, 1971, Fort Hays Kansas State College
All Graduate Luncheon Program- May 14, 1982, Fort Hays State University
All Graduate Luncheon Program- May 15, 1981, Fort Hays State University
All Graduate Luncheon Program- May 16, 1975, Fort Hays Kansas State College
All Graduate Luncheon Program- May 16, 1980, Fort Hays State University
All Graduate Luncheon Program- May 17, 1974, Fort Hays Kansas State College
All Graduate Luncheon Program- May 18, 1979, Fort Hays State University
All Graduate Luncheon Program - May 19, 1962, Fort Hays Kansas State College
All Graduate Luncheon Program- May 20, 1977, Fort Hays State University
All Graduate Luncheon Program- May 21, 1976, Fort Hays Kansas State College
All Graduate Luncheon Program- May 24, 1965, Fort Hays Kansas State College
All Graduate Luncheon Program - May 25, 1963, Fort Hays Kansas State College
All Graduate Luncheon Program - May 25, 1964, Fort Hays Kansas State College
All Graduate Luncheon Program - May 27, 1961, Fort Hays Kansas State College
All Graduate Luncheon Program- May 29, 1970, Fort Hays Kansas State College
All Graduate Luncheon Program- May 31, 1966, Fort Hays Kansas State College
All Graduate Luncheon Reservation - August 4, 1966, Fort Hays Kansas State College
All Graduate Luncheon Reservation - August 8, 1968, Fort Hays Kansas State College
All Graduate Luncheon Reservation - July 29, 1965, Fort Hays Kansas State College
All Graduate Luncheon Reservation - May 24, 1965, Fort Hays Kansas State College
All Graduate Luncheon Reservation - May 29, 1967, Fort Hays Kansas State College
All Graduate Luncheon Ticket - August 1, 1963, Fort Hays Kansas State College
All Graduate Luncheon Ticket - August 4, 1966, Fort Hays Kansas State College
All Graduate Luncheon Ticket - July 29, 1965, Fort Hays Kansas State College
All Graduate Luncheon Ticket - July 30, 1964, Fort Hays Kansas State College
All Graduate Luncheon Ticket - June 3, 1968, Fort Hays Kansas State College
All Graduate Luncheon Ticket - May 24, 1965, Fort Hays Kansas State College
All Graduate Luncheon Ticket - May 25, 1964, Fort Hays Kansas State College
All Graduate Luncheon Ticket - May 29, 1967, Fort Hays Kansas State College
All Graduate Luncheon Tickets and Reservation - August 8, 1969, Fort Hays Kansas State College
All Graduate Luncheon Tickets and Reservation - June 2, 1969, Fort Hays Kansas State College
All Graduate Luncheon Tickets - August 8, 1968, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Alonzo Goldston Being Awarded, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Alonzo Goldston Dunks, Fort Hays State University Athletics
"A Look Inside Fort Hays State University's Tomanek Hall", Hays Daily News
Alta Mill During a Flood, Charles Smith
Alta Mill with a Crowd in Front, Norris Photo School
Alta Mill with Customers in Front
Alta Mill with Men and a Horse-Drawn Wagon
Alta Mill with People on the Porch
Altar in the Highland Trinity United Church of Christ
Alternative Plan for Commencement, Fort Hays State University
Alton Rabell, Virgil Daniele, Herbert Jones, and Oxley
Alumni Achievement Award Certificate - June 2, 1969, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Alumni Achievement Award Reception Invitation - June 2, 1968, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Alumni Achievement Award Reception Invitation - May 23, 1965, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Alumni Achievement Award Speeches, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Alumni Association Correspondence - May 1967, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Alumni Association Letter - July 10, 1964, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Alumni Association Letter Regarding Memberships - May 8, 1969, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Alumni Association Report, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Alumni Association's Letter of Intent, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Alumni Basketball Game, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Alumni Basketball Game, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Alumni Card to the Senior Class - 1962, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Alumni Committee Fund Drive, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Alumni Drive - Student Union Fund, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Alumni, Former Students and Faculty in the Armed Services, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Alumni Letters to Graduates and Alums - February 15, 1961, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Alumni Letter to the Senior Class - 1961, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Alumni Meetings, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Alumni Memberships and Correspondence - May 18, 1966, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Alumni Memberships List, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Alumni News - Building Named for Heather, Fort Hays State University
Alumni News Clippings About Lewis Field, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Alumni News - Summer 1981, Julie Doll
Alumni Opinion on Physical Science Dedication, Fort Hays State University
Alumni Reception Invitation - May 24, 1964, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Alumni Reception Invitation - May 29, 1966, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Alumni Seat Dedication Brochure, Fort Hays State University
Alumni Student Union Drive for Funds, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Alumni Ticket Sales Announcement, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Alumni to be Endowed with Center, Fort Hays State University
America Float, Linda Koppes
American Flag Outside Sheridan Coliseum
American Flour Mills in Newton
American Legion and Boy Scouts
American Legion Men with Toy Gifts for Children
American Legion Request for the Boxcar, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Amy Scoby Controls Ball, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Analysis of Alumni Campaign, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Anderson Family Home at 420 West Broadway in Newton
Anderson Family Home at 420 West Broadway in Newton
Andragogy: A Theory in Practice in Higher Education, Abeni El-Amin Ph.D.
Andres-Claassen Barn, Linda Koppes
Andres-Claassen Farm House, Linda Koppes
Andres-Claassen Farm West of Halstead, Linda Koppes
An Era Comes to an End, Fort Hays Kansas State College
An Examination of Research Agency and its Practical Applications, Abeni El-Amin Ph.D.
An Exploratory and Descriptive Study of Destructive Leadership in U.S. Higher Education, Kaley Klaus Ed.D. and Stephanie Steele
Angel Sharman Autographing for Crowd, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Angel Sharman Autographing for Girls, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Angel Sharman Autographs, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Angel Sharman Autographs a Boy's Program, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Angel Sharman is Surrounded by Fans, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Angel Sharman Signs an Autograph, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Angel Sharman with the Fans, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Animal Pit Roast Constructed by ROTC Members
Animal Roast Constructed by Members
An Interview with Betty Amons, Kansas Teacher of the Year 1984, David P. Stueve
An Interview with Dr. Ed Stehno, Education Professor: 1988 Cunningham Award Recipient, Marian J. Boone and Douglas Chaney
An Interview with Emma Maxwell, Cynthia Louise Brockhoff
An Interview with Mrs. Mary Bundy of Rural Brewster, Kansas, Louis Francis
An Interview with Mr. Virgil Nelson, Jody Sturgeon and Keith Hall
An Interview with Nancy Costigan, a Christa McAuliffe Fellow, Candace L. Sage and Panatha Jo Swanson
An Interview with Nina Crawford, a One-Room School Teacher, Dana Skillen
An Interview with Richard Unruh, Recipient of Outstanding High School Science Teacher in Western Kansas Award, Presented by Sigma Xi, Dennis Blake and Mary Ryckman
An Interview With Rocky Rorabaugh, David Lynn Cherry and Philip Martin Terpstra
An Interview with Roscoe C. Waldorf, Kansas Teachers' Hall of Fame, Linda A. Rishel
An Investigation into Historical and Contemporary Breeding Occurrence of the Ferruginous Hawk in Kansas, Erica Clark
Annalee Burnett Hampton: Biography of a Hall of Fame Teacher, Debra K. Wise
Anna Mlinek Stands Next to a Dirt Drift, Phyllis LaVigne - Contributor
Annelly School Reunion in June 1987
Annette Wiles Guard, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Annette Wiles Guarding the Opponent, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Annette Wiles Guards Players, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Annette Wiles in Action, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Annette Wiles Jumps for a Layup, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Annette Wiles Makes a Shot, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Annette Wiles Makes Layup, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Annette Wiles on Court, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Annette Wiles Open for Pass, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Annette Wiles Possesses Ball, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Annette Wiles Protects the Ball, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Annette Wiles Reaches for Ball, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Annette Wiles Shoots, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Annette Wiles Shoots, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Annette Wiles Shoots, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Annette Wiles Shoots, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Annette Wiles Shoots a Layup, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Annette Wiles Trying to Get Open, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Annette Wiles Watches Shot, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Annette Wiles Watches the Rebound, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Announcement of Bookstore Hours, Fort Hays State University
Announcement of Gloria Steinem Speaking at FHSU Campus, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Announcement of Move Confirmation, Fort Hays State University
Announcement of National Intercollegiate Billiards Tournament, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Announcement of Physical Science Building
Announcement of Physical Science Building
Announcement of the Student Service Center, Fort Hays State University
Annual Homecoming Meeting Discussions, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Annual Report for the Year Ending June 30, 1936, Kansas
Annual Report July 1, 1965 - June 30, 1966, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Annual Report July 1, 1966 - June 30, 1967, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Annual Report July 1, 1967 - June 30, 1968, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Annual Report of Plymouth School - 1891, Fort Hays State University
Annual Senior Luncheon - May 16, 1918, Fort Hays Kansas State Normal School
An Oral History: Gladys Lawrence Blackburn, History of American Education, Bill K. Walker
An Oral History of Alice Walters, Julie Hughes and Carol Walters
An Oral History of a One-Room Schoolhouse Teacher, Junita Moore Skubal, Don Long
An Oral History of Emma Kolb, One-Room Schoolteacher, Ruth Ann Fry
An Oral History of Gerald Cash, of Randall Kansas, Gretchen S. Spiegel
An Oral History of Helen Martin Hulse, A One0Room Schoolteacher, Carol Parker
An Oral History of Hilda Steinert Schober, A One-Room Schoolteacher, Kurt Edward Goldenstien
An Oral History of Kurt Dillon, Becky Holtwick and Mark Wolters
An Oral History of Louise (Frusher) Stairrett, One-Room School Teacher, Bill Hatfield and Bill Keeley
An Oral History of Lucille Denny: A One-Room School Teacher, Becky McFee
An Oral History of Mabel Lacey, Judy Grabbe and Donna Kilian
An Oral History of Mabel Tucker, One-Room School Teacher, Carol M. Miles
An Oral History of Marie O. Ronen, a One-Room Schoolteacher, Michael K. Ronen
An Oral History of Mary Koestar Billips, Lisa M. Colwell
An Oral History of Ruth Ann Conrad, One-Room School Teacher, Nancy Holthus and Shirley Weeks
An Oral History Report: Mrs. Frances Passell, Karla McAtee
An Oral History Report: Ms. Bea Boos, Trish Wichman
Answers to Questions About Funding, Fort Hays State University
Anthony Guliford Intercepts Ball, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Anthony Pope Guards Ball, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Anthony Pope Watches from Sidelines, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Anticipated Funding and Support Estimates, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Antique Car in the 1974 Parade
Antique Car in the 1991 Parade
Antique Fire Hose Cart Being Moved
Antonio Stovall Lines up Shot, Fort Hays State University Athletics
A Person Behind a Cardboard Shield with Pie on Their Face
A Photo of ROTC Member in a Hallway
Application for College Student Union Building Loan, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Application for Facilities - July 23, 1964, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Application for Loan for Development of Custer Hall, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Application for new department and additional curriculum, Gerald W. Tomanek
Application for New Department and Additional Curriculum
Application for Permission to Participate in Student Cooperative Plan, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Application for State Park Conservation, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Appointment of an Associate Architect, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Appreciation Card, Fort Hays State University
Appreciation Letters - June 1967, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Approaching Dust Storm Near the Power Plant
Appropriation of Funds, Fort Hays State University
Approval of Use of Funds, Fort Hays State University
Approve Preliminary Plans, Fort Hays State University
A Proposed Framework for Global Leadership Education: Learning Objectives and Curricula, LeAnn M. Brown Ph.D., Brett L. Whitaker Ph.D., and Curtis Brungardt Ph.D.
Arbor Day Observance and Vietnam Memorial Presentation, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Archie Johnson Jumping to Make Shot, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Architect Drawing of Cunningham Hall
Architectural Detail of a Business Building on Commercial Street
Architectural Detail of a Wooden Counter
Architectural Detail of a Wooden Counter
Architectural Detail of Burrton School Building, June Jones
Architectural Detail of Entrance of Burrton School, June Jones
Architectural Detail of New Sciences Building Revealed in Scale Model, Bob Lowen
Architectural Detail of the Teller's Cage
Architectural Detail on Bank Vault Door
Architectural Detail on Bank Vault Door
Architectural Program 1996 Article, American School & University
Architectural Record - Academic Buildings, Fort Hays State University
Architectural Record - Academic Buildings, Fort Hays State University
Area Alumni Meetings and Student Union Drive, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Arena Used on the Cover of 1980-1981 Media Guide, Fort Hays State University Athletics
A Report of the State of ROTC at FHSU
"A Rip-Roaring Good Time" Brochure, Fort Hays State University
Arkansas Valley Interurban (AVI) Depot in Halstead
Arkansas Valley Interurban Building in Halstead
Arkansas Valley Interurban Car on the Bethel College Campus
Arkansas Valley Interurban Passenger Car No. 12, Bill Gibson
Arkansas Valley Interurban Railway (AVI) Car
A. R. Moorhead Lumber Yard and Hardware
Art Frey and Another Man Mixing Cement
Art Frey and Another Man Stand at the Chisholm Trail Marker
Art Frey and Mr. Wiebe with Another Man by the Chisholm Trail Marker
Arthur Beaver and Ed Ward During Harvest
Arthur Beaver Planting a Crop in 1912
Article and Document Relating to Stone Schoolhouse, Fort Hays State University
Article Covering the Fire that destroyed the Art Annex, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Article in the University Leader - Synthesized Bells Ring Again in the School Day, Rebecca Blocksome
Artists of the Dalton-Kellerman Fountain Sculpture, Fort Hays State University
A Self-Portrait of an ROTC Member, Taken Themselves
A Sidewalk with a Stamp in the Cement
A Small Lizard in ROTC Members hand
Assessing leadership education in three instructional modalities: Lessons learned, Kaley Klaus Ed.D., Jeni McRay Ph.D., and Jeff Bourgeois
Assessment in Academic Based Leadership Education Programs, Brent J. Goertzen Ph.D.
Assessment of the State of ROTC at FHSU Report
Assistant Coach Greg Lankey and Mike Decker Play Ball, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Associations Between Cannabis, Psychosis, and Schizophrenia in Adolescents, Lauren Moment
A State University’s Assessment of ACUE: Feasible Model for Evaluating the Impact of a Faculty Instruction Quality Program, Jeffrey Budziak, Daniel Super, Thomas Gross, and Douglas McElroy
Athletic Department News Bulletin - 1987-1988, Fort Hays State University
Attendee Responses - 1971, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Auction at the Walton Mennonite Church
Avery Steam Engine and Harvest Crew Near Collyer, Minnie Burbach - Contributor
Avery Steam Engine Moving the Nulton House, Therese Richardson - Contributor
Award Ceremony, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Award Ceremony, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Award Ceremony, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Award Ceremony, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Award Ceremony Banquet, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Award Ceremony Banquet, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Award Presentation Speech - 1966, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Awards Program - May 29, 1935, Fort Hays Kansas State College
A woman in uniform visiting with others
Baby Pool at the Newton Municipal Swimming Pool
Baby Sitting Backwards on a Chair, William R. Gray
Baccalaureate Discontinuance Letter - April 6, 1971, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Discontinuance Letter - February 11, 1970, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Program - 1940, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Program and News Clipping - August 4, 1968, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Program - August 3, 1952, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Program - August 3, 1969, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Program - August 6, 1961, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Program - July 18, 1943, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Program - July 19, 1942, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Program - July 20, 1941, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Program - July 23, 1944, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Program - July 23, 1950, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Program - July 24, 1949, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Program - July 24, 1955, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Program - July 24, 1960, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Program - July 25, 1948, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Program - July 25, 1965, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Program - July 26, 1953, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Program - July 26, 1953, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Program - July 26, 1959, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Program - July 26, 1964, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Program - July 27, 1947, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Program - July 27, 1958, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Program - July 28, 1957, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Program - July 28, 1963, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Program - July 29, 1945, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Program - July 29, 1945, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Program - July 29, 1956, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Program - July 29, 1962, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Program - July 30, 1967, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Program - July 31, 1966, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Program - June 1, 1969, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Program - June 2, 1968, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Program - May 16, 1943, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Program - May 20, 1962, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Program - May 21, 1944, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Program - May 21, 1950, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Program - May 21, 1950, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Program - May 22, 1938, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Program - May 22, 1949, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Program - May 22, 1955, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Program - May 22, 1960, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Program - May 23, 1948, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Program - May 23, 1965, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Program - May 24, 1942, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Program - May 24, 1953, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Program - May 24, 1959, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Program - May 24, 1964, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Program - May 25, 1947, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Program - May 25, 1952, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Program - May 25, 1958, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Program - May 26, 1946, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Program - May 26, 1957, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Program - May 26, 1963, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Program - May 27, 1945, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Program - May 27, 1956, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Program - May 28, 1961, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Program -May 28, 1967, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Program - May 29, 1951, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Program - May 29, 1966, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Program with Edits - May 27, 1951, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Sermon Speaker - July 19, 1967, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Sermon Speaker Speech - Summer 1956, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Speakers Between 1909 and 1919, Western Branch of the Kansas Normal School
Baccalaureate Speakers Between 1909 and 1919, Western Branch of the Kansas Normal School
Baccalaureate Speakers Between 1909 and 1919, Western Branch of the Kansas Normal School
Baccalaureate Speakers Between 1909 and 1919, Western Branch of the Kansas Normal School
Baccalaureate Speakers Between 1909 and 1919, Western Branch of the Kansas Normal School
Baccalaureate Speakers Between 1909 and 1919, Western Branch of the Kansas Normal School
Baccalaureate Speakers Between 1909 and 1919, Fort Hays Kansas State Normal School
Baccalaureate Speakers Between 1909 and 1919, Fort Hays Kansas State Normal School
Baccalaureate Speakers Between 1909 and 1919, Fort Hays Kansas State Normal School
Baccalaureate Speakers Between 1909 and 1919, Fort Hays Kansas State Normal School
Baccalaureate Speakers Between 1909 and 1919, Fort Hays Kansas State Normal School
Baccalaureate Speakers Between 1909 and 1969, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Speakers Between 1920 and 1941, Fort Hays Kansas State Normal School
Baccalaureate Speakers Between 1920 and 1941, Fort Hays Kansas State Normal School
Baccalaureate Speakers Between 1920 and 1941, Fort Hays Kansas State Normal School
Baccalaureate Speakers Between 1920 and 1941, Kansas State Teachers College of Hays
Baccalaureate Speakers Between 1920 and 1941, Kansas State Teachers College of Hays
Baccalaureate Speakers Between 1920 and 1941, Kansas State Teachers College of Hays
Baccalaureate Speakers Between 1920 and 1941, Kansas State Teachers College of Hays
Baccalaureate Speakers Between 1920 and 1941, Kansas State Teachers College of Hays
Baccalaureate Speakers Between 1920 and 1941, Kansas State Teachers College of Hays
Baccalaureate Speakers Between 1920 and 1941, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Speakers Between 1920 and 1941, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Speakers Between 1920 and 1941, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Speakers Between 1920 and 1941, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Speakers Between 1920 and 1941, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Speakers Between 1920 and 1941, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Speakers Between 1920 and 1941, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Speakers Between 1920 and 1941, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Speakers Between 1920 and 1941, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Speakers Between 1920 and 1941, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Speakers Between 1920 and 1941, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Speakers Between 1920 and 1941, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Speakers Between 1920 and 1941, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Speakers Between 1920 and 1942, Fort Hays Kansas State Normal School
Baccalaureate Speakers Between 1942 and 1952, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Speakers Between 1942 and 1952, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Speakers Between 1942 and 1952, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Speakers Between 1942 and 1952, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Speakers Between 1942 and 1952, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Speakers Between 1942 and 1952, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Speakers Between 1942 and 1952, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Speakers Between 1942 and 1952, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Speakers Between 1942 and 1952, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Speakers Between 1942 and 1952, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Speakers Between 1942 and 1952, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Speakers Between 1942 and 1952, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Speakers Between 1942 and 1952, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Speakers Between 1942 and 1952, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Speakers Between 1942 and 1952, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Speakers Between 1942 and 1952, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Speakers Between 1942 and 1952, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Speakers Between 1942 and 1952, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Speakers Between 1942 and 1952, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Speakers Between 1953 and 1963, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Speakers Between 1953 and 1963, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Speakers Between 1953 and 1963, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Speakers Between 1953 and 1963, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Speakers Between 1953 and 1963, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Speakers Between 1953 and 1963, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Speakers Between 1953 and 1963, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Speakers Between 1953 and 1963, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Speakers Between 1953 and 1963, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Speakers Between 1953 and 1963, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Speakers Between 1953 and 1963, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Speakers Between 1953 and 1963, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Speakers Between 1953 and 1963, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Speakers Between 1953 and 1963, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Speakers Between 1953 and 1963, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Speakers Between 1953 and 1963, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Speakers Between 1953 and 1963, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Speakers Between 1953 and 1963, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Speakers Between 1953 and 1963, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Speakers Between 1964 and 1969, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Speakers Between 1964 and 1969, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Speakers Between 1964 and 1969, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Speakers Between 1964 and 1969, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Speakers Between 1964 and 1969, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baccalaureate Speakers Between 1964 and 1969, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Backdoor Coffeehouse Calendar of Events, Fort Hays State University
Backshops in the Santa Fe Yards
Backshops in the Santa Fe Yards
Backshops in the Santa Fe Yards
Backshops in the Santa Fe Yards
Back Side of Lewis Field Stadium Construction
Backside of Melissa Nulty, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Backside of the Bascom House in Collyer, Mary Conard - Contributor
Back to School Picnic and Ribbon Cutting Flyer, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Baggage Express Car, Robert Thudin
Baker Frank Bible and Busgirl Aneta Salas
Balances and Dues for Personnel, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Balances Due from Memorial Union Pledges, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Ball Hits Backboard, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Balloons Released in Sky Over Memorial Union
Balloons Released in Sky Over Memorial Union
Ball Taken from Raymond Lee, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Band Instructor and Band, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Band Performing, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Band Performs at Greenwood Cemetery on May 30, 1958
Band Performs for a Memorial Day Service at Greenwood Cemetery
Band Playing at Conference Party, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Band Playing at Conference Party, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Band Playing at the New Harvey County Courthouse
Banquet Seating - August 8, 1969, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Barney Macari Evades Guards, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Barney Scherr Airport at Collyer in 1947
Barney Scherr Airport, Collyer
Barton Snow Jumps For Shot, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Baseball Team Champions in 1928, Linda Koppes
Basic Aerodynamics and Flight Characteristics in Discus Throwing, Andreas Maheras
Basketball Game at Sheridan Coliseum
Basketball Game at Sheridan Coliseum
Basketball Game at Sheridan Coliseum
Basketball Game at Sheridan Coliseum
Basketball Game in Gross Memorial Coliseum
Basketball Player and Friends Playing Pickup Basketball
Basketball Player - Larry Daugherty, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Basketball Players at a Conference Party, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Basketball Players at a Conference Party, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Basketball Players at a Conference Party, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Basketball Speaker, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Baton Twirlers and Marching Band
Bats of Kansas, Dale W. Sparks, Curtis J. Schmidt, and Jerry R. Choate
Battalion Group Photo in Summer 1943
Beach/Schmidt Donation Insures Preforming Arts Center at FHSU, Fort Hays State University
Beach/Schmidt Performing Arts Center Seat Directory, Fort Hays State University
Bear in a Cage in Athletic Park
Beatrice Bansemer, Irene Talbott, and Helen Belong, Linda Koppes
“Because Here, White is Right”: Mental Health Experiences of International Graduate Students of Color from a Critical Race Perspective., S. Andiavalli, L. DiAnne Borders, and Lori E. Kniffin Ph.D.
Becc Powell, Linda Koppes
Bedroom Display in the Harvey County Historical Museum
Bell School, District 45, Linda Koppes
Bench Area Receives New Resident, Fort Hays State University
Benefit Recital Program, Fort Hays Kansas State College
BETA - An Overview of Instructional Technology, Susan Dumler
Bethel College Administration Building
Bethel College Administration building around 1900
Bethel College Chapel and Organ in 1902
Bethel College Homecoming Parade Float
Bethel College in 1957, Linda Koppes
Bethel College in 1985, Linda Koppes
Bethel College Mennonite Church
Bethel College Mennonite Church, Linda Koppes
Bethel College Mennonite Church, Linda Koppes
Bethel College Mennonite Church, Linda Koppes and Eric D. Rathke
Bethel College Mennonite Church After a Snowfall, Linda Koppes
Bethel College with the Administration Building
Bethel College Women's Dormitory
Bethel Deaconess Hospital and Lawn
Bethel Deaconess Hospital and Snow-Covered Lawn
Bethel Deaconess Hospital and Trees
Bethel Deaconess Hospital in 1958
Bethel Deaconess Hospital in 1958
Bethel Home for the Aged in 1968
Bethel Hospital Garden in 1964
Bethel Hospital Garden in 1964
Beth Utterback with Her Model A Car
Betty Jane, Linda Koppes
Between You and the Future, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Beverly Miller Hieber at Bethel College
Beyond the Straight State: On the Borderlands of Sexuality, Ethnicity, and Nation in the United States and Europe, Kevin S. Amidon Ph.D.
Big Cheese Classic Tournament - November 13, 1980, Fort Hays State University
Bill Giles Action Shot, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Bill Giles Being Guarded, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Bill Giles Defensively Guarding, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Bill Giles Dribbling Ball, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Bill Giles Passing the Ball, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Bill Giles Shooting for the Basket, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Bill Giles with the Basketball, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Bill Greving Moves to Evade, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Billing Note, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Bill Morse Calling Time-Out, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Bill Morse on Sidelines, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Bill Morse on Sidelines, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Bill No. 07/F/100, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 07/F/101, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 07/F/102, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 07/F/103, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 07/F/105, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 07/F/107, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 07/F/108, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 07/F/109, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 07/F/110, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 07/F/111, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 07/F/112, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 07/F/113, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 07/F/114, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 07/F/115, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 07/F/116, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 07/F/117, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 07/F/118, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 07/F/119, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 07/F/120, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 07/F/121, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 07/F/122, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 07/F/123, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 08/F/100, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 08/F/101, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 08/F/102, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 08/F/103, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 08/F/104, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 08/F/105, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 08/F/106, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 08/F/107, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 08/F/108, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 08/F/109, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 08/F/110, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 08/F/111, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 08/F/112, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 08/F/113, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 08/F/114, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 08/S/100, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 08/S/101, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 08/S/102, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 08/S/103, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 08/S/104, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 08/S/105, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 08/S/106, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 08/S/107, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 08/S/108, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 08/S/109, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 08/S/111, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 08/S/112, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 08/S/113, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 08/S/114, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 08/S/115, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 08/S/116, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 08/S/117, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 08/S/118, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 08/S/119, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 08/S/121, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 08/S/122, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 08/S/123, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 08/S/124, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 08/S/125, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 08/S/126, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 08/S/127, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 08/S/128, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 08/S/129, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 08/S/130, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 08/S/131, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 08/S/132, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 09/F/100, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 09/F/101, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 09/F/102, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 09/F/103, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 09/F/104, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 09/F/105, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 09/F/106, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 09/F/107, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 09/F/108, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 09/F/109, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 09/F/110, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 09/F/111, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 09/F/112, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 09/F/113, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 09/F/114, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 09/F/115, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 09/S/100, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 09/S/101, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 09/S/102, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 09/S/103, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 09/S/104, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 09/S/105, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 09/S/106, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 09/S/107, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 09/S/108, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 09/S/109, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 09/S/110, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 09/S/111, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 09/S/112, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 09/S/113, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 09/S/114, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 09/S/115, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 09/S/116, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 09/S/117, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 09/S/118, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 09/S/119, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 09/S/120, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 09/S/121, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 09/S/122, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 09/S/123, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 09/S/124, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 09/S/125, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 09/S/126, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 09/S/127, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 09/S/128, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 09/S/129, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill No. 09/S/130, FHSU Student Government Association
Bill of Sale, Fort Hays State University
Bill of Sale - Desks, Fort Hays State University
Bill Schmidt Holding a String of Fish
Biography of Bob Dole, Fort Hays state University
Biography of Governor Joan Finney, Fort Hays state University
Biomechanical Observations in Hammer Throwing, Andreas Maheras
Bird's-Eye View of Flood in Halstead in 1904
Bird's Eye View of Hesston, E. D. Ruth
Birger Sandzen Painting in the Lobby of the Halstead Post Office
Bix Finish Stripper Notes, Fort Hays State University
Blacksmithing and General Repair Invoice, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Blank Alumni Fund Drive Form, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Blank Nation Park Service State Park Conservation Work Application, United States Department of the Interior, Office of National Parks
Blank Pledge Card Forms, Fort Hays Kansas State College
Bob Lowen and Bill Morse, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Bob Lowen Speaks at Award Ceremony, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Bob Maxwell Playing Guitar and Singing to ROTC Members
Bonnie Neuberger Falls on the Court, Fort Hays State University Athletics
Book Cover for "HESSTON, KANSAS 1886-1986.", J. E. Cox
Book Review: Global studies reader, 2nd Ed., Brett L. Whitaker Ph.D.
Book Sale Flyer, Fort Hays State University
Bound Commencement Invitation - May 22, 1924, Kansas State Teachers College of Hays
Box 10, Neg. No. 1546: Jennings Family, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 1640: Miller and Manderscheid Families, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 1640: Miller and Manderscheid Families, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 1689: Fifteen People, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 17098: Sixteen People, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 2319: Mueller Family, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 2776: Woman Sitting, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 2890: F. Hutton and Earl Kay, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 2896A: C. Drach and His Wife, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 2902: Girl with Stuffed Bears, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 2914B: E. Odle, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 2943B: Waters Children, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 3046A: Meyers Family, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4570: Man in Uniform, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4587A: Baby in a Carriage, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4587B: Baby in a Carriage, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4610A: W. H. Winkler and His Wife, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 46152B: Mabel Davison, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4623: Fred Van Lieu with a Bicycle, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4646: Three Men, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4648XA: Baseball Player, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4648XB: Baseball Player with a Bat, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4651: D. W. Bridge, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4652: Whittlesey Family, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4653: Ben Wilson, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4657: Two Men with Bicycles, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4661: Baby in a Christening Gown, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4664: Herd Children, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4667A: Two Women Standing, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4667B: C. G. Garika, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4669C: Kerr Children, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4670B: Harper Children, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4670B: Kerr Children, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4711A: Brece Snively, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4715: Isaac Yoman, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4722A: Ramsey Family, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4722B: Ramsey Children, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4722C: Ramsey Children, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4732: Ruby Bozarth, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4733: Ruby Bozarth and Wilma Stalker, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4737B: Exterior of a Home, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4737D: Exterior View of House and Yard, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4753: Two Men Standing, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4757: Boy Holding Religious Items, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4761: L. R. Reynolds with Dogs, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4773B: Jacie Herman, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4773: Jacie Herman, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4774: Rixon Children, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4776A: Girl on a Chair, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4776B: Girl Reclining in a Chair, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4776C: Girl with Two Bows, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4776D: Girl by a Chair, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4779: Vera M. Shafer, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4785B: Baby in a Carriage, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4785C: Baby in a Carriage, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4786: B. W. Snyder in a Car, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4795: Ulysses Bowen, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4796: Van Lieu Children, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4798: W. D. Patton, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4801B: Baby in a Dress, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4804: Boy Standing on a Chair, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4808: Lewis Denison, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4810: Adkins Family, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4810: Adkins Family, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4816A: George Ellis, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4816B: George Ellis, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4817B: Bride and Groom, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4817C: Man and Woman Standing, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4820: Baby in a Light Dress, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4822A; 5026: W. A. Gereke and His Wife, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4822B: W. A. Gereke and His Wife, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4823B: Three Women, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4824A: C. E. Workman, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4824B: C. E. Workman, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4825A: Two Black Men Standing, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4825B: Two Black Men Standing, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4826: E. Doggett, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4827: W. S. Neill and His Wife, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4828A: Roessler Family, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4830A: Baby Reclining, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4830B: Baby Lying on Stomach, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4831A: O. E. Shirwood, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4841X: C. F. Benton and His Wife, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4845: Nellie Nelson, Blanche Shell and an Unidentified Woman, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4847: Baby in a Christening Gown, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4854B: Mull Family, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4861: Baby in a Christening Gown, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4863B: Dohrman Family, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4877A: Converse Children, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4877A: Toddler in a Dress, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4879: Baby in a Christening Gown, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4882A: N. Gwartney, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4887: Boy with a Dog Outside, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4894: Davis Children, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4898A: Ray Blount, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4917B: Suiter Children, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4919A: Baby Standing Next to a Bench, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4919C: Baby Holding a Ball, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4920B: Dora Dowdy, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4921: T. C. Shilt and His Wife, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4922: Shilt Children, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4925C: Waters Children, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4926: Girl Sitting, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4927B: Two Women Standing, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4928: Hohner Family, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4931A: George Frazee and His Wife, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 49368: Miller Family, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4959: Katheryne Stever, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4974B: Maggie Rixon, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4974B: Maggie Rixon, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 4991: Mabel Ainsworth, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 50372: Frederick and Sarah (Stephens) Long, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 50372: Frederick and Sarah (Stephens) Long, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 5046B: E.C. Gorrell and His Wife, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 5048: Boy Standing, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 5050B: Baby in a Dress, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 5053: Man with a Beard, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 5056XX: Guiliford Family, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 50756: Long Family, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 50757: Long Family, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 50853: Keyes Family, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 50987: Keller Family, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 51060: Kipp Family, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 52694: Four Men Harvesting, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 52694: Four Men Harvesting, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 52821: Forest Love and His Bride, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 52822: Forest Love and His Bride, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 52933R: Group Photograph with Mrs. And Mrs. Messerly, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 53699: Layton Group, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 55750A: Lantz Family, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 57260A: Sixteen People, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 57260B: Keenan group, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 57500: Woman in Sheer Fabric, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 57696A: Photograph of a Woman, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 57696B: Keyes Family, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 57927: Lill Family, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 57927: Lill Family, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 58606: Long Family, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 74307A: Lill Family, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 74307B: Lill Family, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 74308A: Lill Family, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 74308C: Lill Family, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 74737: Krentzel Family, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 83400: Woman Sitting, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 83400: Woman Sitting, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 83400: Woman Standing, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 84980: Lewis Family, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. 84980: Lewis Family, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. Unknown: Excuse My Feet, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. Unknown: Grain Elevator, William R. Gray
Box 10, Neg. No. Unknown: Harvest, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 4900A: Ross Family, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 4902: Radke Family, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 4905: Baby in a Christening Gown, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 4905B: Baby in a Christening Gown, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 4905C: Baby in a Christening Gown, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 4916: Suiter Children, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 4918: Mrs. B. E. Doggett, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 4929A: Ainsworth Family, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 4929B: Ainsworth Family, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 4935: Messers. Lyon, Miller and Sterrett, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 4941B: Girl Sitting, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 4952: Thomason Children, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 4953B: Man Standing and Woman Sitting, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 4956: Chaney Children, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 4959B: Katheryne Stever, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 4963A: Plank Family, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 4963: Plank Children, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 4964: Etta Seevers, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 4968B: T. J. Wright and His Wife, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 4971B: Rollo Benford and His Wife, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 4971C: Rollo Benford and His Wife, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 4972: Baby in a Christening Gown, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 4973: Fred Thomason, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 4975A: Two Women, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 4975B: Two Women Standing, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 4979A: Jennie Robinson, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 4981: Boy Standing on a Chair, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 4985B: Blake Family, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 4987A: D. C. Cornwell with His GrandChildren, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 4988: Baby in a Christening Gown, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 4991C: Mabel Ainsworth, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 5002A: Three Men in Suits, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 5002B: Three Men in Suits, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 5007: Six Men on Stools, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 5008: Six Men Sitting, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 5010: Mack Livingston, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 5029A: John Family, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 5029: John Family, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 6000B: Patten Family, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 6002A: Fenton and Cora (Baker) Stalker, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 6006x: J. Wess Hahn and a Woman, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 6008XB: May Livingston, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 6008XC: May Livingston, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 6024A: Frank Hutton, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 6024B: Frank Hutton, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 6028: Paul Porter and Norman Ives, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 6029B: Paul Porter, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 6030: M. O. Holderness and His Wife, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 6031: Thomason Children, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 6032xy: Anita Adams, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 6032xy: Baby Standing on a Chair, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 6033A: Girl Sitting, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 6033C: Girl Sitting, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 6035A: Nina Asher, Mabel Blount, Ruby Curtis, Jessie Nagle, Clara Hoskins, Blanch Cadman, and Anna Cullison, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 6036C: Nina Asher, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 6036D: Nina Asher, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 6037A: Lucas Children, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 6043: Woman Outdoors, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 6044B: Girl in a Dark Coat, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 6046B: Albert Dugan and His Wife, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 6047A: Ackley Family, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 6050: Baby in a Christening Gown, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 6053A: Nine Women, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 6054A: Two Men and Two Women, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 6056: G. G. Adamson and an Unidentified Man, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 6058: One Year Old Standing, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 6068: Miller Children, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 6077: Mrs. Bebb, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 6079B: G. E. Hunter and His Wife, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 6087: Baby in a Christening Gown, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 6089B: Baby in a Christening Gown, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 6094A: Girl Standing on a Chair, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 6094B: Girl Standing on a Chair, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 6095: J. W. Russell and His Wife, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 6119: Baby in a Christening Gown, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 6124: McCormick Children, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 6129A: Ida Plagens, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 6130: Martha Waleman, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 6131:O. A. Wimmer and His Wife, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 6139A: Layton Children, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 6142: Crissman Family, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 6142: Crissman Family, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 6149: Baby in a Christening Gown, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 6151: Man in a Suit, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 6152: Baby Standing, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 6158: Pound Family, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 6163: P. E. Miller, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 6201: A. B. Harris and His Wife, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 6211: Woman in a Dark Colored Blouse, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 6212: J. D. Fouts, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 6221: Elder Thomas R. Greer, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 6227A: Baby in a Carriage, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 6238: Baby in a Dress, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 6239: Baby on a Chair, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 6246B: Virgil Twyman and His Wife, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 6257A: T. H. Harrison and His Wife, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 6262: John Hall, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 6270: Boy Standing with a Dog, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 6272X: Batchman Children, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 6273B: W. S. Tucker and His Bride, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 6273C: W. S. Tucker and His Bride, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 6286A: Neill Children, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 6286B: Neill Children, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 6296XX: Bickel Family, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 6297A: Baby in a Stroller, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. 6297B: Baby in a Stroller, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. Unknown: Back of Woman, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. Unknown: Drawing of a Man, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. Unknown: Drawing of a Woman, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. Unknown: Eight People, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. Unknown: Eight People, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. Unknown: Eleven People, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. Unknown: Eleven People, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. Unknown: Eleven People, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. Unknown: Five People, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. Unknown: Five People, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. Unknown: Five People Standing, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. Unknown: Four Men and a Woman, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. Unknown: Fourteen People, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. Unknown: Fourteen People, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. Unknown: Group Portrait, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. Unknown: Group Portrait with a Photograph, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. Unknown: Man and Woman, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. Unknown: Man and Woman, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. Unknown: Man and Woman, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. Unknown: Man and Woman with Five Children, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. Unknown: Man and Woman with Two Children, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. Unknown: Man and Woman with Two Children, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. Unknown: Man in a Suit, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. Unknown: Man Sitting, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. Unknown: Man with Arms Crossed, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. Unknown: Nine People, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. Unknown: Nine People, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. Unknown: Nine People, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. Unknown: Signed Photograph by Helen, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. Unknown: Sixteen People, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. Unknown: Ten People, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. Unknown: Ten People, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. Unknown: Thirteen People, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. Unknown: Thirteen People, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. Unknown: Thirteen People, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. Unknown: Wedding Party, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. Unknown: Woman, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. Unknown: Woman, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. Unknown: Woman, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. Unknown: Woman in Fur Coat, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. Unknown: Woman Standing, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. Unknown: Woman Standing, William R. Gray
Box 11, Neg. No. Unknown: Woman with Flowers, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 5399B: Woman Sitting, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6210A: Neill Children, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6227B: Baby in a Christening Gown, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6310: Onnie Carter, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6313A: Grace Eddingfield, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6313D: Grace Eddingfield, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6320A: Miss Strattan, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6320C: Miss Strattan, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6321B: Louis Spangenberg and His Bride, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6322: Bouquet of Flowers, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6323: Baby with Bare Feet, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6329: Nativichad Cuevaz, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6331: Baby on a Wicker Chair, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6332: L. A. Galloway, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6334: Hunt Children, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6336: Four Babies, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6338A: Ivan H. Lutz, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6338B: Ivan H. Lutz, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6346: Roger T. Fetters, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6351A: Yoder Children, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6351B: Yoder Children, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6353A: Hunt Family, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6357A: John H. Webb, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6363A: Sligar Children, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6365X: Richard Greenwood and His Wife, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6366A: Baby in a Christening Gown, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6367AX: McGinty Children, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6371A: Man Wearing a Suit Reproduction, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6371B: Anna Davison, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6373B: Sepha Frazee, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6375: Boy Holding Rolled Up Certificates, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6378A: Anna Kuske, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6378: Anna Kuske, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6379: Baby Sitting in a Chair, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6381A: Jessie Audrey Cadman, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6382A: Callie McDaniel and Her Husband, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6382B: Callie McDaniel and Her Husband, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6385: Kephart Family, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6395: Joseph and Sabrina McAllister, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6396: Girl on a Chair, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6398: Ray McConnaughay, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6399A: Merle Hearne and Christabel Mack, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6399B: Merle Hearne and Christabel Mack, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6404B: Melville Cook and His Wife, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6405A: Baby in a Carriage, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6405C: Baby in a Stroller, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6406A: J. E. Richardson and His Wife, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6409C: Jessie Cadman, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6410: W. Claud Gould, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6412B: Snyder Children, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6425A: Carl Holden, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6425B: Carl Holden, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6429: Shirley McWilliams, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6434: Dr. Doster and His Wife, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6443B: Baby Standing on a Chair, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6443C: Baby Holding a Bell, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6445: James Glock and his Sister, Mrs. James Beitler, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6446: Pearl Curtis, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6451: Mrs. James Fox, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6455B: Lula Swartz, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6456: Charlie Brown, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6457: O.E. Smith Outside, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6459A: Firebaugh Children, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6459B: Firebaugh Children, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6461B: Baby on a Chair, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6462A: C. C. Taylor and His Wife, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6462B: C. C. Taylor and His Wife, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6464C: Selfridge Children, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6466A: C. H. Gray and His Wife, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6473: Haskel Harrison, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6474A: Selfridge Children, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6474B: P. E. Miller and His Wife, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6481: Arthur Ira Family, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6483: Baby in a Christening Gown, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6495: Batchman Children, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6503: Frank Willis, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6504B: Cadman Family, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6504: Cadman Family, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6506A: W. T. Jones, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6507: Angel Garcia, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6518C: Two Men and Two Women Sitting, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6519B: Mrs. Charles Kneiper, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6525B: Lillie Farwell, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6528B: Liberty Lewis Ratliff and His Wife, Loretta Jane Durham, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6537A: Baby Standing Backwards, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6537B: Baby at a Bench Holding a Bell, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6540: Rosa Taylor, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6563: Five Bald Men Sitting, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6563X: Five Bald Men Sitting Outside, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6569: Baby Sitting in a Chair, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6573: O. G. Sluder, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6574: Three Men Standing, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6582-1: Baby Wearing a Bonnet in a Stroller, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6582-2: Baby Standing at a Stool, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6583: Girl Standing, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6587: W. M. Stafford and J. T. Stafford, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6588: W. M. Stafford, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6590: Earl Todd, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6592A: Birta Coats, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6592B: Birta Coats, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6596: N. E. Polson, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6614: Everett Sugg and Mr. Edwards, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6616: D. E. Edwards, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6619: Earl Kay, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6626: Baby in a Christening Gown, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6628: Baby Leaning Forward in a Stroller, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6628X: Baby Leaning Forward in a Stroller, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. 6631: Joe Limes, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. Unknown: Eight Men and a Woman, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. Unknown: Eight People, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. Unknown: Eight People, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. Unknown: Eight People, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. Unknown: Eight People, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. Unknown: Eight People, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. Unknown: Family of Nine, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. Unknown: Fourteen People, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. Unknown: Girl Facing the Camera, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. Unknown: Girl Sitting, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. Unknown: Girl with Cello, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. Unknown: Group in Front of a House, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. Unknown: Group in Front of a House, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. Unknown: Group on a Porch, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. Unknown: Man, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. Unknown: Man and Woman Outside, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. Unknown: Man with Two Children, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. Unknown: Nine People, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. Unknown: Nine People, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. Unknown: Nine People, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. Unknown: Nine People, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. Unknown: Nine People, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. Unknown: Seven People, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. Unknown: Seven People, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. Unknown: Seven People, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. Unknown: Seven People, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. Unknown: Seventeen People, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. Unknown: Six Women Standing, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. Unknown: Ten People, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. Unknown: Ten People, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. Unknown: Thirteen People, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. Unknown: Three Girls, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. Unknown: Three Girls, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. Unknown: Three Women and One Man, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. Unknown: Twelve People, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. Unknown: Twenty-One People, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. Unknown: Twenty-One People Outside, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. Unknown: Woman and Boy, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. Unknown: Woman and Two Girls, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. Unknown: Woman and Two Girls, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. Unknown: Woman and Two Girls, William R. Gray
Box 12, Neg. No. Unknown: Woman with Hat, William R. Gray
Box 13, Neg. No. 6603: Kilpatrick Children, William R. Gray
Box 13, Neg. No. 6605A: Duer Children, William R. Gray
Box 13, Neg. No. 6615: Everett Sugg, William R. Gray
Box 13, Neg. No. 6666: Fred Van Lieu, William R. Gray
Box 13, Neg. No. 6680: Babies in an Automobile, William R. Gray
Box 13, Neg. No. 6708: Perley Family, William R. Gray
Box 13, Neg. No. 6709: Woman in a Dark Blouse, William R. Gray
Box 13, Neg. No. 6710: Charles A. Miller, William R. Gray
Box 13, Neg. No. 6718: Faulk Family, William R. Gray
Box 13, Neg. No. 6723: Young Children, William R. Gray
Box 13, Neg. No. 6725X: Williams Children, William R. Gray
Box 13, Neg. No. 6734: Six People in Front of a Business, William R. Gray
Box 13, Neg. No. 6741X: Dowdy Children, William R. Gray
Box 13, Neg. No. 6745Y: Girl Standing on a Chair, William R. Gray
Box 13, Neg. No. 6747: Three Men in Overalls, William R. Gray
Box 13, Neg. No. 6751: Wilber Wellshans, William R. Gray
Box 13, Neg. No. 6752: Baby in a Christening Gown, William R. Gray
Box 13, Neg. No. 6752: Baby in a Christening Gown, William R. Gray
Box 13, Neg. No. 6753:Cornwell Family and House, William R. Gray
Box 13, Neg. No. 6755: Fox Child, William R. Gray
Box 13, Neg. No. 6756: Girl in a Bonnet Standing, William R. Gray
Box 13, Neg. No. 6760A: Jay and Ray Saquety, William R. Gray
Box 13, Neg. No. 6761A: Jay Saquety, William R. Gray
Box 13, Neg. No. 6763A: Saquety Family, William R. Gray
Box 13, Neg. No. 6771: Barefoot Boy, William R. Gray
Box 13, Neg. No. 6773: Hart Family, William R. Gray
Box 13, Neg. No. 6777: B.W. and Rachel Snyder Outside, William R. Gray
Box 13, Neg. No. 6780: Grossman Children, William R. Gray
Box 13, Neg. No. 6781: Grossman Family, William R. Gray
Box 13, Neg. No. 6788: G. A. King and His Wife, William R. Gray
Box 13, Neg. No. 6791:Ray Beitler and His Bride, William R. Gray
Box 13, Neg. No. 6792: Hattie Shultz, William R. Gray
Box 13, Neg. No. 6793: Baby in a Christening Gown, William R. Gray
Box 13, Neg. No. 6793: Baby in a Christening Gown, William R. Gray
Box 13, Neg. No. 6796: Julian Children, William R. Gray
Box 13, Neg. No. 6798: D. F. Beaver and His Wife, William R. Gray
Box 13, Neg. No. 6798: D. F. Beaver and His Wife, William R. Gray
Box 13, Neg. No. 6799: Homer Murphy, William R. Gray
Box 13, Neg. No. 8879: John Patton and His Wife, William R. Gray
Box 13, Neg. No. 8888X: Earl Martin and His Wife, William R. Gray
Box 13, Neg. No. 8891: Iva Byerley and Her Husband, William R. Gray
Box 13, Neg. No. 8895: W. Doran and His Wife, William R. Gray
Box 13, Neg. No. 8896A: Earl Martin, William R. Gray
Box 13, Neg. No. 8896B: Woman Sitting, William R. Gray
Box 13, Neg. No. 8897: Baby in a Christening Gown, William R. Gray
Box 13, Neg. No. 8901A: Cadman Children, William R. Gray
Box 13, Neg. No. 8901B: Cadman Children, William R. Gray
Box 13, Neg. No. 8910: Hammett Family, William R. Gray
Box 13, Neg. No. 8920X: Summer Newsome and His Wife, William R. Gray
Box 13, Neg. No. 8922: O. E. Sherwood, William R. Gray
Box 13, Neg. No. 8928LA: Baby in a Stroller, William R. Gray
Box 13, Neg. No. 8928X: Baby in a Stroller, William R. Gray
Box 13, Neg. No. 8931X: Baby Sitting on a Chair, William R. Gray
Box 13, Neg. No. 8931X: Hart Children, William R. Gray
Box 13, Neg. No. 8931XX: Boy Standing Next to a Stool, William R. Gray
Box 13, Neg. No. 8943: Helen Hoaglin, William R. Gray
Box 13, Neg. No. 8943XX: Helen Hoaglin, William R. Gray
Box 13, Neg. No. 8945: Dot Ring, William R. Gray
Box 13, Neg. No. 8945X: Dot Ring, William R. Gray